Do under 30s read classified advertisements in newspapers?
The Editors Weblog quotes Rupert Murdoch saying: “I don’t know anybody under 30 who has ever looked at a classified advertisement in a newspaper,”. While I don’t disagree, I thought a quick quiz of the under 30s team at my software company was in order. Here is what I asked:
Rupert Murdoch has said that no one under 30 reads classified ads in newspapers? Do you agree or not? What is your experience with classifieds? i.e. – great / cumbersome / so yesterday…
Here are their responses (with names omitted):
Female: Age 27
Only the classifieds in the local leader paper for ads for Garage Sales etc.Male: Age 28
Only to read my own ad (not a personal) when I place one. Otherwise it’s the net to find anything.Male: Age 28
I have read them but only if I am looking for something in particular. E.g. Car or House etc. This is in conjunction with associated sites. The sites are better though!Male: Age 27
Agreed, newspaper classifieds are obsolete! So much easier searching the net and finding exactly what you want.Male: Age 24
I occasionally read it. I never get anything out of it. I agree to a certain extent. However, you don’t always get ALL the information from the internet. For example, if you were looking for a used car, what you might find in the classifieds you might not find on websites. Same goes for houses. I’ve been hunting for a house and though I look on the internet for possibilities, I still read the classifieds in papers … and I’ve found that some of the houses advertised in classifieds I can not find on the internet.Male: Age 29
I agree. If I want anything I use the net to find it.Male: Age 24
I agree with Murdoch. I don’t read newspapers fullstop. Why? Mixture of reasons come to mind ;Time, money, the environment and accessibility to information the internet provides. I think the whole newspaper demographic has changed since the arrival of the www. And the way modern society is today, today’s newspaper is yesterdays news…
My homepage is also a news site – Age 27
I’m 27 and I don’t read the classifieds. In fact, I don’t even get the paper. I’m more of a ‘catalogue’ type of person. It’s really a matter of need.
If I’m in the market for a house or car, or something relatively expensive, I’ll exhaust every resource before I make my mind up. This includes the classifieds, Trading Post, and the internet. The upside to the internet is that if the item I want can be reviewed, it’s really easy to read other users’ opinions. The paper just does not have such information.Male: Age 24
I will search the net if i need to purchase something (ebay or tradingpost) and if i need a service like cleaner, gardener I normally check the yellow pages. So no I don’t usually read classifieds in papers.Male: Age 19
I don’t buy papers or look at classifieds. I’ve been to maybe twice? I agree with Murdoch about this.Male: Age 29
I regularly read the classifieds in the local papers when looking for local tradeys to work on our house.Male: Age 24
I don’t read the ads in papers, if I want to read classified ads I always go to or eBay.
Even for news I wouldn’t buy a newspaper. My homepage is a news website.Female: 21
I read MX because I like the stories. I don’t read classifieds as I don’t want what they sell.
Hmm… and other companies recently purchased by Murdoch’s News Corp, connect well with this demographic.
According to the people in my company, Rupert Murdoch was right. I’d also suggest, however, that the under 30s are less likely to purchase most of the items advertisied in classifieds so I think this is more about need of the demographic than a judgement against the newspaper medium.
The next question, of course, has to relate specifically to where under 30s access news and while some above have cmmented on this, a response from everyone would be valuable.