A blog on issues affecting Australia's newsagents, media and small business generally. More ...

The status of Bill Express contracts

At Networked Knowledge Dr Robert N Moles publishes material about alleged serious miscarriages of justice.  In one post, Contract Law Lecture, Moles writes about contracts and reasons for termination.  In citing the case of Foley v. Classique Coaches Ltd, Moles writes:

A problem will arise if the machinery provided for in the contract breaks down for reasons over which the parties have no control. The traditional common law rule was that if the means for ascertaining the price failed, there could be no contract.

Newsagents entered in to a contract to finance equipment to operate the Bill Express and DialTime services, at the same time they entered into a separate contract for the provision of the Bill Express / DialTime services.
I am sure the legal experts representing newsagents are looking carefully at the status of the finance contracts given that the purpose of the machinery provided under the contracts contract has failed.

Bill Express

Sub agent poll results

subagent_poll.JPG92 people voted in the poll about sub agents. 42 said NO, 32 said YES and 18 said as a RESTRICTED MEMBER.

Newsagents who feel strongly either way on this ought to put their thoughts to their associations as I know this is a topic being discussed at the moment. Associations cannot reflect the will of their members unless they are told what members want.

I ran the poll for two reasons:

  1. Because I have heard of a push in one association to actively recruit sub agents.
  2. Because in a strict sense my two directly owned newsagencies are sub agents. We do not deliver newspapers nor do we have direct newspaper accounts. This makes us, in the eyes of some old school newsagents, sub agents.

Newsagents need to debate these issues as they go to the heart of what a newsagency may look like in the future.

Newsagency challenges

ANF promotion of Bill Express

I have been contacted by several newsagents in the last 24 hours about the role of the ANF in promoting Bill Express to new newsagents at the ANF run newsagents training course. In each case they say the ANF participated with Bill Express employees in promoting Bill Express to new newsagents. This included talking up the rebates. I am told there was no mention that the rebates could be removed at any timer.

One newsagent told me that they explicitly asked the ANF representative if the ANF had checked Bill Express out. The answer was they had and that it was a good deal. The ANF staffer did not disclose that they worked for an organisation which made a commission from its endorsement of Bill Express.

Keeping its own arrangement secret meant that newsagents did not have all relevant facts when considering the advice on the ANF on Bill express.

Some associated with the ANF put it about that I am obsessed with the organisation. This is not the case. I am concerned that the ANF did not disclose its own commercial relationship with Bill Express each time it promoted Bill Express to newsagents.  I have put these and other issues to the organisation and it has not responded.

Bill Express

Saturday Help Desk

We have doubled the Help Desk at Tower Systems again today to help newsagents still challenged by issues from the collapse of Bill Express. Support is available through 03 9524 8000. This Help Desk coverage is in addition to our usual after hours service.

Customer Service

Napster for magazines

Mygazines.com offers a place where anyone can upload and read scanned pages of magazines, for free. This site is the napster of magazines, making available for free copyright protected material. It is very easy to use – to upload pages and to read content already there.

I’d expect magazine publishers to react to Mygazines in the same way record companies responded to napster.


Advice for newsagents re Mobius / Bill Express agreement

The QNF has sent information to its members yesterday about the communication newsagents have received from Mobius Financial Services Pty. Limited about the Bill Express equipment. Below is the information provided by the QNF.

As convenor of the NSW newsagent’s class action, NANA has received the following advice which we have forwarded on to Qld Newsagents:

  1. You are NOT required to keep making payments to anyone in relation to the equipment rental.
  2. The Mobius FAQ sheet is seriously misleading, deceptive and misstates the position.
  3. The claims by Mobius FAQ and the letter that the equipment rental company has assigned its rights may or may not be correct, but it is impossible to tell from the documentation. What has been said raises more questions that it provides answers. The assignment claim should at this stage be regarded as irrelevant.
  4. The current advice states that participants of the class action NOT make payments; if you wish to participate please contact us on (07) 3862 7100
  5. As we have said previously, if any party attempts to bring recovery action against any of our participant newsagents, the group will bring proceedings to protect their position. We think it is very unlikely that this will be necessary. However, our solicitors are in regular contact with the receivers.

