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‘Being a newsagent is addictive’ what a wonderful story

This article from the Irish Times is a good read, heartwarming, encouraging and inspiring for many.

End of an era as the Last Corner Shop closes: ‘I’m going to cry’
John Hyland’s devotion to his customers has made him a much-loved shopkeeper

“Everything changes,” says John Hyland. At 69, the newsagent is retiring after 35 years in his well-known shop on the corner of George’s Street Upper and Clarinda Park West in Dún Laoghaire, in south Co Dublin.

The crowded shelves and stacks and racks of newspapers and magazines have been gradually depleting, and over the weekend and into Monday a steady stream of regulars, of all ages, have been coming in for their papers and to wish Hyland well.

As he courteously thanks people for their custom, he seems quietly surprised at the reaction to his departure. “Some I wouldn’t even know by sight. I have lovely customers. When I do a little thing, get something they’re looking for, they’re so grateful.”

John Hyland may have been both the worst shopkeeper in Ireland and one of the best. Whether some customers had the money to buy what they wanted didn’t seem to bother Hyland too much: he always put them first

The sign over the shop reads Dun Leary’s Last Corner Shop: A Service Newsagent. His wares have been spread on to the footpath, on makeshift tables and racks, since well before Covid made it a popular approach. He has stocked an astonishing range of publications: regional papers from every county in Ireland, Le Monde, the New York Review of Books. If you couldn’t find it at Eason you could probably find it at John’s (as locals call the shop), from 5am until 2.30am every day of the year. As well as sweets and cigarettes, there’s a small range of other goods, from cornflakes to condoms to cat food.

It’s worth reading the whole article and watching this video from Ronan Kelly:

Customer loyalty

Crossword sales benchmark opportunity for local small business newsagents

Crossword magazine unit sales should be at least 5% of your magazine sales in any newsagency. It’s a reasonable benchmark to target.

I say this based on data from hundreds of newsagencies: city, country, high street, shopping centre.

While there are plenty where crossword unit sales are 8% and more of all magazine unit sales, equally there are plenty at 3% or less.

Based on everything I have seen, 5% is a reasonable benchmark that anyone can attain. Businesses I have worked with have been able to list crossword sales by:

  • Installing a single column of good titles next to women’s weeklies.
  • Featuring a crossword at the counter.
  • Placing one or two crossword titles with newspapers.
  • Where possible, full face displaying crossword titles.
  • Relaying the crossword section to tell a better story.
  • Reviewing your range and expanding to serve more shoppers.
  • Mentioning crosswords from time to time on social media.

Of all the magazine segments, crosswords responds well to some love from the business. This has been the case for decades.

Check our your percentage and if you’re above 5% well done. If you’re below, take some easy steps and expect to see the segment respond positively.

Now, if you think why bother? because of the paltry margin or some other reason, I’d note for you that crosswords are the most broadly efficient magazine category in a newsagency. By efficient, I mean their value beyond the sales of the titles.

  • Crossword buyers are more likely to have other products in their basket. Products like jigsaws, cards, stationery and craft products regularly feature in baskets with crossword magazines.
  • Crossword customers are more loyal, returning for their next fix, often because you have range. This loyalty is something a smart retailer can leverage into purchases from other product categories.
  • Careful placement on the shelves can easily result in purchases of more than one title from a sub-category in a basket.
  • Crossword lovers talk to each other, they are a good word of mouth army.
  • Crossword customers love words and tend to love books, too.

While there are problems with the magazine distribution model and it is difficult for newsagents to actively manage range, the crossword segment provides an opportunity for benefits beyond the sale of crosswords themselves. We have an opportunity to engage and achieve greater value for our businesses, despite the magazine supply arrangement impediments.


Pet Circle targets local petfood shop with Google ad campaign

The big Pet Circle business has been targeting local small business The Petfood Warehouse with ads that specifically name The Petfood Warehouse.

Google permits this, a business naming a competitor in an ad. This is what one of the Pet Circle ads targeting The Petfood Warehouse looks like:

 The headline of one Pet Circle ad says: The Petfood Warehouse – Fast Delivery + Free Shipping.

 The headline of another Pet Circle ad says: Petfood Warehouse | Low-Priced Pet Food Online

If you click on either ad it takes you to the Pet Circle website.

I can understand how a shopper may think they are shopping at The Petfood Warehouse when they click on the link. The headline suggests that it is an ad for The Petfood Warehouse and the ad presents when you do a Google search for The Petfood Warehouse. But this is an ad for Pet Circle.

