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supplier arogance

NDD, the company that keeps on giving

On October 22, 2006 we received 10 copies of Modern Hair and Beauty 2nd edition. We returned 4. Today we received 3 copies of the exact same issue of this title. Distributors call it a reissue. Newsagents call it a scam. This cash grab by NDD is another example of unconscionable conduct. The hair category is oversupplied with titles. While they will claim that the 6 sold is evidence there may be demand for the reissue, the reality is that new issues of other titles have come out and this now old product will only give off the wrong message for a business trying to look current.

Reissues are ought to be banned unless a panel of newsagents (the ones who fund the practice) say otherwise title by title


Overcrowding in children’s magazine space

The children’s magazine space is crowded with titles and sales are flat at best, falling in around 33% of stores I see data for. While key branded product such as Wiggles, K-Zone and Saddle Club are okay, the category is filled with me too product. The range in the photo below, recently distributed by Network, is a good example of this- high retail price, long shelf life and not unique from what’s on offer in the category.


While I understand the need to bring in new titles to build sales, the $300+ investment in these four titles in this category is unlikely to be cash-flow positive for newsagents.

We need to introduce a cost of entry for new titles which respects our real-estate and labour costs. This barrier will qualify new titles and ensure that publishers and distributors do not take advantage of us.


The drug pusher and the junkie who wants to go clean

Newsagents have been the magazine specialists in Australia for more than 100 years. Even in today’s highly competitive market where around 50% of magazines are sold in supermarkets, petrol outlets and convenience stores, newsagents remain committed to the category. They see their range of magazines as a point of difference.

Magazine distributors and publishers often complain about the lack of compliance by newsagents in the areas of retail display, data management, adherence to terms and service. The complainers ought to consider their behaviour before complaining about the most cost effective and compliant retail network they have.

In recent years, newsagents- the junkies in the magazine space given the huge range of titles they carry – have been trying to get clean. They have sought to reduce oversupply and not overstock in the various categories. Magazine distributors, the pushers, have made this hard on newsagents. They don’t want their customers to get off the magazine drug.

Take NDD. They know the crossword category is well served with local and imported titles. Yet when one distributor decided not to continue with a range of imported titles because of poor sales they took up the contract. Look at what we received yesterday, January 26, 2007:


These are Christmas titles from the UK. The competitions touted on the front page are over. They do not have any point of difference to the Australian product other than that they are more expensive. They have an 8 week shelf life. I doubt that any newsagent will make money from these titles.

NDD will make money. They get paid per copy distributed. So, they contract to take thousands of copies, push them out to their naive and disorganised junkie makes and sit back while the money rolls in. For NDD it’s easy money. For newsagents it is a scam.

The government, through the deregulation of the newspaper and magazine supply model in 1999, helped create the current situation. It is disappointing that they are not prepared to look at the impact of their decisions back then. Families are in distress because of the broken magazines supply model – because of the unconscionable behaviour of companies like NDD in distributing product which is not commercially viable for newsagents.

There is no other channel where a supplier can so easily send out product it knows will lose money for retailers as the newsagency channel.

The only solution for newsagents is to boycott grossly underperforming titles and distributors. These titles from NDD are a perfect example. They did not work when Gordon and Gotch had them. They will not work now. NDD does not care because it is paid for its services. Newsagents are left penniless like most junkies.

To the NDD executives reading this – I am not targeting you. Your behaviour in sending grossly underperforming product and long shelf life product brings attention upon yourselves.


Cloth Dolls & Bears – the magazine that never dies

cloth-dolls-bears.JPGWhen Vaughan Lawrence of Beechworth Newsagency told me of how shabbily his business had been treated by NDD in relation to Cloth Dolls & Bears I knew I had to check my situation. Sure enough, we have received the same issue six times over the last two years. I stress, the same issue six times over the last two years. It’s total sell through rate is 45%. The title loses $20.00 net a year for us. While the loss is not much, NDD would know the title is a failure yet they continue to send it to us and other newsagents, milking our cash.

I will write to the ACCC about this title as it offers further hard evidence of unconscionable conduct by NDD toward newsagents.