This advice contradicts advice provided by the ANF to newsagents late yesterday. Actually, the ANF did not provide advice, it called for expressions of interest in funding action around the equipment leases. Newsagents are angry that the ANF is asking for newsagents to fund action by the ANF given that the ANF earned in excess of $1 million in revenue in relation to the these agreements which are not set to be challenged. Newsagents I have spoken with would like the ANF to commit some of the $1 million plus it earned toward getting advice on this matter.

Bill Express

Promoting Bill Express to new newsagents

Page 2.2.1 of the Newsagent Manual published by the Australian Newsagents’ Federation and provided by the Association to new newsagents attending mandatory training is all about Bill Express. Here is some of what is in a manual provided by the ANF just over a year ago:

Bill EXPRESS is owned and managed by DialTime, an experienced technology company that forms part of the OnQ group of companies. DialTime is an expert in over-the-counter transaction systems and specializes in delivery of electronic pre-paid services to retailers.

The concept comes with a commercial package for newsagents and additional benefits available to Members of the Australian Newsagents’ Federation. Benefits to ANF members include:

  • A new revenue source from bill payment.
  • EFTPOS through ANZ at leading industry rates and zero debit card fee for any transaction volumes.
  • Electronic pre-paid mobile phone and telecommunications product through DialTime.
  • The option of a national advertising screen designed to increase sales.
  • A comprehensive electronic retailing platform designed to evolve into the future.
  • Additional financial benefits.

This ANF documentation further demonstrates the conflict of the industry association in representing newsagents and fulfilling their contractual obligations to Bill Express / DialTime.

Bill Express

Promoting Aussie movies

amovies3.JPGWe are promoting The Classic Australian Movie Collection partwork at the counter position usually reserved for magazines with a free gift. With this new partwork in its second on-sale week we wanted to attract as much interest into the weekend as possible. Also, we currently have no other title in-store with a giveaway which is appropriate to this premium space.

Sales for the movie collection have been good, it’s one of the best partworks going around at the moment – hence our decision to push part 1 ahead of the release of part 2.


Memo from Wal-Mart

I am grateful to the Comag Marketing Group for publishing this memo from Wal-Mart which calls for magazine supply quantities to be based on store level sales in the interests of the environment. Wal-Mart is reinventing itself around a strong position on environmental and sustainability questions.

To: All National Distributors and Publishers

From Christy Jenkins

Subject: Magazine Bottom Up Distribution

As many of you are aware Wal-Mart has a major Sustainability project underway to eliminate waste by improved efficiency. One of the projects we have focused on to assist in achieving our 50 efficiency goal is bottom up distribution. This process utilizes individual store specific sales information based on consumer demand to determine inventory needs by store which then rolls up to allotment needs by wholesaler to the DC level.

This project can only be successful if all parties throughout the channel support the initiative. Wholesaler allotments need to be adjusted to reflect our true needs not the prorated portion of copies printed. In the true spirit of sustainability we hope these copies would be completely eliminated from your print order and distribution channel.

Please support us and the environment as we move forward in this initiative.

While the Australian magazine supply model has improved considerably over the last two years, more needs to be done. We continue to be oversupplied by poor performing titles – titles with a sell through rate of lower than 50%. Until there is a financial penalty for such undersupply this practice, driven mainly by publishers, will continue.

magazine distribution

Finding space for Grazia

One challenge with the launch of Grazia this week is finding space in the tightly packed women’s weeklies magazine display. We have created a new column by trimming the top two pockets of full waterfall displays. While some publishers may not be happy, it will not affect the sale of their products.


We will keep this space allocation for Grazia for four weeks before we allocate space based on revenue contribution. I suspect that this title will work better in two locations


C-Store 2008 and newsagents

tower_c-store.JPGNewsagents in Melbourne ought to find time to get to C-Store 2008 at the exhibition centre today or tomorrow.  Tower Systems has a stand and I was in there today to check out the event.  C-Store is an excellent trade show for newsagents because it presents new product opportunities and better ways to merchandise traditional product.

With the convenience channel growing rapidly, it makes sense for newsagents to learn more about how it operates and to see good product offers.

My only surprise was that no magazine publisher or distributor was represented.  Based on what I saw, coffee is the biggest push currently.

newsagency of the future

Due diligence and Bill Express

Due diligence in civil litigation (also known as due care) is the effort made by an ordinarily prudent or reasonable party to avoid harm to another party. Failure to make this effort may be considered negligence.