Why does this matter, why am I writing about it at the Newsagency Blog? fair question. The Petfood Warehouse is a customer of the POS software company I own, Tower Systems. I feel for their situation as I went through the same thing last year. The Google keyword Tower Systems was targeted by a company that used it in their ad heading promoting POS software. No, it was not a newsagency software company. People searching for us were presented their ad with our name in the ad headline text – which is exactly what has been happening with The Petfood Warehouse.

This all matters here because it can happen to you. Beware. keep your eyes open. I know of one business it happened to and their online sales dropped from 25 a day to 5 a day when this happened.

Pet Circle is not the local small business serving the Illawarra like The Petfood Warehouse.

I’m not saying Pet Circle is a bad business. But, I am raising a concern that they are paying to use the name of a competitor of theirs in a apparent move to see people looking for that business to shop at Pet Circle.

In my opinion, it sucks that Google permits this type of advertising, where a competitor uses the name of another business in a headline for an add to effectively pass the ad off as being for the other business.

I am all for competition, fair competition. Local small businesses do not have the marketing budget for expensive Google campaigns. I think any Google ad that uses the name of a competitor to divert eyeballs and clicks is unfair, inappropriate.

Maybe the best way to deal with businesses that squat on a competitor’s business name like this is to click on their ads. A higher ad spend for no revenue will soon get the attention of those in control of their ad budget.

Being a local small business is challenging, in the physical world as well as online, as this issue shows.

Hopefully, the folks at Pet Circle will change their approach. I have lobbied them to do this, in support of the family that owns The Petfood Warehouse.

Footnote: LegalVision makes some interesting comments about this type of advertising.


Newsagency / LPO may close due to vaccine status

The Guardian has a story about Merrigum newsagency / LPO and their position in relation to the vaccine for Covid.

The tiny town of Merrigum in regional Victoria may lose its only post office because its operator has refused to be vaccinated for Covid-19, citing her “freedom of choice”.

Angela Spedding has operated the Merrigum post office and newsagent for more than six years.

On Tuesday, in a post on social media, Spedding said she had been told by Australia Post that the post office would have to close if she had not booked in to receive a vaccine by the end of the working week, and she would also have to cease delivering mail.

Australia Post denied Spedding had been told to close the office, but said she had advised them it would close from Thursday after discussions about her compliance with state health orders.

Reads like crazy stuff. But the Facebook page for the business supports the story.

I have been told by Australia Post that if I haven’t booked in by Friday 15th the Post Office will close. As it is my choice to not get vaccinated the mail will be transferred to Somewhere. As for your street mail they have another contractor but where it will go I have no idea. I apologise for the inconvenience this will cause for you all but it’s my freedom of choice.

It’s not an Australia Post thing. No, the Department of Health has ordered that everyone working in an essential business has to have had had their first vaccine dose by October 22.

If it was up to me, vaccination would be mandatory for all except those with a legitimate medical exemption. The risk posed by the unvaccinated because they want the right to choose not to be vaccinated is too big for their ignorant stupidity to put those too young or those who cannot be vaccinated at risk.

This is not the first business in this situation and it will not be the last. Unfortunately, each story is fuel to the bonfire setup by ignorant anti-vaxxers.

UPDATE: The business owner has advised Australia Post that they have booked their vaccination appointment.

Social responsibility

Happy Christmas cards popular in early Christmas card sales

While it’s early in Christmas card season for 2021, I am seeing store level data indicating considerable appeal for happy / cheerful Christmas cards ahead of the more traditional cards and even the religious cards.

Customers are commenting, too, about shopping for happy cards. In fact, it was these comments that had me take notice of the trend.

We have responded by giving the happy cards prominence in card placement, to ensure the happiness they pitch / share is seen and understood. I think this will further help sales.

We are not holding back other cards, just giving the happiness focussed cards a brighter light under which to shine.

At this time in the season, it is the religious cards tend to be leading in terms of sales. I’d note that that is the case with boxed Christmas cards.

We have had our Christmas singles out for more than. two weeks now and our boxed cards for longer. Currently, sales are more than double this time last year – and we did have stock out them for the same time as this year.

Looking at the sales of Christmas cards in your shop can guide placement decisions. There will be differences between businesses.

Greeting Cards

Shopper theft in local small business retail

Theft by shoppers is expensive for local small business retail. It is a crime committed with ease, as shown on the video footage so often captured. First, there is the browse.

Then, the pick-up of the product.

Next is the smooth hiding.

Finally, the exit having finished “just looking”.