Christmas is soooo yesterday


Here are five Christmas themed puzzle magazines which arrived at our newsagency and I am sure thousands of others yesterday. We have not even put them on the shelves as they would make our business look out of date. This is yet another example of a magazine distributor having little regard for their newsagent partners.

It also highlights the broken magazine distribution model in Australia. Government policy in part created this problem and they have washed their hands of the mess for small business they created.


Magazine twins


The Windows XP magazine on the left is published locally and distributed by Network services. It sells for $14.95. The Windows XP magazine on the right is published in the UK and distributed by NDD. It sells for $19.95.

That these are the same magazine, have different prices and come from different distributors demonstrated how broken the Australian magazine supply model is.

We have early returned the NDD product today. It’s a topped return meaning we rip the top off and post that back for the credit. This would make the publisher / importer happy if they found out that their stock never made it to our shelves and that they cannot sell the returned product elsewhere.


Magazine oversupply complaint lodged with ACCC

Here is the letter I sent yesterday to the ACCC detailing my unconscionable conduct complaint against NDD. I have documented what I consider to be irrefutable evidence of supply and return data for Bargain Shopper magazine from the last fourteen months, data which has been ignored by NDD in the making of their latest scale out decisions for this title:

On December 21, 2005, NDD supplied my business with 64 copies of the 2006 edition of Bargain Shopper. We returned 34 copies: 28 copies on January 12, 2006 and 6 copies on June 7, 2006. On February 8, 2006, NDD supplied us with 40 copies of the same 2006 edition we had earlier returned. We subsequently returned 30 of these: 14 copies on April 12, 2006 and 13 copies on June 7, 2006. On August 25, 2006, NDD supplied a further 29 copies and we subsequently returned 18. In broad terms this represents a sell-through (success) rate of 38% for 2006. Once we allow for theft, the success rate falls to close to 34%.

On January 10, 2007, NDD supplied my newsagency with 75 copies of the 2007 edition of Bargain Shopper. Given the access it has to sales data, NDD would know that it would be unlikely that we sell any more than 30 copies of the title through the entire forecast on-sale period, even allowing for some growth.

The supply of 75 copies on Bargain Shopper accompanied by a requirement that they are held for eight months is, in my view, unconscionable conduct under section 51AC of the Trade Practices Act 1974. I say this because NDD consistently oversupplied long shelf titles like Bargain Shopper with the full knowledge that my business will sell less than half of what they supply.

Section 51AC of the Trade Practices Act 1974 sets out several factors a court can consider in deciding whether conduct was unconscionable. The ACCC website advises:

Being taken advantage of in a transaction in a way that offends the conscience is known as unconscionable conduct.

Does it offend the conscience that NDD supplied me with such quantity of Bargain Shopper that I will lose money? Yes! Does NDD do this for other titles? Yes! Will NDD offer to fix this? Yes! Some time after fixing this will NDD revert to their old practices and oversupply? Yes!

I could have supported my complaint against NDD with evidence relating to many more titles. I felt it appropriate to start with one. Depending on the response from the ACCC, I may add more titles.

It would be easy to turn a blind eye to the oversupply by NDD as many newsagents do. Sometimes it is too stressful thinking about the tens of thousands of dollars in magazine stock sitting on the shelves waiting to be returned some time in the future. My view is that unless newsagents take a strong stand we will continue to be treated as we are. We ought to be proud of our businesses and the benefits they provide publishers and magazine distributors and we ought to price ourselves accordingly.


Newsagents worried about free daily newspapers

The Sunday Herald in Scotland has a story about the possible impact of a recently announced free afternoon newspaper on newsagents. The UK newsagent association (NFRN) is holding meetings of members and with the publishers to discuss the lost of sales and customer traffic caused by free newspapers.

As data from Dr. Piet Bakker – published here just a few weeks ago – shows, free daily newspapers are growing. Even though Australia is behind Europe and the US, they are gaining traction. These free dailies provide publishers with an easy sell to advertisers and are being used in many situations to boost advertising sales for the paid for product. It makes sense. In Europe especially publishers have been very successful maintaining revenue through by launching free daily newspapers.

While it’s natural that newsagents will complain to publishers about the impact of these free newspapers, my view is that our energy is better spent expecting the move and adjusting our businesses today accordingly. Free newspapers are not new, we have seen them growing for the last five years. This is change we can prepare for today. Indeed, it is change we ought to have been preparing for long before now.

