A blog on issues affecting Australia's newsagents, media and small business generally. More ...

The hypocrisy of the National Breast Cancer Foundation

blogpink.jpgHaving turned its back on newsagents by doing an exclusive deal with ACP magazines and Woolworths to sell its popular Pink Ribbon magazine this year, the National Breast Cancer Foundation has gone cap in hand, through the News Ltd subsidiary, The Herald and Weekly Times, to ask newsagents to sell fund raising merchandise. Here’s part of the note newsagents received yesterday:

The Herald and Weekly Times and National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) would like your help in raising much-needed funds for breast cancer research. We’re seeking your support in selling pink ribbons, pins and wristbands throughout the month of October.

Each pack contains; 25 ribbons ($2.00 each); 10 enamel pins ($5.00 each); 5 diamante pins ($10.00 each); 10 wristbands ($3.00 each)

Please note all products are GST exempt, due to this being a charitable fund raising cause.

As this is a charity, we are asking that newsagents support this initiative commission-free on sales of the ribbons and badges.

Some newsagents are refusing to be part of this fund raiser because of the decision by the NBCF to turn their back on years of support from newsagents for their Pink Ribbon magazine in pursuit of a questionable corporate deal with Woolworths.

The NBCF needs to decide if they wish to be half pregnant or not. Previously newsagents offered the magazine, these fund raiser products, greeting cards, branded stationery and other products to support the cause. Taking the magazine away rips at the core of a newsagency. It says that the NBCF considers newsagents irrelevant in the magazine space. It also confuses consumers. Already we have been turning people away in my shop. When we tell them it’s a Woolworths (Safeway) exclusive some say they won’t buy the magazine.

Given the rejection of my business by the NBCF I’ll let them find other outlets for their wrist bands and other products. There are other charities I’ll gladly support. Indeed we are raising funds in my shop at the moment for three. (To their credit The H&WT has provided newsagents with the ability to opt out of this fund raiser.)

The NBCF issues aside, most newsagents actively support between 15 and 30 over the counter fund raisers a year. By support I mean: counter space, labour and poster space – plus time at the end balancing the cash and covering for theft. We also donate to local schools, clubs and charities. Plus, many newsagents give in other ways.

Maybe it is churlish of me to refuse to participate in this fund raiser. The NBCF has handled this badly. They have brought this upon themselves. Besides, they have enough big business mates on their side. Their communication with newsagents has been poor. I wrote to them over a week ago about the Pink Ribbon issue and they have not yet responded.

Newsagency challenges

Supanews take over by A&R Whitcoulls

A&R Whitcoulls Group Holdings Pty Limited (Angus & Robertson, Whitcoulls and Calendar Club) is to form a joint venture with the owners of Supanews which will purchase the business of Supanews. The new business, Supanews retail, will operate the Supanews retail stores and newsagent franchise group.

A&R Whitcoulls is owned by Pacfic Equity Partners.

This is a significant move by a successful corporate player into the newsagent space. I’ll be curious to watch as the impact of the takeover emerges. Supanews has caused considerable upset among newsagents in its pursuit of retail real-estate. There has been talk of disappointment by some franchisees. I know the Bayside Frankston shop switched from a franchisee operated business to corporate over the weekend.

Margin in newsagencies is tight and this makes the traditional franchise model challenging.

Update: (4/10) I have received advice that the takeover has not yet proceeded. An announcement is expected tomorrow.

Newsagency challenges

The dumping of overseas crosswords

blog-crosswords.JPGNewsagents continue to be swamped by overseas crossword publications. We have an excellent range published in Australia and don’t need the 30, 40 or 50 titles of US and UK junk each month. These titles are expensive and represent a considerable drain on newsagent cash. Also, since many are small, they’re easy to steal. It is hard for newsagents to support local titles with these poorer performing titles demanding space. Newsagents seem to have little luck in cutting these overseas titles. Would consumer satisfaction be diminished if newsagents did not carry these titles? I suspect not.


Ralph revitalises with beer and Holly Valance

blogralph.JPGWith Holly Valance on the cover, a free stubby holder and a free beer offer Ralph this month has everything going for it. ACP Magazines have given us some of the best point of sale material I have seen. I like these types of promotions because they given us a chance to show what we can do compared to a supermarket or 7-Eleven promoting the same title.


7-Eleven to sell Lotto?

Several newsagents have contacted me today saying that there are reports in NSW newspapers saying that the NSW Government has announced that 7_Eleven is to trial selling lottery products. If this is true it is the actions of a government which cares little for small business and does not understand the fine balance of traffic to newsagencies. If this reported trial proceeds to full roll-out newsagencies will close as a result. Newsagents need to contact Grant McBride, the Minister for Gaming and Racing on mindgr@dgr.nsw.gov.au.