Beyond the cost of the products stolen is the impact on the mental health of local business owners. Shopper theft hurts local retailers far more than they usually let on.

These images are from a video shared recently by a newsagent. In the video, the face of the ‘shopper’ is far more visible than shown in the photos I have shared.

More retailers are sharing video in the hope of tracking down the ‘shopper’. Once they are identified, reporting their details to the police is vital.


Local US newspaper switched to the Postal Service for home delivery

KOAM NEWS NOW has this story:

JOPLIN, Mo. – Customers of the Joplin Globe newspaper will be seeing changes to home delivery. That’s according to a letter from paper carriers to customers.

Paper carriers wrote the letter, getting in touch with customers about the change.

The letter stated in part, “October 30th, 2021 will be your last home delivery. The Joplin Globe will be making a change, they will do away will all paper carriers and will start delivering your papers to you by the United States Postal Service starting November 2nd, 2021.”

The paper carriers expressed that it had been a pleasure delivering papers and wished folks happy holidays. They also shared hope that the delivery service will be the same great service they provided.

The US Postal Service has announced changes to its handling of periodicals, which are detailed in the above noted article and which are designed to improve delivery time apparently.

The USPS has been delivering newspapers in parts of the US for many years. I thought it was interesting seeing a local paper make this move, especially in the middle of a pandemic.

newspaper home delivery

Finding happiness in your retail newsagency business

2021 has been some year for sure, packed with challenges, things that can make your retail business less enjoyable than you hoped.

I am grateful through my work to see retail in many situations and, over time, have learnt from these businesses and the people in them.

There is no doubt for me about the value of being happy in retail. But, it’s not something you can decide to feel. It’s not a switch you can flick.

Finding happiness in retail takes planning and engagement throughout the business. While it does sound like work, it is also about respecting the business and that there will always be challenges, and knowing that being happy can help you get through them.

Here are my tips for finding, nurturing and managing happiness in a local retail shop:

Have good data. Yeah, I know this is a boring topic for many. But as a POS software company with decades of experience we know the value of good data. Good data is your rock. Build on a rock and life is, for sure, good. Good data will make you happier because your decisions will be better, and by better we mean you’ll make more money, and that will make you happier.

Be in control. Stop getting pushed around. If a supplier pushes something on your, use your data to deal in the facts. This, too, will make you happier. Facts matter. Any time someone says fro this or that ask for evidenced preferably in your business data. yes, we are still banking on about the value of good business data.

Price for margin. Maximise when you can.

Price for turn. You can’t bank a gross profit percentage until you sell something. So, price to turn, and bank dollars.

Lean on others. Spread the load, share the responsibility. Hire well. Train well. rely on the team to help you and this will make them happier, you happier and the business a happier place overall.

Set your narrative. In social media posts, stories you share in the business and in your marketing set the tone, set the narrative to be positive, happy and optimistic. This will encourage others to do this too. Own your narrative and own your happiness.

Of course, there is way more everyday practical stuff too: happy music paying, happy window displays, happy product displays, featuring happy products, samples, taste tests, games, fun events, giveaways, competitions … all these things and more can make the shop transactionally happy, which is good, too.

Happiness is good for business and all who interact with it.

Good luck. Now, get out there and smile. 😃

Management tip

Too many newsagency suppliers are late communicating about inventory delays

Almost daily recently I have heard from at least one newsagent about a supplier advising of delays to stock delivery. The complaints are commonly not about the delay itself but about the delay in sharing news of the delay.

Suppliers appear to think that not telling retailers of a delay protects their position of forward orders.l It does not do that. It lets newsagents know to be skeptical in ordering from that supplier again.

This time of the year, supply certainty is key. Many retail business settings rely on it: labour, space allocation, marketing, and more. When stock does not turn up, all of those long-planned settings are compromised.

I heard of one supplier this week who was chased by plenty of retailers about stock that was due in store a month ago. They finally responded by dismissing the queries with don’t you know we’re in a pandemic. What a silly response. Retailers see through it because so many suppliers have made appropriate changes to ensure inventory supply. Some have changed source country. Plenty have brought production to Australia.

The big issue here is poor communication from suppliers. That is what I will judge them for. I want to deal with suppliers that understand that good communication is one of the most important assets in any relationship.

Newsagency management

Wow, what a letter to a newspaper, admitting newspaper theft

Theft of home delivery newspapers was a serious cost to our business back when we were doing that 15 years ago. It was so bad that several times we followed delivery people to catch those stealing. The worse situation was in a retirement village where a long-standing feud was found to be the motivator.

