Proposed Supanews Federal Court action
To ensure proper management of funds, Macedone Christie Willis Solarie Partners, the lawyers representing Corie and Tammy Schwarzl – the Supanews franchisees who lost their business to Supanews without compensation – have established guidelines which will be available to any newsagent contributing to the costs of mounting a case. See this earlier post on the matter.
The prospect of Federal Court action is, I am told, causing some challenges within the Supanews Retail Group – the new business formed by the old Supanews (members of the Gaskin family), and the Pacific Equity Partners owned Angus and Robertson / Whitcoulls group. My understanding is that some senior A&R people are most concerned at the potential for damage to the reputation of their respected business. Franchisee disputes can become messy and personal.
Regardless of your view as to whether several Supanews franchisee stores have fallen over or been pushed, the Supanews model is challenged. The focus of a Federal Court case against Supanews by the Schwarzls will help various stakeholder focus their minds on the structure and its operations.
Donation to the fund can be made by direct contact with their lawyers.