A blog on issues affecting Australia's newsagents, media and small business generally. More ...

Google covers Australian Federal Election


Google is making a play as a mainstream media publisher with its launch over a week ago of Australia Votes. The site uses maps, videos, web gadgets, and oter tools to provide broad coverage. It will compete directly with the election coverage offerings from News, Fairfax, ninemsn, Yahoo!7, the ABC and other media players.

The Google move is media disruption for all to see. Newsagents ought to watch this space – at play here is print sales. This is why newsagents need to be thinking outside the square when it comes to future traffic and revenue streams.

The Google move underscores a vulnerability for newspapers and newsagencies which has been denied for all too long in this country.

Media disruption

On the road to the newsagency of the future

The moment we signed the lease for newsXpress Watergardens store we committed to investing considerable time and money into the journey pursuing what the next generation newsagency will look like. This began with casting aside many of the shop layout assumptions which have dominated newsagent shop fits for decades. We obsessed about layout, finishes, lighting and mood.

In fact, mood was key since we wanted to change the customer experience considerably from the visual noise and rush of a traditional newsagency experience.

This is the first newsagency for our designer – a big risk but also an excellent opportunity if we were to truly start with a clean slate. We has some stipulations – including the use of magazine fixtures from Europe. This photo shows part of the magazine department – you can see that the least of any cover showing is half and that many magazine are displayed with the full cover showing – how designers, publishers and editors intended them to be shown.


The learnings (good and bad) from this store will be shared with newsXpress members as the journey unfolds – it is a key reason for opening a corporate store, to gain personal experience and to have a place where risk investment (in dollars and labour) can be made.

It is important for more newsagents to experiment, to challenge shop designers and builders, to push the boundaries of what constitutes a newsagency and to measure the results.

The opening of the store three days ago was another step in our journey but it is only early days yet. We have more ideas to try, new stock to bring in and, still, some of the fit to be implemented.

newsagency of the future

The demise of Business 2.0 magazine

business_20.JPGBusiness 2.0 magazine is dead, literally. Tech Crunch has a report on the final issue – the October edition.

Since the title is dead I’d suggest we should stop carrying it immediately and use the space for the living. While a few punters will buy the last issues to collect, they will be in the minority. I’d prefer Australian importers of a title which has been killed overseas to immediately cease importing.

That said, it is sad Business 2.0 is closing. It was a good title. I say was because the title we have today is nothing on what I first found back in 1999/2000. Back then I found it invaluable. Today, it is a servant of advertisers. Peter Kafka has some comments on the reasons for its demise at Silicon Alley Insider.


The partworks collector

james_bond_4.JPGI received a call late yesterday from an avid collectorof the James Bond car series. He found me through a Google search and landed at this blog. We talked for fifteen minutes or so about the challenges associated with buying partworks – through a newsagency versus via subscription. He has purchased through two newsagencies in Melbourne.

With one part of the James Bond series, the case is damaged. Now that the backing card is no longer provided it is difficult to maintain the product to the quality a collector expects.

I enjoyed talking with an avid partworks collector – it was a privilege to access his insights and learn of his experiences.

The conversation highlighted the considerable difference in service between newsagencies. Partworks are exclusive to newsagents, we ought to respect them with amazing customer service. If a newsagent is not interested in delivering such service they can choose to not receive any partworks.

The conversation also highlighted the value of a collector. This gentleman wanted each partwork issue to be available in pristine condition when purchased. Fair enough I think given the total amount invested in the series. This is why newsagents in the partworks space need good processes to protect the collections – down to using removable labels rather than permanent labels some use. Small points like this matter.

I know I bang on here about partworks – the commercial data is proof that they are financially rewarding across multiple categories in newsagencies.


Cosmetic surgery magazines growing


We now have three cosmetic surgery titles in our newsagency – in addition to other titles which include articles on cosmetic surgery. What does this say about Australians and cosmetic surgery? Of course, from the TV shows we know that interest is strong. These premium magazines feed off that interest. In a commercial sense, I am fascinated by the potential for a segment here. Next week we will try a display next to our high selling weeklies to see what happens to sales.


2008 calendars kick off

fam_plan_cal.JPGWe are carefully watching the publisher calendars this year – while we have canceled most, some sneak through like this one. Our concerns are margin and shelf life. The calendars we have ordered directly generate more than twice the margin so, naturally, we prefer them to these units. Also, the titles we have ordered are integrated – we ordered each for a reason – whereas titles like this not ordered by us has to be placed somewhere. Finding a relevant location for one off product is challenging.

We can see from sales already that taking control of the category will be financially rewarding for the business.


Annoying bagged magazines

jumbo_puzzle.JPGBagged magazines are a problem in newsagencies. Take this Jumbo Puzzle Pack built around the That’s Life brand.