I know of situations where people stealing considered it an essentially victimless crime, thinking that the publisher ultimately paid. Little did they realise.


CoComelon attracting new customers to the newsagency

A brand achieving YouTube video plays in the billions is sure worth considering. CoComelon is one such brand. This Bath Song video has been viewed 4.5 billion times.

In Australia, CoComelon is searched close to as many times as people search for Lego. yet, it is a brand that you will not commonly see in a newsagency.

The majors have CoComelon, as you may expect.

In my work with newsXpress I started research CoComelon, understanding what else people were searching for, understanding the shopper in the context of what we offer in our stores today. That research revealed a niche opportunity allied to another category segment doing well for us. CoComelon offered an opportunity to expand reach and to be seen by shoppers not currently seeing the business.

Now, with the brand well established in-store, it is kicking goals, attracting new shoppers as well as driving impulse purchases from existing shoppers.

But, my point today is not abut CoComelon as such. Rather, it is about using data to help uncover new shopper traffic opportunities. This is where expansion, growth, get their footing. Playing with new brands and new segments within categories is vital to our retail business journey.

From a small in-store stock weight, we have been able to deliver consistently good results already.

There is this product and allied product and then there are cards and gift packaging. It’s the whole opportunity value we are looking at and chasing when considering a marquee brand like CoComelon. This is where the data research plays a role for it is in here that we can see what the CoComelon shopper is looking for, what they are buying.

Back in the day a supplier would say, hey you should stock this, and often we would. Today, I am seeing better value from researching, chasing suppliers, often new suppliers, and discussing where the brand / range fits within the business strategy. Because this is all about being strategic from planning to buying to floor placement to social media narratives. This is where our small business nimbleness can play a role in driving success.

I use a range of commercial tools to assist the analysis. Having multiple sources helps facilitate accurate data and accurate data fuels better decisions.

I look not only for volume but also longevity, so that the pay back period for investment will fit something more useful than a fad product.

This is what newsagency management looks like today, researching, looking for new traffic opportunities, chasing data down rabbit holes and backing the evidence in the data. It is exciting in that for every ten or so we investigate, we are lucky if one is worth pursuing.

Newsagency management

Tabcorp seeks to block retailers from using juniors to sell lottery products

Tabcorp’s The Lott announced to retailers on Friday that staff under 15 years of age will no longer be allowed to sell lottery products. This is infuriating some retailers.

Tabcorp’s announcement claimed The restrictions on minors selling lottery products should not have a direct impact on your employment decisions. I have had retailers contact me claiming this is not true.

Retailers have staffed their businesses based on a set of rules and regulations. To have them change is challenging. To do this without wide consultation is disrespectful. To do it during a busy period of the year is offensive.

This move increases the labour cost base for selling lotteries in retail. It also reminds retailers that regulations they operate under are tighter than selling lottery products online, where an app or website cannot do a reasonable age check.


Facebook and Instagram are down, highlighting the risks to businesses of cloud hosted software

There is no doubt that having a business rely on a single platform for revenue is a risk. There will be plenty of influencer businesses this morning stressed at the Facebook / Instagram / WhatApp outage and what it could mean for them.

This is the risk of cloud. While there is undisputed value in cloud based software, there is this risk, that you are reliant on a single platform for the operation of your business.

My advice for any business is to have multiple access points for your business, multiple funnels through which business can be transacted. A horizontal base for revenue gives a business stability.

For what it’s worth: my newsagency software can run in the cloud or on the desktop. Newsagents get too choose the access platform they prefer.

Newsagency management

Roxo could help address the challenges faced by Australia Post and others

Australia Post tells us their systems are at breaking point due to a surge in people shopping online and a Covid impacted workforce. Roxo, heading to trial in the US, could be an interesting tool to in part address this in suburban areas at least.

Newsagency management

How are September card sales in your newsagency?

I like to take some time on a Sunday to see how my shops are performing. I own 2 in Westfield centres and one on the high street.

They are newsagencies, but they are not. They don’t have stationery, convenience lines or lotteries. One does not have magazines.

The main revenue categories in each are gifts, toys, cards and self care.

I was surprised and happy yesterday morning looking at September results. Comparing 2021 to 2019, each is experiencing significant double digit growth. While I expected the high street business to be doing well, the results for the Westfield businesses is a surprise.

I compare 2021 with 2019 as that provides the best status check on the business today compared to pre-Covid.