We need to rely less on newspapers for traffic and revenue. This means we need to build traffic from other categories. It also means we need to adjust the layout of our businesses and focus on higher margin traffic generating product toward the front of our shops. While publishers will resist such a fundamental change – given that newspapers have always had the best location in our shops – they need to allow us to respond to market trends just as they are through acquisition of online businesses, moving their product further outside the newsagent channel and by launching free newspapers.

The newsagent channel in Australia was created by publishers to serve their needs. In 2007, newsagents must put their needs ahead of publishers. Tough decisions face us and we must be businesslike and swift in making them.

For the record I am not advocating that newsagents get out of newspapers, rather that they invest real estate and labour in newspapers according to their anticipated return to the business.

Media disruption

How NDD steals cashflow from newsagents

bargain.JPGLast year NDD sent us 64 copies of bargain shopper. We returned 34. Some weeks later they sent us another 40 of the same issue and we returned 30. Some weeks later they sent us 29 and we returned 18. In all, 133 supplied and 82 returned – a 38.3% sell through rate. Fast forward to this week, NDD, a company claiming to be magazine distribution experts, sent us 75 copies of the 2007 edition of Bargain Shopper.

This is unconscionable conduct by NDD. There is no support in our sales data, data they also have, to support such a scale out. In my store alone this title is costing me $559.68. Based on my sales history I can expect to return more than 60% of stock supplied. This means I will have $447.75 of my cash being held by NDD purely for their benefit. The cost of this cash, the real-estate taken and the cost of labour wipes out any profit from the title.

It is appalling that my newsagency and thousands of other newsagencies are being abused by NDD in this way. It is this behaviour which is killing our channel. I will lodge a complaint with the ACCC about this conduct. Hopefully other newsagents will as well.

While I will also early return the half of what I have been supplied and make a case to NOT pay for this excess stock, it is appalling that my time is wasted with this activity.


Virgin Mobile cuts newsagent commission and forgets the little guy

virgin.JPGVirgin Mobile, an Optus company, yesterday advised newsagents that commission on the sale of Virgin mobile phone recharge product is to be cut again. What used to be profitable business for newsagents is now of questionable worth. Consider this, a recharge transaction takes between one and three minutes and newsagents make, on average, a dollar gross profit. Once you allow for card fees and overheads it is, as I say, questionable business.

Virgin has a responsibility to answer the following questions for newsagents:

Has Virgin cut the commission it pays to Coles, Woolworths and Australia Post?

What commission is Coles, Woolworths and Australia Post on? (I ask because of evidence published here last year of Vodafone paying Coles 16% when it cut newsagent commission to 5%.)

Has commission to wholesalers and any other middlemen between Virgin and newsagents been equally cut?

What is Virgin’s justification given that its profits are strong and given that newsagents do not have any means of reducing the cost of providing the service?

Under corporate responsibility at the Virgin Mobile website, there is nothing about fair treatment of its retail network or respect for those who have helped build its brand.

I understand that commissions on telco recharge are falling globally. This does not make Virgin Mobile’s move acceptable. Newsagents need to achieve a fair return on labour for all services offered.

The lemming like approach of telcos to drive commissions down and down, once newsagents have invested tens of thousands of dollars in equipment to be able to do the recharge, is disrespectful. If their profit situation demanded it, okay, but it does not. Companies like Virgin have been happy to use newsagents to gain market share and now it is achieved they cut newsagents out of the game.

How socially responsible is that?

Newsagency challenges

eBay hikes fees and forgets its community

findit_team.JPGeBay is applying old world principles to its online business in the fee increases announced earlier this week. I think it’s losing its way. I am conflicted in my view because I own the Find It online classifieds business which is currently in beta. However, in the journey to build Find It we have learnt plenty about the cost of developing and maintaining a classified site. I don’t see any justification for the eBay fee rises – especially their 33% fee rise for motorcycles and 20% fee rise for motor vehicles. Bandwidth is costing less, services have not improved, customer service is no better. Why the price rise?

