Some calendar relief thanks to eBay
I’ve observed here several times about the challenges of retailing Calendars with many retailers discounting in this category from November. They are ruining what was a good (fair) margin business. An employee of mine grabbed some of our remaining calendars when we cut their price to $2.00 to move the last 300 or so we had last week. He bought the stock and has started listing them on eBay. These mostly $19.95 calendars have been discounted from New Year’s Day by 25% then 50% then 75% and finally to $2.00. The first eBay auction ended last night and the results are:
Jude Law – no sale
Tom Jones – no sale
Teri Hatcher – 99 cents
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – 99 cents
Audrey Hepburn – $2.25
Usher – $4.25
Natalie Portman – $7.00
Kylie Minogue – $9.50
Charmed – $10.50
Buffy – $16.02
His $20.00 of purchases from my shop resulted in $51.50 in sales. The eBay fees will take around $10.00 of that so it is still a nice margin. It makes me wonder if I would have been better off not discounting at my shop and using eBay to quit the slow moving stock.
Footnote: Poor Tom Jones and Jude Law. What does a no sale in an eBay auction say about their appeal? To be beaten by the teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would be humiliating for anyone.