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News Corp. Christmas show bag in SA frustrates some newsagents

Screen Shot 2015-11-16 at 10.35.39 amSouth Australian newsagents are being asked to run another Christmas promotion by News Corp. in addition to the promotion I mentioned yesterday. Customers are required to purchase four newspapers, cut out tokens, hand these in with $8.00 in return for the bag.

Inside the Christmas bag is a Santa sack, actually this is the bag itself, colouring book, pencils, reindeer hat, snowflake, Christmas card kit and wrapping paper.

The items in the bag do not look like $8.00 worth to me. However, I am not the customer. Maybe some mms and dads here could comment on the perceived value of the promotion.

If I am right and considerably more that $8 in value is not obvious, this promotion will not work.

Newsagents in regional locations will be hit hard if the promotion failed as they will be required by News to freight unsold bags back to Adelaide, most likely wiping out any margin on the bags sold.

This promotion feels wrong: poor selection of products, poor value, wrong time of the year, high compliance cost – all to support low margin product when smart newsagents are primarily focused on other product categories from which they easily make 50% and more.

Newsagent suppliers

A suspected scam targeting newsagents

A newsagent in Queensland was sent an email yesterday that reads like a scam. I am posting the contents here in case others received it. Any light you can shed on this would be appreciated.

Someone has nominated you as Newsagent Retailer of the Year! This means you will be invited to the annual awards night dinner in Noosa, and will be in competition with other retailers in Queensland to represent your state at the national awards night. Just for being nominated, you have gone into the draw to win two nights accommodation at the beautiful Sheraton Hotel in Noosa, and also dinner for two at award winning restaurant Wasabi! You have a one in twenty chance of winning! To ensure your entry remains valid, please send back the following details to hairykerry@gmx.com to accept your nomination. Full Name Date of Birth Business Name Business Address Phone Number ABN We look forward to seeing you at the awards night! Kerry Harrison State Newsagency Media Manager 0730302222

My advice if you did receive the email is – do not respond.

Newsagency management

Newsagents overloaded with recycled Simply Too Good To be True cookbooks

too goodPlenty of newsagents have complained about recent supply of the Simply Too Good cookbook series while they either have current stock that is not selling or have returned old stock that did not sell. The frustration of inefficient supply is made worse in that poor quality stock has been sent in some circumstances, stock that is not of merchantable quality.

The photo shows two items received in one newsagency last week. The price stockers are from different newsagencies. This is poor form by all involved. Supermarkets would not accept stock in this condition.


News Corp. luck dip bag in SA

Screen Shot 2015-11-16 at 6.14.25 amNews Corp. in South Australia is encouraging newsagents to promote a luck dip bag of previous promotional products the company must have in a warehouse. The packs look cheap. They resemble similar packs I have seen some newsagents create using gifts taken off the cover of magazines.

Besides poor execution, this promotion is being pitched at the wrong time of the year. Newsagents are focussed on gifts, even stocking-stuffers, from which they can earn more substantial gross profit and longer term business benefit.

Here is the pricing pitched by News:

Cover price: $2.00 per copy 
Advertiser $1.40 per copy 
Lucky Dip Bag $0.60 per copy 
Agents’ rate: $1.50 per copy 
Advertiser $1.05 per copy 
Lucky Dip Bag $0.45 per copy 
Sub-agents’ rate: $1.75 per copy 
Advertiser $1.225 per copy 
Lucky Dip Bag $0.52.5 per copy 


Aussie Christmas decorations popular

IMG_1889The Australian themed Christmas decorations we sourced from Gibson are popular among the early Christmas shoppers. We have had people purchasing these to send to family and friends overseas. To make the most of the opportunity we have them placed together in an Aussie Christmas section. They will sell out for sure.


Good issue of Yours to promote

IMG_1884The current issue of Yours magazine is worth promoting outside the usual location for the title because of the Magda Szubanski cover. This cover stock should get people browsing and purchasing the magazine who might otherwise not even consider purchasing it. Placement next to newspapers is my suggestion – in addition to the usual location.


Sunday newsagency challenge: map out who you target by products

List the top five categories of products you sell in your business. If yours is a typical newsagency they will account for 85% of your revenue.

Next to each of the top five categories, note down the details of the typical customer: male / female; age and other criteria.

Now take some time to think about the customers attracted to and buying products in these top categories.

  • Is the range of people targeted wide enough?
  • Are there gaps you could fill?
  • Are you actually targeting those you thought you were targeting?

You have control over the people you get into your business based on what you stock and how you promote what you stock outside your business.

Newsagency challenges

Sunday newsagency management tip: offer cash out

Newsagents using the tyro broadband eftpos facility, and that is the majority of newsagents, can cut their merchant fees for debit cards if they include cash out in a transaction. It’s is a simple question to ask when processing the card, a question that could add significant dollars to your bottom like. Would you like cash out today?