The online world has grown around a belief in and a commitment to low or no cost use. Fee increases for use of services like eBay fly in the face of that and it is natural that the community is angry. No wonder Craigslist is so popular in the US – it remains steadfast in providing a home for free classifieds and it’s 25% owned by eBay!

When we do start charging for classified ads at Find It – all ads are currently free – ads for items selling for $500 or less will ALWAYS BE FREE. Cars and motorcycles selling for $5,000 or less will ALWAYS BE FREE. This is our commitment to the community. eBay has forgotten its commitment to the community.

More than 1,000 newsagents are our retail partners in Find It. Already newsagents are bringing car dealers on with ads as well as real-estate agents. Once we start charging our newsagents get a clip from ads as well as profit share, once we are profitable. Find It is our way of bringing online revenue to the bricks and mortar newsagent channel.

Newsagency challenges

The bridesmade you take for granted

Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. I think that’s how the saying goes. It’s how newsagents are feeling today having received the wonderful looking Bridesmaid’s Best Friends magazine / book by Wildfire Publishing and distributed through NDD. This $12.95 title is set to remain on our shelves for ten months. Our commission is 25%. This is more book than magazine. The commission ought to be double – 50%.

While some newsagents will sell this title, many will not. The long shelf life and lack of time in newsagencies to police the long shelf life mean many will cop the ten month penalty and return the title in October. If Wildfire and NDD want ten months of shelf space in my shop they need to pay me for it. Since there is no such arrangement I am returning the title next week.

I’d like to see all newsagents who do not expect to sell Bridesmaids Best Friends in the next month return the title next week to NDD. We ought to make a statement to the distributor and publisher that we will not be treated this way.

Newsagents need to think of themselves as the bride and NOT the bridesmaid who is taken for granted.

Thanks to John Rees for tipping mo off about this title. I’d missed it this morning.


Business magazine bad for business

DSC02348.JPGHere’s another title which should be killed. Sales are none or one for each issue of Business & Investment Lifestyle Sales in my shop. It’s not paying its way and is wasting time and real-estate.

I’m boring you with my almost daily blogging about crap magazine titles but someone sometime will take notice. NEWSAGENTS ARE BEING ABUSED with titles like this. Newsagent competitors are not burdened with such performing titles. Yeah, Business & Investment Lifestyle Sales is passed its use by date. The internet owns this space now.


Is this the worst performing business magazine ever?

DSC02352.JPGAustralian Business and Money Making Opportunities magazine is not making money for me. It never sells and is rarely stolen. The publisher website is called profitcentre. This title is NO PROFIT CENTRE for me.

Newsagents write to the distributor cutting titles like this and nothing happens. We need the ability to kill the title permanently. Magazine distributors would hate it all newsagents had access to such control.

By continuing to blog about such titles I am hoping to shame the publishers, in this instance AAA Media Network, into respecting newsagents and paying for our labour and real-estate.


Another magazine cash scam


NDD sent through more long shelf life magazine junk today. We received 5 copies of Free Games 4, another title from IDG Communications Australia. Free Games 4 joins Build Your Own Games, Ultimate PSP Buyers Guide, World of Warcraft and Grand Theft Auto. Each has a shelf life of between four and six months, each is cash-flow negative and each makes a loss for my business. Being small in size, these titles are more prone to theft – newsagents carry the cost of that as well.

IDG and NDD are abusing newsagents by supplying these titles without compensation for the extra long shelf life. They suck cash out of our businesses and this impacts in other categories. They would not do this to any outlet competing with newsagents.

Not only are we out of pocket in funding the stock while it’s in our shops, we also have to pay freight for product returned. I can’t imagine Coles or Woolworths putting up with this.

This is a scam. Newsagents pay for the titles a month after they arrive and are not repaid for returned stock for a month after they are returned. In the case of these IDG titles, hundreds of thousands of dollars is sloshing between NDD and IDG – cash funded by newsagents. We are their bankers.

These IDG titles would be a good starting point for newsagents to take collective boycott action. The current supply model is uneconomic. In fact, it is unconscionable based on the data I have seen from many newsagencies. There is no justification for the quantity supplied or the long shelf life. While the Trade Practices Act denies us the opportunity, today, to take collective action, morally we would be right to do so.