A customer today came to the counter and asked what other titles were in the pack – she didn’t want to get a puzzle book she had completed. Fair question, I thought. There was no indication on the outside of the pack so I opened to check out the titles. Happy, she bought the pack.

Too many customers open the pack and leave the mess in the body of the shop for you to put back together and try and create something salable. There has to be a better way with these bagged magazines – a way which works for publishers and newsagents.


Yahoo!7 free online classified push

Newsagents wondering about the shift of classifieds from print to online ought to read the story by Michael Sainsbury on page 33 of yesterday’s Australian. It reports that Kerry Stokes’ Seven Network plans to offer free classifieds. Yahoo!7 has no major print investment at risk with a pitch for free online classifieds. Newsagents have missed an opportunity.

Media disruption

newsXpress Watergardens – more photos

Here are three more photos from the new newsXpress Watergardens store which opened yesterday. The photos were taken by Graham Randall, one of the founders of newsXpress and a key partner in the store.




Our opening yesterday was without fanfare. Since this is the first corporate store we wanted to oopen and tweak a bit before we have a big bang opening. We are likely to time the loud launch with the opening of another greenfield location in Melbourne by a newsXpress member early in October.

I am a happy partner in the Watergardens business because it provides another newsagency in which I and my team at Tower Systems can experiment on ways to help our technology help newsagents boost sales, save time and increase profitability. Software companies often talk about these goals. It is my experience that it is when you use your software yourself behind the counter that you start to truly understand what is capable.

The same is true for newsXpress. The company itself owning and operating a newsagency provides us with personal experience learnings beyond member feedback.

newsagency of the future

Beware of marketing group fine print.

Be sure to read the fine print of any marketing group agreement. Check out how ling you are locked in and the penalties for leaving the group. I saw one newsagency marketing group member agreement the other day with this clause:

For a period of one (1) year after expiry or termination of this Agreement the Franchisee undertakes not by itself or by its Directors or its Shareholders either directly or indirectly to join with or take membership of any group marketing/buying venture competitive with or similar to … provided that the Franchisee may conduct a newsagency business without restriction.

Okay, so the landlord requires the newsagent to be in a group. The newsagent joins XXX group. The newsagent decides, after a year or so, to move to another group and resigns. XXX requires the newsagent to sit out from any marketing group for a year. The newsagent cannot breach the lease requirement that they are in a marketing group and must stay with XXX. Catch-22.

Newspaper marketing

Now this is local sports reporting

The Orlando Sentinal demonstrates an amazing local connection with extraordinary (by Australian standards) online reporting of high school football including game by game previews. A check of Aussie newspaper websites and I cannot find such extensive local game coverage. As one who consumes most news online, the Sentinal model is excellent. As a newsagent, I’m happy that Australian publishers aren;t there yet.

Media disruption

Gambling in supermarkets

I will be angry if instant scratch tickets are to be sold in supermarkets and convenience stores as appears may happen according to reports in the press today. It would be another example of government turning its back on small business.


newsXpress Watergardens opens

We opened newsXpress Watergardens this morning – the first corporate store for the newsXpress group. I am one of three shareholders in newsXpress. The photos below show parts of the store and some of what we are trying to achieve in our own journey to the newsagency of the future.






Creating a business from scratch involves an extraordinary amount of work. In the case of Watergardens, Ben Kay has carried the bulk of this. It is rare that a business manager would work as hard and selflessly as Ben has over the last six months to make Watergardens a reality.

Newsagency challenges

Better Homes and Gardens promotion

bhg_oct07.JPGI like this display unit which was provided with the October issue of Better Homes and Gardens yesterday. It’s bring, frames the magazine and is, somewhat, disposable – we can put in a good position on the counter, use it for am month or two, and not have to manage it like we do the perspex units other publishers supply and sometimes mystery shop to check.

One way to drive impulse sales is through change and this counter display helps newsagents with such a change. The header card promoting the magazine around the TV show is an excellent idea as some may recognise them more than the magazine.

We’re putting this unit at our Tattersalls counter – I reckon BHG is one o those titles to sell well at the lottery counter.

On the actual display unit itself – I obviously failed Macrame 101 – others showed me how it was really meant to be put together.


Stationery relay kicks sales

store_CD.JPGWe completed a relay of stationery at our Forest Hill store two weeks ago and while it is early days, we are seeing close to a 25% increase in sales on some days. As part of the relay we quit plenty of older stock and stock which represented brands we now wanted to carry and brought in new product – especially around the new brands. I expect the increase to settle at 40% long term once the makeover of stationery is complete.

