A blog on issues affecting Australia's newsagents, media and small business generally. More ...

Sock promotion a hit for Vic. newsagents

FullSizeRender 6The sock giveaway with the Herald Sun and in association with Energy Safe Victoria on Saturday was a hit with customers. While socks were gone by lunchtime, people were okay if they missed out. The promotion was helped by the especially cold start to Saturday. I’d rate this as a good promotion.


Sunday newsagency challenge: list what hasn’t sold

Go to your software and run a report listing stock on the shelves for which you have not sold one item in the last six months. In most newsagencies where I run this report the owners are shocked as it lists the value of this dead stock. A common response is to do nothing about it. I tell people buying newsagencies to not pay wholesale for dead stock – it should be discounted by its age.

Newsagency challenges

Sunday newsagency marketing tip: stop marketing what everyone else is marketing

I continues to be surprised at how much time newsagents spend marketing lottery games, newspapers and the top selling magazine titles on social media and other marketing platforms for their businesses.

This marketing is not differentiating for your business.

The only time I see value in promoting a lottery game, scratch ticket, a newspaper or top-selling magazine is when the context of the marketing message is unique to your business. That uniqueness could be convenience of the shop, the hours or some other genuinely unique factor.

Unless there is a unique factor to offer context, the marketing of the lottery game, newspaper or magazine is not useful to your business.

For every social media post or every ad, you have to ask: what does this say about us?

Some of our national suppliers have been good at training us to promote their brands in a way that is not unique to us. That has to change with their products now widely available on many different retail businesses.


Sunday newsagency management tip: have a policy on people who take photos in your newsagency

If you do not have a policy on photos being taken in your business you need to establish one and share with all who work in the business.

The policy needs to be simple: easily understood and easily enforced.

For what it is worth, here are my thoughts.


  1. You are welcome to take selfies and photos of friends while in the shop.
  2. Please ensure others are not captured in your photos.
  3. Please do not take any close up photos of products without permission.
  4. Please do not take any photos of the business without permission as there are aspects of what we do that are commercially sensitive and such photos could disadvantage us.
Management tip

Is News Corp. acting to harm newsagency sales when it wants newsagent support for its federal election promotion?

News Corp. appears to have launched a major hotel promotion with newspapers being provided, possibly free, to CBD hotels on the same day News Corp is asking newsagents to run its federal election promotion for capital city dailies and The Australian.

I have seen supply data for hotels due to receive significant numbers of papers from Monday with this note in the email to newsagents from News:  the hotel listed below has been increased as from and including Monday June 13th to Sunday June 26th to the figures as show. This hotel is across the road from the newsagency.

Increases have included supply where no newspapers were previously supplied.

I cannot see the sense in News Corp. running this hotel promotion at exactly the same time as the election promotion as both target the same shopper.

Is this one part of the company competing with another?

Footnote: News sent out the advice after 5pm yesterday, Friday, for a Monday morning start. That is poor form in my view.


Changing the way we display cards in the newsagency

IMG_0441While the card department in the newsagency serves destination card shoppers, it does little to drive impulse purchases. We regularly pursue impulse purchases of cards by placing cards outside the card department, way outside, usually in a way to disrupt the shopping experience.

Every week or two we make a move with cards, to change-up the approach and have cards seen by people who might otherwise never purchase cards from us.

This photo shows one such move with cards. We have pegged a range of naughty cards to a black wire-frame mannequin. We felt this stand was an appropriate host for these cards as it plays against the naughtiness of the text.

The beauty of our approach of playing with cards outside the card department is that we can do this for ourselves, we have more control.

Greeting Cards

Make sure that computer you buy for your newsagency is what you think it is

A newsagent recently purchased a computer based on the brand and the claimed technical specifications. While the badge on the computer was of a known brand, the computer itself was refurbished. It was made up of parts not in the original machine. It was not of the specification claimed. It was not new.

No wonder the newsagent was angry when the manufacturer represented by the brand on the computer box did not honour the warranty. They did not have the claim by the supplier in writing and was therefore limited in action they could take.

A simple rule applies to computer hardware: something that sounds like the best year ever probably is too good to be true.


4 Colours pens at the counter work

IMG_0438Moving this stand of 4 Colours pens from the stationery aisle to the counter kicked up sales. People purchased the pens on impulse. This simple move paid off and reminded me of the value of thoughtful tactical placement of items at the counter. As with any most like this, measuring the result is crucial.

I urge any newsagent reading this to right away introduce something new to the counter, to chase impulse purchases.


The newspaper stand is a thing of the past

For decades newsagents were required by newspaper publishers to dedicate close to two square metres of space in prime location at the front of the shop to the display of newspapers. There were rules about the design of the stand and what we could place on the stand.

Many newsagencies today still have the fixtures in place as they were expensive and purpose built – removing them is expensive.

So long after newspapers lost their value in retail newsagencies, costs associated with a bygone era are a challenge for some newsagents.

The experience is a reminder to newsagents of the risks of agreeing to give over part of the store to a supplier for long after the supplier’s focus on the newsagency channel has faded, the costs of their required engagement continue to be carried by the business.

Today, newspapers work from almost anywhere in the newsagency. While publishers pressure for a front of store high-traffic location, their actions with other retailers and online lead to most newsagents not listening to their pleas.


Consistency needed on newspaper promo coupons

IMG_0445We take collecting coupons for newspaper promotions seriously in the newsagency, even when we are not required to pass the coupon back to the distributing agent for the publisher.

The coupon is part of the transaction, as it says on the coupon itself.

What do you think.