I am offended that IDG is promoting direct sale of the titles from its website. They ought to point people interested to newsagents – there are 4,600 of us – one near you. That they do promote purchase direct from IDG like this disrespects us. Here they are supplying titles we have to fund and carry for up to six months and they say thanks by competing with us.

The sooner newsagents are firm and business like in controlling the real-estate and labour assets of their business the sooner we will make more money for ourselves and the suppliers who respect us.

Thanks to Vaughan Lawrence of Beechworth Newsagency for tipping me off about Free Games 4 today.


Trade Practices Act mandated mediation ignored in dispute between Supanews and franchisee

I met last week with Rad Williams, the franchisee of Supanews Bayside (Frankston). Rad is a client of Tower Systems, my software company and has been locked out of his business by Supanews, they hold the head lease, since December 21. On hearing of the situation I offered to help – hence my meeting with Rad last week.

Because of threats of legal action by Supanews against Rad I don’t plan to go into detail about his situation here. I’ll share the basic facts. The Franchisor (Supanews) and the Franchisee (Rad and partners) have been in dispute for some time. It is while this dispute was taking its course that Rad was locked out of his business. This has stopped him earning an income at the most crucial retail time of the year. I has also denied him access to personal items and assets. Due to the time of the year, timely access to legal advice has been a challenge. As of last Friday the shop had been closed eight days.

Newsagents ought to be concerned about this for any newsagent in trouble is felt by the entire network. Rad’s situation impacts how suppliers view newsagents. It also impacts how prospective purchasers view newsagencies. Without judging the actions of Supanews, December 21 is a dark day for our channel.

One particular aspect of the lockout which is surprising is the use of the Frankston Police by Supanews. From what I understand, without any court order, they attended and advised Rad that he would be arrested if he attempted to access his business.

The ACCC website provides advice all franchisees ought to consider if they are in dispute with a franchisor. It documents mediation required (under the Trade Practices Act) to resolve disputes which cannot be resolved amicably:

If direct internal negotiations fail to achieve a satisfactory outcome within three weeks, the code enables mediation—negotiation between the parties facilitated by an impartial third party, the mediator. Under the code, if mediation is requested by either of the parties it becomes mandatory for both attend the mediation and to try to resolve the dispute. Refusal to attend the mediation and/or make a genuine attempt to resolve the dispute will constitute a breach of the code and thereby a breach of the Act.

This mediation guarantees an independent forum before the dispute gets to court.

Here are some links which readers may find helpful:

ACCC Office of the Mediation Advisor (Franchising).
ACCC small business complaints form.
Small Business Commissioner, Victoria.
Franchise council of Australia.

Newsagency challenges

Newsagent anger grows over Bill Express BOPO card training

20/01/07 UPDATE. The concern expressed below has been well addressed by Bill Express announcing a sales game for newsagents. More here

bopo2.JPGThings have deteriorated in the two weeks since my Dec. 16 post about newsagents being ‘charged’ for training by Bill Express (ASX code: BXP) in the sale of its new BOPO debit card.

Newsagents are reporting being charged even where no training has been provided. Others have refused the training and still been charged. Many who have received training are reporting that it took a few minutes and they were still charged upwards of $200.00 including GST.

It is rare that a supplier keen to win new business would force training on their retail network. However, the arrangements between Bill Express and newsagents are such that this can happen. Bill Express is reducing a subsidy for one month to ‘charge’ for the training. The subsidy was put in place in 2003/04 to financially support newsagents while Bill Express brought billers on board. As the biller traffic has not been as great as expected, the subsidy has been maintained. Without it newsagents, would be losing money and this would create further problems for Bill Express.

Newsagent anger at having to pay for training is at a serious stage. Some are openly calling for class action to be taken against Bill Express.

From what I can see there is no correlation between the actual ‘charge’ and the cost of the training. This makes me doubt the justification for the charge. I am suspicious that this is more about Bill Express’ cashflow than training. Why else would they charge a business $200 for something which is easily handled over the phone in a few minutes?

Unless the situation is resolved in the next few days, Bill Express will have done irreparable damage to its relationship with many newsagents. The only reasonable solution now is the immediate reversal of the training ‘charge’. This will demonstrate good faith to newsagents and stop them from quitting their Bill Express contracts.