In my experience in a shopping centre situation, most cash outs are for $50.00 or less so it is not much of a burden on the cash holdings in the business.

Management tip

Sunday newsagency marketing tip: use a breathing dog to attract shoppers

IMG_1881We a ‘breathing’ plush dog on the corner of the Christmas display, just under the tree. It is working a treat at attracting shoppers to the business and driving sales. The small rise and fall of the dog’s chest is all it takes for this item to be a hit this Christmas.

Too often we think of marketing being advertising or some promotional activity we undertake. As our experience shows this week, product placement, of the right product, can be a valuable marketing activity.


Smart Christmas marketing by Tech2Go

IMG_1862I love the theme of the Christmas catalogue and collateral by the folks at Tech2Go, the airport based technology shops. With Christmas marketing cliched, it is good to see something genuinely different and fun. I like that they pitch everyday lines for Christmas.


Newsagents need to check their virus software

There has been a spike in virus dissemination recently as a result of computers in newsagencies becoming compromised. All it takes is for someone to click on a link in such an email and their computer can become infected and the virus reach even further.

Check your virus software, make sure it is up to date, do a scan. Allowing your data to be compromised puts your business at significant risk.

Management tip

Here’s a magazine that supports newsagents: Boar It Up Ya

IMG_1753I got to see Boar It Up Ya on several newsagency shelves this week. It’s popular up north and deep into Queensland and New South Wales. This is the type of niche title that is important to newsagents.

One newsagency has a massive stack – and they will sell through.

Boar It Up Ya is a specialist title that is best served by specialist retailers – like newsagents.

It is a title that generates traffic, traffic from which newsagents can make more than the GP from the magazine sale. This is why I say it is valuable and why we need more magazines that we as specialist retailers can help and leverage.

The publisher of Boar It Up Ya actively supports newsagents. It is good to see!


Victorian newsagents: have your say about Citylink

I have been working on behalf of Victorian newsagents to address issues flowing from the decision by Australia Post to not offer Citylink top-up service. Newsagents have seen a spike in transactions, often incurring card processing fees that wipe out the small commission earned.

Rather than newsagents abandoning the service I have sought to talk with Transurban since they control the fee paid to newsagents.

The time-consuming process of exploring the matter and lobbying on behalf of newsagents has resulted in an opportunity to meet with Transurban to discuss resolving concerns of newsagents re credit card fees and related matters.

I have been asked to harvest information from newsagents. Please click here to take a short survey. The results will better inform the discussions with Trandurban.

I need your responses by mid next week. The more responses the more informed the discussions.

My goal is to achieve a better commercial outcome for newsagents.

Newsagent representation

Embracing the Better Homes and Gardens gift with purchase

Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 1.53.32 pmWe have gone all out with the Better Homes and Gardens gift pack that arrived in-store yesterday. Yes, we have this magazine in four locations in-store including a run along the floor of one side of our main magazine aisle and a double waterfall up the middle plus stock located at the sales counter.

Click on the image for details.

Coles is the only other retailer with this title and Coles managers in the store Coles supermarkets in my centre have allocated extra space to the title. I don’t want them to grab impulse purchases I could grab. So, for the first week of the on-sale I am maintaining these four spots to make the most of the excellent box of cards packaged with the magazine.

I have had a conversation with the folks at Pacific Magazines yesterday about this BHG package with the gift cards. The BHG publisher decided to fund a Christmas gift with purchase. The challenge was they could not offer all retailers. There was a debate about which retailers to offer. Those representing newsagents won for our channel – this is why the promotion is limited to newsagents and Coles.

Pacific has released two national email campaigns to drive traffic to newsagencies for this product. This is support exclusive for our channel.

On the size of the BHG and Home Beautiful package – we have the same problem as Coles. Sure it is a pain but we can live with it. The more we sell the less of a problem.

To newsagents frustrated with this promotion I say – consider the alternatives: a supermarket only promotion, no promotion at all, a boring same-old gift. This promotion is Pacific Magazines giving newsagents what we have asked for: a high-value gift, not in every retailer, backed with traffic-generating support.

Please please please DO NOT early return this title.


How much do magazine publishers think about the consequences of their actions?

IMG_1040Today at the newsagency we have received more than double the usual Thursday volume of magazines. The storage units are overflowing. We are not alone. Every newsagent in Australia would be experiencing this.

While an increase in range and individual title size is common this time of the year, on the back of the extraordinary overload of unrequested adult colouring titles and other new releases, there is no room at the (newsagency) inn and most of us do not have a barn to house the extra stock.