This is from the Wikipedia entry on due diligence. When newsagents saw the wholehearted endorsement of the ANF of Bill Express in the cover story of National Newsagent, the national magazine for newsagents published by the ANF, they reasonably expected that due diligence had been done on the offer being recommended to them.

Not once in the seven pages devoted to Bill Express in the May 2003 issue of National Newsagent were the commercial terms between the ANF and Bill Express disclosed. Nor in the two pages about Bill Express in National Newsagent in the June, July and August issues.

Talking to newsagents today about the ANF promotion of Bill Express, many say they understood the Bill Express offer to have been thoroughly researched by the ANF on behalf of newsagents. They thought the ANF had checked the complete offer to ensure it would not be harmful for newsagents.

I doubt that appropriate due diligence was undertaken. I have certainly not found any evidence of due diligence beyond questions about the agreement between the ANF and Bill Express.

This question of due diligence is important if newsagents are to get to resolution of the expensive mess left by the collapse of Bill Express. We know from documentation in the pblic domain that newsagent exposure is somewhere between $15 million and $20 million. For small family run businesses to be left with such debt from an offer brokered and promoted by an industry association for their own profit is unprecedented.

The problems newsagents have with the Bill Express related contracts today would have been exposed by thorough due diligence in 2003. The ANF could have easily made their agreement on commercial terms with Bill, Express contingent upon an acceptable and fair legal framework being approved for newsagents. From what I understand this requirement was not put by the Newsagents’ Association.

This is why newsagents are angry at the role of the ANF in the matter of Bill Express.

Bill Express

Newsagents boycott on commission cut

Newsagents and other retailers in the UK are boycotting the sale of Vodafone recharge this weekend for the third time in a row with the company over its cut in retailer commission.  See Mobile News International for the full report.  There is a website, www.topupratecut.biz, for retailers to register their support for the campaign.

A public campaign like this is healthy.  The small retailers are using the only leverage they have, numbers.

Commission on mobile phone recharge, transport tickets, lottery products, any agency type business really, is a big issue for newsagents.  With rent increasing at least 5% a year and labour increasing at least 4% a year, commission cuts push the business behind in real terms.  The end result of such moves can only be less retailers and no on wins from that.

Newsagency challenges

Foxtel service sucks

Foxtel has no customer service. They don’t want customers to contact them. Once they have you signed up, they make it almost impossible for you to speak to a service representative about a technical problem.

I have a Foxtel iQ and a Foxtel regular set top box at home. The service on both has been out since Monday. Each time I call the company it automatically resets the boxes and says if the problem continues I should call back. I call back and they reset the boxes again. The only way to get a human to answer is to pose as a sales prospect, they answer the call quickly. Thankfully, one of their human sales people walked the office and found a technical person. This was unsatisfying because all he could do was book inan appointment for a visit.

If Foxtel cared about customer service they would provide a help desk I could call where I could talk to a human. They would make it easier for me to get satisfaction instead of having to wait what will be five days before even having the problem diagnosed.

When speaking to the human yesterday I asked for a service manager to call me. He refused to arrange this. When I complained about lack of service, he said I am on the phone now. he cared less that the service had been out for three days.

Sorry for this off topic post. My hope is that it will attract the attention of Foxtel management or, better still, give a potential Foxtel customer reason to pause and investigate Foxtel service before signing up.

Newsagencies are customer service businesses.  We have to be with everything we sell being available elsewhere.  This is what competition is about.  Foxtel has no competition yet.  The next few years will change that as the computer takes over from the TV as the delivery channel for content.

Customer Service

Angel Flames – a great counter offer

angelflames.JPGOver four weeks in our card and gift department we sold one packet of Angel Flames. Between Friday and Tuesday just gone on our counter we sold seven packs. We have tested this in three newsagencies and the results are the same. Angel Flames are a perfect up-sell for sales involving greeting.


Hiding the magazine

xbox360mag.JPGThe photo shows the current issue of Xbox360 magazine on the left and the previous issue on the right. Covering up the masthead in this way makes browsing harder. Magazine customers like consistency. An easily identifiable masthead is key to that.


A TBI creditor

In my post yesterday I listed Embedded Technologies as a creditor of Technology Business International. Embedded Technologies is another company associated with Sandro DiDonato or was on paper at least. It is now controlled by a Robert and Sharon Gallesio. It operates from the same address as other TBI and Bill Express related businesses.