Bill Express

A call to boycott underperforming magazines

small_business.JPGHere is proof of how newsagents are disadvantaged by the broken magazine distribution system.

On October 11, 2006 we received 16 copies of PC World’s Small Business Technology magazine at my newsagency. Up to yesterday we sold two copies. If we do what NDD, the distributor, wants, we’ll hold the title for another month. The credit for returned copies will not reach us until a month after that, leaving us more than $100 out of pocket for several months. On top of this cash-flow ‘loss’ I’d add that the title, over its shelf life, will have cost us $14.00 in real estate and labour providing a trading loss to us, on the basis of two copies sold, $9.00.

I didn’t order this title and it’s cost me $9.00. How nuts is a magazine distribution system which can cause a loss for me and not offer me any control over the loss?

How unfair is a magazine distribution system which does not value, at all, my real estate and my labour?

Every day in newsagencies across Australia we’re seeing unconscionable conduct such as with Small Business Technology magazine by magazine publishers and distributors.

I did not order this magazine. I had no input into the quantity supplied. Sales data at NDD would suggest that a scale out of no more than six copies for my store would be appropriate. However, since NDD has a contract with the publisher which, I suspect, requires scale out of all copies supplied by the publisher, they shift their obligation to newsagents like me. This makes us the banker for several months. NDD uses our cash to fund a broken magazine distribution system. The publisher gets paid, NDD is financially protected and newsagents carry the risk.

This magazine should never have been published. The information is out of date. It’s mainly advertising designed for browsing and newsagents provide this service.

I doubt that newsagent competitors in the magazine category – supermarkets, petrol outlets, convenience stores – have this title. They control what they receive. Newsagents do not.

Titles like this and scale our decisions such as that made by NDD for this title are killing newsagencies. This is one outcome of the Government driven deregulation of our channel – that we have been left with a magazine distribution model which makes us financially uncompetitive.

The only action I can take is to return the title early but that’s time consuming of itself and often leads to arguments with the distributor.

The magazine supply problem will get worse for newsagents in 2007 as the gulf between the successful titles (around 250) and the unsuccessful titles (about 2,000) widens. Newsagents must organise and take collective action, they must boycott under performing titles. They must refuse to pay for under performing stock and force their suppliers to fix the problem.


Newsagent injunction against newspaper publisher extended by 7 days

Further to my Dec. 18 post about moves by a major newspaper publisher to take away the rights of a newsagent to distribute their product – such rights are the bread and butter of small business newsagents.

In a hearing yesterday I am told the judge in the NSW Industrial Court extended the temporary injunction another week.

It is disappointing but not surprising that newspapers will not publish this story. They’re not transparent when it comes to reporting actions they take, from time to time, against small business newsagents. I am not saying they ought to have no rights to protect their businesses but rather that they demonstrate transparency.

This is a big story – then guts of a small business being ripped apart by one of their biggest suppliers on the even of Christmas and for what, to someone looking from a distance, seem to be dubious reasons.

Newsagency challenges

Reader’s Digest oversupply: unconscionable conduct

rd_cover.JPGIn April this year I blogged about gross oversupply of Reader’s Digest by their distributor NDD. At the time, my supply had been increased without justification. As a result of my blogging, supply was reduced to a more reasonable level. Last week my supply quantity for Reader’s Digest was increased to a gross oversupply level again. I have been supplied more than three times what I will sell even in a good month. NDD and its computer systems know this. They have knowingly taken advantage of my newsagency and, I suspect, many other newsagencies. This is unconscionable conduct. It is the type of magazine supplier behaviour that newsagents ought to complain to the ACCC about. It is the type of conduct which places newsagents at a disadvantage as it removes cash from small businesses as they have to fund this gross over supply.

Newsagent competitors in the magazine category control what they receive. Newsagents do not. NDD will say that I’m wrong on this and cite many examples of how newsagents can control supply. My questions is how is such control evident in the supply quantity for Reader’s Digest this month? Following my blogging in April this year I reached agreement with NDD about supply quantity for Reader’s Digest. Barely eight months on and it is being ignored. I do not control what I receive. This disadvantages my newsagency.