Newsagency challenges

Weeklies coverage moves to Terri Irwin

blog-ni3.JPGThis week will be an interesting test for the pulling power of the Terri Irwin story. Crass as that sounds it is fact of life. As you can see New Idea has Terri on the cover. I’d expect Woman’s Day to do the same. The story has evolved and it will be interesting to see if it has the same sales success because, after all, that’s what it comes down to. Based on the week ending today I’d say the story does have legs. Our New Idea sales are up 33%. Woman’s Day I can’t tell as we were not successful in getting extra stock. Based on results earlier in the week I’d say if we had the stock we’d be up at least 20%. Women’s Weekly, also with a Steve Irwin cover, is selling very well – 25% ahead of this point in its usual monthly cycle.

There is no doubt that Australians feel for Terri and the family and want to know how she is doing. Newsagents hear that across the counter. The magazines provide some satisfaction for that curiosity.

We will continue to support Wildlife Warriors in-store and thereby provide a socially responsible context for our promotion of the magazines carrying the story. Thanks to the advance warning from New Idea we are abale to prepare today (Sunday) for the stock which will arrive tomorros.


Magazines are killing this newsagency

I often write here that the magazine supply model is broken. Below are selected excerpts from an email from a newsagent explaining their specific situation:

We are reasonably new to the industry (2 years tomorrow) and are having cash flow issues already.

As you suggested we contacted each of the distributors and requested a supply allocation order.
We adjusted this file extensively and faxed it back, we have not had any reply from any of them.

I read on your blog that you cut the bottom 200 titles from your shop. I am interested in how you do this when I cant get the majors to accept my adjusted allocation supply model?
(Or whatever they want to call it).

One distributor has advised us that they haven’t APPROVED it yet?? (But it is our cash-flow???). Another distributor says they have done something for us but we don’t see it working. Another distributor is ignoring us.

Mark, we are trying to learn as quickly as we can and love the newsagency channel.
Can you offer any advice? Are we talking to the wrong trees? If we can’t get them to cut adult mags that we have sold 1 copy of in 2 years, how will we get them to accept a cut of the underperforming 200!

Or are we getting the run around because they assume we are new(ish) and they want us to stay in the dark?

The magazines are killing us and taking our cash so that some weeks we have to delay paying staff until we bank the following day!

… but whilst everyone sympathises with the oversupply issues of newsagents no-one is actually there for new newsagents to show them the ropes and who to talk to – how to get around the system .

This is a common email from a newsagent. It reeks of despair. Only newsagents can solve the problem. It is their cash, their real-estate and their labour at risk in supporting the magazine supply model. Magazine distributors have their own challenges as do publishers. They must look out for themselves. So should newsagents.

To the publishers who write and say that they cold not afford to publish their titles if newsagents did not maintain the current supply model, it’s not our problem. Newsagents cannot afford any longer to support small titles. real-estate is expensive and it is unreasonable to ask newsagent to invest in small and new titles as is the case now. Look at Cosmos, my newsagency invested hundreds of dollars of cash in its launch and now it’s more about the online presence. Launches of such fringe titles is an abuse of a magazine supply model which is broken.

To the major publishers – ACP Magazines, Pacific Magazines, FPC etc. I say – you’re losing out too as it is the small titles which drag labour, real-estate and cash from attention to your product.

Newsagency challenges

Another bag for The Age

We’re giving away another carry bag with The Age today. It’s better quality and has a classier look than the previous bag give aways. It’s frustrating, though, when a customer says “no thanks, Starbucks gave me one with The Age on Thursday.” Sure enough, Starbucks was giving away the free carry bag Thursday with The Age and they still only charged 50 cents for the newspaper.


A day without The Age


We were short delivered our usual supply of The Age today. Despite a phone call seeking replacement stock just after 6am replacement stock has not been forthcoming. Now the folks at The Age say they have no record of our call. We have a witness at our end of the call being made. Still, that doesn’t help our customers.


Weeklies sales spike

Data I am seeing indicates the the Terri Irwin cover stories on New Idea, Woman’s Day and Australian Women’s Weekly are continuing to drive sales. If other newsagencies are like mine New Idea will end the week stronger thanks to an appropriate bump in supply in anticipation of the spike – we’re up 30%.


Newsagents ripped off – part 2

blog-melbliving.jpgMelbourne Living sells for $6.95. My cut is $1.73 for each copy I sell. I received 17 copies this week and require four pockets to display this stock at a cost of $12.00 per month. I have to pay for the 17 copies in four weeks. I am supposed to carry the title until February when I return unsold stock with a credit due to be given on my March 2007 statement.