Embedded Technologies is interesting because it may have played a role in supplying technology to TBI which was then leased to newsagents as part of the Bill Express package.

Bill Express

Considering the retail downturn

cards_july23.JPGIn the face of reports of a retail downturn, I am seeing good results, particularly in the greeting card department. Same store year on year on year growth of 20% for the first 22 days of July is fantastic. I looked at July because it is outside traditional greeting card seasons. We have not made significant in-store changes.

Magazines are solid too – up 8% (crosswords are up 12%; ink & toner up 37%. These are all departments where no significant structural changes have been made.

Newsagencies should not be too badly affected by an economic downturn since we provide great low cost entertainment opportunities as well as feeding comforting dreams.

Greeting Cards

Bill Express rebates

Not all newsagents had their marketing and other rebates stopped by Bill Express earlier this year. I have seen evidence of the company paying a rebate to a newsagent as recently as earlier this month.

Bill Express

Promoting the Sharpie range

franksharpie.JPGOur team at Frankston has created a display for Sharpie pens near our Grazia feature display. This double-sided movable display is promoting the David Beckham competition supporting the Sharpie range. People drawn to the Grazia display (see the red carpet leading to this) see the Sharpie display as they head to the counter.  Promoting outside the traditional category location is essential to maximising basket value. This is something newsagents don’t do well – primarily because we are supplied by some businesses which control with an iron fist what product we have where in our shops.


Irish newsagents revolt on low commission

The Irish Herald reports that Irish newsagents are refusing to process tollway payments because of poor commission. The head of the Convenience Stores & Newsagents Association says his members would lose money if they agreed to the terms offered.

Mr Jennings said his members would be providing the service at a loss if they had agreed to the terms on offer.

He told the Herald the service could not be provided in less than 40 seconds per customer, meaning the cost in labour to convenience stores would be 15c.

“We were being remunerated a small fraction of that — as little as 15pc of the cost. And that’s before you talk about transaction charges and back office administration,” Mr Jennings said.

It is good to see a newsagent association taking a stong public stand on fair compensation for access to the retail network.

Newsagency challenges

Mobius downgraded by Moody’s

Moody’s Investor Service has downgraded Mobius ELR-01 notes.  23% of the ELR-01 pool is made up of debt associated with Bill Express equipment in newsagencies. In the announcement about the downgrade, Moody’s said

The rating action follows the appointment of liquidators of Technology Business International Pty Limited (TBI) and the appointment of administrators to a related party, Bill Express Limited. TBI is one of the originators and primary services of the receivables securitised through the transaction. Moody’s also notes the further deterioration in the performance of the underlying receivables pool as well as the residual uncertainty surrounding the servicing transfer process currently taking place.

In particular, Moody’s notes the following:

– TBI was placed into liquidation on June 30, 2008 and Bill Express into administration on July 8, 2008. Bill Express is a provider of payment and transactional services to a large number of Australian newsagents. The services are available via equipment provided and leased to the newsagent obligors by TBI, with the underlying leases representing the Mobius ELR securitised pool attributable to TBI.

– The services previously provided to the obligors by Bill Express have been discontinued, rendering the computer equipment ineffective.

– While Moody’s believes the contractual arrangements to repay the equipment leases in full continue to be legally robust, there is a significant risk of non-payment or delay in payment by the underlying obligors. Any such action may result in both temporary payment shortfalls and permanent principal loss to the Mobius ELR-01 notes.

– The AUD 15.6 million TBI-associated portfolio currently represents approximately 23% of the Mobius ELR-01 pool. The rating action incorporated Moody’s views with regard to the likelihood and extent of any potential loss suffered by the transaction as the result in turn of the situation surrounding TBI and Bill Express.

So, we now know the amount of newsagent money involved – $15.6 million.  This figure, more than anything else I have published here, ought to attract attention from newsagent associations to fix such an expensive problem for newsagents.

Bill Express

Launching Grazia (part 3)

At our Frankston newsagency, Simon and the team have gone all out to launch Grazia.  They hired red carpet and created ssveral great displays.  Yesterday, all team members dressed formally.  Simon also created a fashion parade video which plays on a loop above the main Grazia display.  There is a small clip from the Grazia TVC at the end of the video.


Walking into the shop at Frankston, there is a real sense of theatre and a great feeling of excitement.  The Grazia launch has been an excellent opportunity for the team to really shine.