It frustrates me when people come in asking for the offer, in this case the Footy Powers 3 game card pack, and expecting us to sell them the pack without the coupon.

One customer last week yelled at us saying every other newsagent gives them to us  without the coupon. When they said this I realised the inconsistency in the channel was a bad look for us.

What is the point of the coupon if every newsagent does not always collect?

I’d prefer News Corp. to resolve this for us, to stop requiring the coupons and stop printing this as a requirement – especially when we don’t have to hand the coupon back. Otherwise, the inconsistency continues and we all look like disorganised fools.

Newsagency management

Promoting the Pacific Magazines $150,000 magazine campaign

Here is how my other newsagency is promoting the newsagent exclusive magazine campaign being run for us by Pacific Magazines. This placement is seen by everyone entering our main magazine aisle.


This is a vitally important campaign for us not only because it helps us differentiate but because history shows campaigns like this work at driving magazine sales.


The end of mass media?

Medium has published Death to the Mass, an essay by respected media observer, commentator and journalism school professor Jeff Jarvis. The essay touches on points some newsagents will find interesting as it explores the future of business that for more than 100 years was the reason our newsagency channel existed.

We all know the fate of Gutenberg’s invention. I have nothing against print, just as I have nothing against horses as a means of transportation or telephones as a means of talking, but we cannot hold onto an unsustainable technological artifact out of romanticism. I have been among those who argue that news must become digital first. To the companies I work with I offer a simple definition of that buzzphrase: A legacy news company must become a fully sustainable (read: profitable) digital enterprise before the date at which print becomes unsustainable. And that date is…? Sooner than we wish to think.

Jarvis eloquently explores the future of journalism, separating the profession from the dying distribution business.

When we read the article, we newsagents can think beyond journalism and newspapers and think about our model, across a range of challenged product categories, and explore our future.

newsagency of the future

The unnecessarily large Blueshyft stock file

XchangeIT has sent newsagents a large stock file for the Blueshyft services product. The approach being taken here is 100% in the control of Blueshyft and XchangeIT. It is an approach that I and experts at my newsagency software company have disagreed with from the outset.

I make this point today because a newsagent has told me they were told Tower helped create the process leading to the large file with 1,000s of entries. Tower did not help create the process. As recently as a week ago was advocating to Blueshyft they find an alternative that represented best practice in terms of retail data management.

While the world will not end and newsagency computer systems will not grind to a halt, these systems will be loaded with junk data as a result, and there are consequences for junk data.

Anyone focussed on serving the needs of newsagents would not agree to this.

Newsagency challenges

CWA’s Ruth magazine

FullSizeRenderIt was good to see the CWA’s Ruth magazine getting star treatment at the newsagency at airs airport yesterday afternoon. The fixture with the title sits in front of the magazine fixture and really does make the feature magazine it holds the hero for that stand.


Promoting the local newspaper

IMG_0503I’m in Cairns today and share here the pitch from the Cairns Post. Overtime I am here I check out their building in the centre of the city as they continue to promote the local paper, while other newspaper offices too often promote only digital. I love the focus on local news here – locals tell me this helps drive sales to tourists.


Handling the News Corp election offer

Screen Shot 2016-06-07 at 6.39.06 PMNewsagents need to manage the News Corp bundle offer so that sales data flows to News and the company is able to measure engagement. There has been some confusion with communication from XchangeIT and News Corp.

To serve the need of newsagents in any state or territory, my newsagency software company Tower Systems published advice Sunday and Monday.

Newsagents ought to check with their software company in order to run this promotion the correct way. If they do not do this it could impact measurement as well as proper compensation.

Newspaper distribution

Promoting the Pacific Magazines $150,000 giveaway

13383396_1016014221839286_1184919593_oHere is one of the ways we are promoting the Pacific Magazines $150,000 giveaway in-store. This tactical placement in the front part of the store is vital as is promotion at the counter and in with magazines in their usual promotion.

Pacific runs promotions such as this as they work in achieving sales growth. This is why I encourage newsagents to engage.

This is a newsagency channel exclusive promotion. It is an excellent opportunity if you compete with supermarkets.


Lottoland ad campaign in full swing

Lottoland has ads running on fee to air TV as well as commercial radio. The ads have the same breezy feel of riches opportunity you get from Tatts ads. Here is the TVC:

No wonder Tatts has launched The Lott to enable it to run a national marketing campaign. I think the challenge for Tatts will come from brand recognition. Lottoland is more immediately undetrstood than The Lott. My experience is the moment you have to explain a brand is the moment you lose a chunk of thee people you are seeking to attract.

Online/mobile is the next frontier for lottery sales without a doubt in my view.


Mastercard tells customers to use for a newspaper purchase

MastercardCheck out the outdoor ad from Mastercard sent to me by a colleague. Without reference to newsagents Mastercard is telling people in the streets it is okay to use Mastercard to purchase a newspaper.

With some newsagents making only 12.5% from the sale of newspapers and some Mastercard transactions costing 3% of purchase price, it is no wonder plenty of newsagents will not accept Mastercard for a newspaper purchase.

The folks at Mastercard ought to consult with small business newsagents before they run a promotion such as this.

Newsagency challenges

News Corp. to close seven local papers in Victoria

News Corp. is closing the Melbourne Leader, the Berwick Leader, the Brimbank Leader, the Free Press Leader, the Hobsons Bay Leader, the Melton Leader and the Wyndham Leader from July 1 as reported by Mumbrella. While not a direct impact for most newsagents, the news is another example of the challenges for print newspapers and a reminder of the need for newsagency businesses to attract people with new products.

Media disruption