I’ll be lucky to sell 5 copies. If I do what I am told I forecast that carrying Melbourne Living will cost me at least $50.00. NDD, the magazine distributor involved would have enough data from my business to determine a fairer scale out. Universal Magazines, the publishers, would also have sufficient data to know the cash-flow impact of their new title on unsuspecting newsagent.

The five month on sale period is a decision of the publisher and distributor. It is appalling behavior on their part expecting newsagents to fund their new title while it tries to find a market. Newsagents are unlikely to complain because this happens every week – smaller publishers and compliant magazine distributors conspiring to rip cash out of newsagencies who cannot afford it.

What should have happened with Melbourne Living? This and any title to be on my shelf for more than 30 days ought not be billed until within 30 days of coming off the shelf. This makes the publisher responsible for their print run and not me.


Newsagents ripped off – part 1

Network Services supplied newsagents across the country with boxes and boxes of diaries this week. Newsagents have to pay for them by 21 October. Most diaries won’t sell until December. We return unsold stock in January and get a credit in February.

Network, a PBL company, has our cash to fund their diary print runs.

At the very least the diaries should have been scaled out next week giving us an extra 30 days to find the cash. At best we should be billed in December for payment in January. That’s what a true partner would do.


What small business policy?


This is the government owned Australia Post shop opposite my newsagency as photographed this morning. (I had to wait for them to open at 9am. My newsagency was open at 7am.) Not a postal product in sight. No wonder shoppers get confused between their business and my business.

The functions of Australia Post are laid out in the Australian Postal Corporation Act 1989. Like any Act, the devil is in interpretation. The Government and the well paid executives of Australia Post have demonstrated a flexibility in interpreting the Act which makes a mockery of Government small business policy.

The Act allows Australia Post to offer non postal products and services if they are incidental to their core functions. Is giving over 90% of your retail floor space to non postal product incidental? I think not. They do this behind the respected Australia Post brand – a brand burnt into our minds because of the postal service monopoly, not because of calendars, greeting cards, stationery and cheap China product. Their leveraging of the government owned brand into sales of items previously sold by small businesses like newsagencies makes a mockery of small business policy.

Here’s part of what I blogged earlier this week on this:

When farmers talk of the impact of droughts the government steps in with assistance. When auto makers talk of the impact of cheap imports the government steps in and helps. When newsagents talk of the impact of Australia Post the government ignores us.

Australia Post is our drought. For many years now it has been draining newsagencies of revenue. Many are close to death.

How many newsagencies need to close as a result of Australia Post competition before we see action?

What is the Government’s small business policy and where can I see it in action? Certainly not at a Government owned Post Shop.

Australia Post

New Bulletin website

I like the new Bulletin website. It’s certainly a leap forward from what it replaces. Personally I’d like to see less intrusive advertising. The ad above the masthead from Tourism Australia is annoying. I’d also like to see them go further into comment and reader interaction – freeing their reporters and other contributors to go deeper in a less structured way into stories. The folks at The Guardian do this well with their comment is free site. There, you can see a new relationship emerging between reporter and reader. This is where mastheads like The Bulletin have a bright future. Unfortunately, I suspect it is only online.


Telstra owned UBD lets newsagents down

blog-ubd.JPGWe thought we were special with the offer of a deal from the UBD street directory people (Telstra). Seems we’re not that special – Big W and Australia Post have the UBD street directories as well.

Big W must have a better price since they are selling for 25% less than us and Australia Post has a free DVD with theirs. We have a very nice coffee mug. The UBD actions with these different offers means confusion for consumers. Had I known about the Big W and Australia Post deals I would not have bought as many UBD directories as I did. Had we been the only store in by shopping centre with the deal we would have done better. As it is we’re stuck with several hundred.

Message to self – be more cynical when suppliers come to you with “amazing” deals.

Newsagency challenges

Woman’s Day, New Idea sales update

New Idea and Woman’s Day are having a good week if the sales data I have seen is being experienced nationally. After two days of trade I’m seeing sales up more than 10% compared to the average of the last eight weeks. Having three titles (Women’s Weekly as well) with Steve Irwin tributes does not seem to be hurting sales. Anecdotally, the New Idea 10 cent donation to the Wildlife Warriors charity is getting plenty of support.


New magazine header works with customers


Our Just Ask magazine header is working well at drawing attention to our specialist magazine services. The red on yellow header, sprinkled through our magazine displays, draw attention to our special order service. It underscores the point of difference newsagents offer over supermarkets, c-stores and fuel outlets.