No one is managing the newsagency channel. Whereas supermarkets are supplied to a specific number of pockets, Gotch and Network pay little attention to this in our channel. They supply expecting our magazine department to be able to contract and expand based on what they decide to send us.

With many newsagents reducing magazine floorspace allocation, the flexibility for handling more or less titles is gone. There is no room for days like today where we receive double what is usual for a Thursday. If there is no store room, the only option is to early return existing titles to make space. Some newsagents will early return some of today’s titles for this reason.

This is a frustrating and avoidable situation.

Magazine publishers and distributors ought to be discussing this issue of retail space allocation as it sits at the heart of the anger newsagents feel around magazine supply issues.


Bauer, Pacific and News to launch newsagent only marketing campaign in 2016

Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 8.18.30 pmThe MPA yesterday announced plans for its member publishers, Bauer Media, Pacific Magazines and NewsLifeMedia to work together to run three newsagency business-only promotions in 2016.

This will be the first time the three publishers have worked together on a newsagent-only promotion.

While we do not have details of the promotions, that they are working together to drive and traffic is good.

As I have written recently, I would love to see Bauer Media, Pacific Magazines and NewsLifeMedia provide titles exclusively to our channel, to support us as magazine specialists. This would be the most valuable support they could offer for us as being destination retailers.


Aggressive expansion program from Cotton On

Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 6.41.17 pmCotton On retail group is opening 150 stores in 120 days around the world. This group, which includes Typo – a major competitor of our channel, is a force to be reckoned with. The growth Cotton On is pursuing is extraordinary in a time when retail is talked down in many media outlets.

From a newsagency channel perspective, we ought to look at the Cotton On expansion as an encouragement for us to embrace change ourselves – change in locations, format and product mix.

There are still too many newsagency businesses today not much different to what they offered ten to twenty years ago. The Cotton On model is to have multiple formats, fresh locations and a pitch relevant to today’s shoppers.


Being different at Christmas matters in the newsagency

IMG_1644With the Reject Shop, Coles, eight discount variety stores, Target, K-Mart and twelve gift shops in the centre, it is important our Christmas pitch is different otherwise price is what people compare. This owl is part of a unique range of premium Christmas decorations we have this year. It is working a treat. The owl reflects our view that competing starts with product sourcing.


The difference between newsagencies

IMG_1752Nowhere is the difference between newsagency businesses more evident than in the magazine department of a newsagency in the Northern Territory. Comparing this to most suburban east coast newsagencies highlights the difference.

In Humpty Doo in the Northern territory yesterday, I was in a good locally-focussed newsagency business where magazines play an important traffic driving role.

The photo shows the two main magazine units. Both sides are full of magazines.

What is interesting is that the commitment to magazines has not held the owners back from being proactive in other categories, new traffic driving categories.

The situation is helped by limited support for magazines in nearby supermarkets and the usual top sellers only in nearby petrol outlets.

In the shop yesterday I found myself thinking about what I wrote recently calling for magazine publishers to pull back from supermarkets, to make newsagencies magazine specialists.

The more newsagencies I see away from the competition we see in the city the more I am convinced that newsagents can grow magazine sales through genuine commercial partnership with publishers.

In case you missed it, here is the nub of the post:

My proposal is simple – make newsagents the magazine specialists by only supplying them.

This single move, of choosing to place titles exclusively in the newsagency channel, would encourage newsagent support. I am not talking here about one or two titles. No, I am talking about hundreds of titles, popular titles, titles in the top 200 even. Place these exclusively in the newsagency channel and you change the game, you get the attention of newsagents, you push back against the supermarkets and you respect your product.

While I am confident that a bold move such as I outline here would benefit publishers and newsagents it would need careful negotiating, involving many titles and requiring thoughtful newsagent engagement. And, yes, there would need to be a discussion on margin. Rent and labour in retail are considerable expenses and titles not paying their way serve no purpose in any retail business. However, margin can be considered in various forms. For example, there could be a base stocking fee or some other levy to support the category.

If sought after product is only available in one channel then the two main parties to such a relationship, the publisher and newsagents, ought to benefit. We would have a shared commercial objective, far more so than exists today.

In the meantime, it was good this week to see newsagencies in NT representing the channel well.


Promoting marie claire online

IMG_1688We are promoting the latest issue of marie claire magazine on Facebook to leverage the terrific gift of MOR hand and body lotion packaged with the title. This is the type of gift people will seek out the magazine for.


My advice about placing magazine posters in the newsagency window


Your window is a window for a purpose. It is there to show people inside your shop, to entice them in. Cover it with magazine posters and you block the view.

It could be worse. You could be covering your window promoting magazines available from other retailers. That makes your window a billboard for the publisher more so that a marketing tool for your shop.

You can grow magazine sales without sticking posters up anywhere, especially on your windows.