One of our Westfield stores should not even be there. Our 7-year lease was up in June this year. In December 2019 I advised Westfield we did not want a new lease. I did this as I saw high street situations as more appealing. Then, Covid hit and the landlord blinked. I negotiated an terrific rent reduction to stay to the end of 2022.

Here’s what’s weird. The massive rent reduction and Covid combined to drive us to ignore the past and to play in this business like there is no tomorrow.

In September 2019, this business did $8,526.52 in card sales. In September this year, the business did $19,741.40 in card sales.

For a product category with a 65% gross profit, this growth is especially valuable. What makes it more valuable is the shopper basket connection between card sales and gifts / homewares. Gift revenue in September 2021 is more than card revenue.

I think it’s our decision to play in the business like there is no tomorrow that has played a role in these results.

With $0 capital investment we created a more Covid appropriate card and gift shopper experience at the same time as splitting from one major card supplier to two. We also completely re-wrote our gift packaging story and re-cast our gift offer.

We also embraced Christmas early and we have a strong sensory toy range, which if you read the article in the Weekend Fin this past weekend you’d know is huge. We’ve been doing well with sensory since early 2020.

Our shops have been open through Covid as they meet the essential retail criteria. The Westfield shops have done it tough because people favour high street shopping over the centres in this pandemic. We knew we had to find a way to make the shop more appealing.

So, using the data in our POS software and tossing out some assumptions and ignoring landlord rules, in June we made the moves I have outlined here.

What’s my point? Why am I writing this?

First up, unashamedly, I am illustrating the value of us, a POS software company, owning retail shops. While your shop may not be the same as mine, retail is retail and I think the closer I and others in my POS software company are to local retail the better the POS software is that we make.

The other reason I want to share the story about the cards was to pitch the experience of playing in the business like there is no tomorrow. It helps us break traditions, find new ways, embrace new opportunities and worry less.

I know of some newsagents who pressure card companies for higher rebates. The thing is, you can’t bank a rebate without sales. The most valuable benefit for a newsagency from cards is sales growth. Rebate is the icing on that cake.

Another reason to share the story is to encourage newsagents to actively manage cards, don’t leave it for the supplier.

Greeting Cards

Newsagents loving the new contract offered by newsXpress

Two weeks ago, newsagency marketing group newsXpress offered its members a new contract at a lower monthly cost with no reduction in services and benefits.

The new contract came from a desire to lay the framework for next generation newsagency marketing group operation. For months, comprehensive modelling has been undertaken to guide the new price model. Next came considerable legal work to come up with a plain English contract that was easy to understand. newsXpress members were briefed as this evolved, and last week it was announced to members and two days ago announced to newsagents more widely:

newsXpress is grateful to be able to release to newsagents access to our new offer: $175.00 a month or $1680.00 a year paid in advance.

I say grateful because it’s the success we are having that enables us to be able to financially support this new low cost for newsagents. It’s not a limited time offer, this is our new model. We offered it to newsXpress members first, and they are loving it.

In launching this, we are launching a new contract. It’s plain English – easy to read and understand.

  • Click here to see the new contract. 
  • Click here to see the direct debit form. 
  • Click here for a copy of Cultivating joy in your newsagency, a deep dive into what newsXpress offers.

In these documents you have complete transparency about what newsXpress offers its members. You can see that there are no mate’s rates, no secret deals.

We are an evidence-based marketing group, offering advice and help to newsagents who want to run more successful, enjoyable and valuable businesses.

We are accepting new member applications now. Please email help@newsxpress.com.au to find out more.

I do think it is time for a fresh approach to newsagency marketing group operation, a fresh approach to what these groups offer and do for newsagents. With so much change confronting our channel, having a stock and engaged partner is key.

newsXpress is keen to work with newsagents who themselves are keen for change, keen to run businesses they enjoy more, that are more successful and that are worth more when they choose to sell.

Disclosure: I am Managing Director of newsXpress.

Newsagency management

Is theft in retail on the rise?

I have noticed an increase in complaints about theft by shoppers in recent months, so much so that I wonder if this is a wider challenge for retailers.

My information comes from retailers I speak with and small business retail discussion groups I am part of. But it’s not that big of a pool considering the number of retail businesses in Australia.

So I pose the question today: in your business, are you noticing more theft by customers than previously?

While there are steps we can take to mitigate the situation, often they are considered only after a theft experience.