Do newspapers have a future?

Michael Kinsley, writing for Time magazine, asks the only real question people ask about newspapers today: “Do Newspapers Have a Future?” Kinsley, towards the end of the article, lets us know his opinion: Newspapers on paper are on the way out. He holds hope for newspaper publishers but to me and other newsagents that is a separate question.


Australia Post is our drought

blogauspostsep.JPGThis is the new brochure from Australia Post and what a brochure it is. Hang on, am I mistaken? This looks like a newsagency brochure. Street directories, copy paper, calendars, ink, toner, files, folders, batteries, calculators, fax rolls, shredders. Gee my head tells me these are newsagency lines. Where are the stamps? Where are the other postal related products? Oh, that’s right, the Government owned Post Shops (the 865 Government stores) have the right to do things which are “incidental” to providing postal services. Silly me.

Here is part of what I have written to the Minister responsible today – Senator Helen Coonan:

Enclosed is a copy of the Celebrate the Savings brochure from Australia Post for your information. This brochure demonstrates further abuse of the Act. Every page of the eight page brochure presents products which used to be the domain of newsagents. Having my own Government competing with me in this way is offensive.

I would like the Government, as the owner of Australia Post, to explain to me how they can claim that the sale of the items listed below is incidental to supplying postal services:

UBD street directory … Reflex copy paper … Printer ink … Printer toner … Calendars … Post brand calculators (made in China) … USB sticks … Laminator … Shredder … Post branded stationery (made in China) … Post brand blank CDs (made in China) … Post branded CD-R (made in China) … Diaries …Fax rolls.

Government ownership and regulation makes Australia Post stores destination stores. My newsagency does not have this monopoly advantage. Australia Post is abusing this advantage to encroach more and more into space previously the domain of newsagencies, some supermarkets and stationery stores.

I cannot land consumers to my store for the same low cost of Australia Post.

I cannot leverage a national brand like Australia Post to buy competitively.

I cannot control my opening and closing hours.

I cannot get the rent discount of an “essential service”.

I do not have a government protected postal service brand with which to leverage the sale of unrelated items.

When farmers talk of the impact of droughts the government steps in with assistance. When auto makers talk of the impact of cheap imports the government steps in and helps. When newsagents talk of the impact of Australia Post the government ignores us.

Australia Post is our drought. For many years now it has been draining newsagencies of revenue. Many are close to death.

How many newsagencies need to close as a result of Australia Post competition before we see action?

I call upon you to demonstrate your commitment to small business by supporting an inquiry into the impact on independent small business of government owned Australia Post retail outlets.

I know from past correspondence from the Government that a likely response will be that the majority of outlets are privately owned. I am not as concerned about these outlets. It is the government owned outlets which are doing the damage small businesses like my newsagency.

Jobs are being lost in newsagencies because of the actions of Australia Post. Does anyone care?

Newsagency challenges

Excellent News Ltd Steve Irwin tribute

News Ltd’s Courier Mail has an excellent tribute to Steve Irwin on their website. Besides good content it’s interesting to see News Ltd’s clever use of online reading technology. Given the quality of the content and execution I am surprised that other News Ltd websites are not promoting the tribute.

Based on consumer interest in Steve Irwin tribute magazines I’d expect to see the News Ltd material in a printed form sometime soon.


New Idea donates 10 cents per copy to Steve Irwin charity

Great to see Pacific Magazines donating 10 cents from every copy of New Idea sold this week to Steve and Terri Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors organisation. We made a similar donation from New Idea sales two weeks ago and customer reaction was very positive. Thanks to excellent point of sale material we have been able to use our now trademark roadblock strategy to get New Idea in front of customers this week.


I suspect that the 10 cent a copy donation will not, of itself, sell extra copies and I expect Pacific would know that. This makes the gesture more genuine. We’re certainly letting our customers know about the donation.

We are also using the roadblock strategy to support Woman’s Day and Australian Woman’s Weekly with their Steve Irwin tribute issues. A lack of point of sale material for Woman’s Day (we get 1 poster compared to 6 for New Idea) means we cannot be as bold as we would like.


Some excellent material for Women’s Weekly has enabled us to also create a bold aisle end display. Most newsagents will create bold Women’s Weekly displays this week thanks to the supporting materials from ACP Magazines.


Newsagent support for these special editions is proof of our value to magazine publishers. I have been to three supermarkets and two convenience outlets today and none has a feature display for these magazines. They have stock in the usual slots as if it is a regular week. In some of these outlets New Idea, Woman’s Day and Women’s Weekly will only sell because customers have already seen bold displays in newsagencies.