Data I see suggests that Reader’s Digest sales are falling. If we allow for shrinkage (theft and other loss) the sales fall looks worse. Reader’s Digest is easy to steal given its size so I’d suggest shrinkage is above the average of 2% I see for magazines.

Photo source: reader’s Digest website.


Real estate agents to take on News and Fairfax?

The Australian yesterday reported that the Real Estate Institute of Australia is planning to launch a website to collate property sales data and, ultimately, compete with realestate.com.au, domain.com.au and the many others. It’s a move by independent real estate agents to take control back of a key traffic generator for their businesses – online advertising. While the move is likely to be too little too late, it’s the arrogance of a major competitor which caught my eye in the story:

Realestate.com.au chief executive Simon Baker said those price rises were justified because they corresponded with the much higher rises in site traffic and property listings.

Mr Baker said the group was not concerned about the prospect of an industry-led site because it was unlikely REIA would be able to obtain enough capital to adequately fund a new sales portal.

The Australian is published by News Limited which owns 53% of realestate.com.au. Baker is wrong to justify price rises of 10% a year on traffic generated by the site. The Internet is not a place where such old school justification of price rises is accepted. Online shoppers do so because online costs are less. Price rises ought to reflect real price rises experienced by the supplier and not what they think they can get away with.

By allowing online advertising sites to grow unchecked as they have, real estate agents have lost control of traffic to their doors and this makes them vulnerable. If Australia follows the US there will be a move to cut real estate agent commissions through better online functionality. Just as happened with online travel portals taking business form travel agents. Why will I be happy to love, say, $10,000 to a real estate agent when I can use an online ad portal to take care of the main work for less than 10% of that?

To compete with the power of realestate and domain, the agents need to offer new and exclusive functionality. It’s not just about price as the story in The Australian suggests – offering cheaper ads will not work. The agents need to leverage their intellectual property to their advantage.

The disruption faced by real estate agents is similar to that faced by newsagents. Both are old world bricks and mortar businesses made up of independent business people often too busy running their businesses to see the tsunami of online driven disruption which threatens to impact business as they know it. Good on the REIA for acting on this. It’s more than we are seeing from newsagents. However, their reaction will need to be faster and smarter than current reports suggest.

The challenge is that real estate agents and newsagents rely on long term big business partners who are no actively competing against them. This issue is the elephant in the room no one wants to talk about – how dare we speak ill of a supplier competing with us for fear they will go harder. The reality is that News and Fairfax are competing with real estate agents, they are a huge threat to the model real estate agents operate under. Likewise with newsagents. Fairfax and News will do what is right for their share price – meaning that newsagents and real estate agents must do only that which is right for their profitability.

Media disruption

Niche publishers sook that newsagents are complaining about underperforming titles – duh!

“The beauty of the Australian magazine market has always been that entry to it was reasonably uninhibited.” Publishers Australia executive director Chris Tchakalian

He was quoted by Sally Jackson in The Australian yesterday. By “uninhibited” he means that newsagents wore the costs. We take new titles, pay who all the stock we are sent, put them o the shelves, return what we don’t sell and wait a month or two for a credit for the returns to come back to us. New titles are often cash-flow negative for a year, sometimes more. Tchakalian goes on…

“You can have the best magazine going but the public will never see it,” he said.

“What you will see is a crippling of the opportunities to launch new titles by the medium to small publisher …

The best way for niche publishers to get their product in front of consumers is to respect newsagents and deal with them on commercial terms. The current magazine model does not respect newsagents for these niche titles. These publishers want us to consider them as charity cases. No. Thanks to decades of this charity work newsagents need some charity of their own. Niche publishers need to either run by business principles or close down. The current situation cannot continue.

I wish Sally Jackson had spoken to newsagents about this problem with niche titles. I’d like her to read my magazine cash-flow report and see the evidence of the cost of these titles of small businesses which can ill-afford such an impost.


Canson paper loses our business

We wanted to introduce the Canson range of papers to our shop. We called to request an order form – knowing the product well from past experience. They refused to send it to us, preferring to have a sales rep visit. We could not persuade them that we just wanted to place an order. We are cutting down on the time reps spend in our shop – newsagent suppliers need to understand that how we buy has changed. Canson’s stubbornness is their loss.

supplier arogance
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