The MPA drives newsagents to relay magazines in pursuit of sales growth. Why not stationery? If we can get such a kick from our small business – admittedly off a low base – then imagine what newsagents more successful in stationery could achieve. The kick has come without any promotional activity.

The project took two man weeks and a reasonable financial investment in new stock. The payback started almost immediately.


New full face magazine display

We are excited by the look of the new magazine display we are creating at a new store opening tomorrow. This fixturing is allowing us to full face more titles and half face the rest – far more than traditional newsagency fixturing.


I’ll have more to say about this new concept store in coming weeks but I wanted to post this photo today as a demonstration of breaking from the traditional fixturing which shopfitters drive newsagents to use.

I guess the proof will be in the sales, good or bad. But we felt it was important to experiment.


NSW State Government ignores newsagents

There is considerable disquiet among NSW newsagents about the apparent decision by NSW Lotteries, wholly owned by the Sate Government, to put some lottery products into the 7-eleven convenience stores. This move is certain to impact newsagent revenue and viability. For a Government which claims concern for small business, the Iemma Government in NSW appears to be quiet on this issue. Maybe it is money talking, who knows?

Newsagents have served in the lottery space for decades, providing convenient locations at a minimum cost to the government. now that they have well established the brand and built the traffic, the ever opportunistic US based 7-eleven corporate wants to shift profits from lottery retail offshore. Yes, My Iemma, that’s smart small business policy.


John Howard, the small business mate?


The image above is a clip from the latest Australia Post brochure which arrived in our PO box yesterday. If John Howard was as serious about small business as he claims to be, he would stop the 865 100% Government owned and protected Australia Post retail outlets from taking business from independent small businesses.

Australia Post used to be a Post Office. Under the stewardship Prime Minister Howard Australia Post has morphed its corporate stores into mini newsagencies – leveraging the lemming like conga line of customers into stationery sales.

The Government says Australia Post is operating within what is permitted under the Act. Since they control both houses of parliament they also control the Act. If they wanted to stop the retail network they own from taking sales from family run newsagencies then they could.

It all comes down to will and whether the commitment to small business is hot air.

The Post Office opposite my newsagency is Government owned. It competes aggressively in the ink and general stationery space.


Charging for newspaper backorders

I was disappointed to discover that the Herald and Weekly Times has introduced a charge of $1.50 for handling a newspaper backorder. That newsagents could offer the service for the cover price of the newspaper was a good customer service story from newsagents and the publisher. Now, with this charge, we take a step away from how things used to be. If the H&WT is charging why not newsagents? Maybe we should. I doubt we will. That a customer wants a backorder and you can get this for them reinforces the brand. This fee tarnishes the brand.


Trading Post options

tp_online_logo.JPGThe Trading Post has the same retail space allocation as the Herald Sun newspaper in my newsagency. The gross profit it generates is only 3% of that of the Herald Sun. In a cash-flow sense, allowing for the cost of real-estate and labour, the Trading Post is a loss making title at least at Forest Hill, Victoria. Beyond the financial return is the efficiency.

With Trading Post sales continuing to fall, Sensis management must be considering how to respond. One option is to go completely free. The other is to shutdown the presses altogether and shift entirely online. I would not be surprised to see the Trading Post shift to a pure online model – given the tag line used in their logo.

Online classifieds

Media companies back free online classifieds site

socal_ads.JPGInteresting to read an Editor& Publisher report of 12 media companies combining forces to launch a free online classified site in Colorado Springs. What is more interesting is that a newspaper, a TV station and 10 radio stations are behind the project. SoCoAds.com is a good site – simple to use and, best of all, free. The biggest media company backed free site in Australia is Cracker, the Fairfax site.

Online classifieds

What’s happened to newsagent customer service?

I have received six emails in the last week from people asking if I can help them source copies of the Art of Knitting and the John Wayne Collection. They emailed me as a last resort – each had been to two or more newsagents asking about backorders and had been told they were not available. They then searched online and got to this blog. Two have gone back to their local newsagent and four have refused because the service they received was so bad.

Newsagents used to be known for exceptional customer service. Except for a few small products categories, this is our only point of difference. One newsagent delivering poor customer service reflects on all newsagents.

If I can get partwork backordered then so can other newsagents. Sure they are a pain – the reward is a happy customer and someone who has their faith in the small business newsagent channel upheld.

Newsagency challenges

Choosing Marbig for stationery


As part of our focus on branded stationery items, we are giving preference to Marbig branded products. We like that they are not a one or two category company. We also like the quality of their product. There is no financial aspect to this decision – indeed I’d suspect that the folks at Marbig don’t even know since we are buying through a wholesaler and have had no direct contact with them.

Making a decision such as this around a brand brings clarity to other decisions in the stationery department.