The turmoil of newspaper delivery for a regional newsagent under new News Corp arrangements in Victoria

Victoria is in the middle of considerable changes to newspaper distribution let by decisions of  News Corp.. While change can be challenging, as we have seen in Queensland and New South Wales, the newspaper distribution experts at News Corp. are certainly expert at the botch up. Newsagents are suffering, enduring higher costs and upset that they are letting their long-term customers down.

Here is the experience of one regional newsagent in Victoria in dealing with the Herald and Weekly Times:

The Herald and Weekly Times replaced the reliable transport company they had used for decades to deliver papers to us and many newsagents in regional Victoria. Under the new transport company arrangement, it has been a nightmare.

Previously, papers for home delivery were delivered between 2:30am-3:30am, giving us time to unload, wrap and deliver by 6:30am. This meant deliveries were done when there was less traffic on the road. Delivery people are working longer hours and are delivering to homes in a less safe situation given more traffic on the road later in the morning.

Newspaper home delivery drivers are angry and threatening to leave. Customers are disadvantaged with later papers, often coming after they have left for work.

Circulation people at the Herald and Weekly Times have been disinterested. They tell newsagents to be patient and that what newsagents are experience are teething issues. For the first couple of weeks this could be the excuse, but months in, it is no excuse at all. To be fair to them, maybe they are saying all they can given the company’s decisions.

The Herald and Weekly Times people set the OH&S standards that newsagents are consistently unable to meet now because of their failure to deliver newspapers on time. The consistent failure puts delivery drivers and the public at risk.

The failures of this change in newspaper delivery transport arrangements is impacting the mental health of some in our channel. Yet, management at the Herald and Weekly Times, and their masters at News Corp. headquarters in Sydney appear disinterested. It feels like the News Corp. financial situation is all that matters.

I get that News Corp. wants to cut costs. But to do so in a way that even more burdens are shouldered by local small business retailers reflects a lack of ethics, it represents poor social responsibility.

I tell newsagents who tell me about the challenges relating to getting newspapers on time for home delivery to quit newspaper home delivery. There is no upside. What you make today in real terms from newspaper home delivery is less than a couple of years ago. Few newsagents genuinely profit from it. It is a distraction to other parts of the business that should be experiencing double-digit growth, and which make you happier.


Sheesh Australia Post!

Australia Post just sent out this comms:

These times really are unlike anything we’ve seen before and as you know, our network continues to be under increased pressure with parcel volumes at Christmas levels. And this is amplified in Victoria where we continue to manage a heavily reduced workforce due to the impact of the Delta strain.

The safety of our people is our highest priority, one which we will not compromise on, and in these circumstances we have had to make some difficult decisions for our Greater Melbourne Metro operations only which will impact you

We can assure you services provided for Express Post, Premium, Startrack Express, domestic and international letters remain unchanged across our network, as does processing for all international inbound and outbound. Street Post Boxes (SPBs) will also continue to be collected.

Post Offices will remain open for all usual business, and collections in regional Victoria and all other states remain the same.

For eParcel and Parcel Post, all pickups, collections and business lodgements in Greater Melbourne Metro will be paused for five days, from 12.01am Friday 1 October to 12.01am Wednesday 6 October.

Normal medical shipments (normally lodged Parcel Post) will still be accepted subject to confirmation and by arrangement.

Our teams nationally will continue to operate, with deliveries continuing every day including weekends, and we will leverage support from other states to assist our team in Melbourne to remain safe and return to a safe and manageable level of parcel volumes.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience

We do sincerely apologise for the inconvenience this may place on you and your customers. We fully appreciate the recent pause we had a few weeks ago was challenging for you and again thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as we continue to navigate these challenges together.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries via your Account Manager and continue to check auspost.com.au/service-updates for the latest information on impacts across our network.

Stay safe,

Gary Starr
Executive General Manager
Business, Government & International

Given the delays of the last few weeks it was clear they were not clearing the backlog.

With online key to the survival of plenty of retailers, I suspect there will be plenty frustrated by this move.

Australia Post

How not to do click and collect

A large retailer has these instructions at their website for handling click and collect:

Their approach has multiple friction points, giving shoppers multiple reasons to not buy through them. Click and collect should be easy, certain and enjoyable. While there will be some overhead for the business and the customer, what this business imposes is ridiculous.

They get you to go to their website. They they want a photo of the order. Then they have you complete a form. Then they will ring you. They, finally, you get to go to the shop from you ring them again to have them bring the goods to you.

I’ve been doing click and collect for years through several of my shops. It’s single-step, each and certain for the customer and for the business, as it should be.

Every barrier we insert between ourselves and our customers is a hurdle to the revenue opportunity.

Newsagency management