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newspaper home delivery

Late newspapers today in NSW

Today’s Daily Telegraph was printed hours late, reportedly because of the State of Origin.

As a consequence, you have newspapers being delivered now and, likely until mid morning. From a workplace health and safety perspective this is not ideal. You have more traffic on the road now at 8am compared to 5am, plus more pedestrians as kids are off to school.

Already, newsagencies are being hit with calls from irate customers. I suspect the publishers will be, too.

Newsagents have contacted me, frustrated with poor communication from News Corp.

What a mess.

If you are a newspaper customer and reading this, please don’t be anger at your local newsagent. The lateness is 100% the fault of the newspaper publisher.

Newspaper distribution

A Sydney Morning Herald home delivery customer speaks out

Here is a note I received yesterday from a long term Sydney Morning Herald home delivery customer.

I found your details and wondered whether you could assist, or at least provide comments.  I don’t know how to write a blog on your website.

This was my Facebook rant last night and gives you all the details of this appalling lack of service since the  newsagency informed Mum they could no longer deliver her daily paper …

I am so angry, and before I begin my long rant, (apologies), I would really welcome any like experiences or feedback

Mum has subscribed to the SMH daily for 30 years.  Earlier this year her local newsagent advised that home deliveries had been outsourced.  Since then, Mum has never received a paper to her door (she lives in a Villa complex of 10).  She is 85 and has had a stroke (sorry Mum for the disclosure 😘).  She can’t walk down the driveway which in Winter is icy.  The papers are sometimes wrapped, unwrapped (and wet), shoved on the letterboxes or in bushes, and last week found right across the road.  We have heard all excuses “the truck is too big” (joke) “the driveway too narrow” (joke) … the drivers’ “aren’t insured” (wrong).  They are entering common property, as confirmed by Strata.  Mum is not getting the service she pays for.  We have battled for 8 months to get answers, and a resolution, and today I wrote to The Editor and cc’d one of the numerous people we have spoken to.  No, I have not heard from Lisa Davies the Editor, but I had a call straight away from the Team Leader who said they cannot “control or make” drivers deliver to the door.  What exactly then is “home delivery”?  How is this different from Coles Online or Amazon?  These drivers from National Delivery Service (NDS) are just lazy bastards … and no, you can’t speak to NDS.  I even registered with them pretending I was interested in being a delivery driver!  Yep, no response.

How sad that in her later years she can’t start the day with her paper as has been her routine for years and years.

Mum & I will somehow continue the battle … Just call us “Erin” … Erin Brokovich.  😡

Mark, I would welcome your feedback.

This plea for help is indicative of how broken newspaper home delivery has become. In an effort to drive down costs newspaper publishers pay less and less for what is a premium service, and customers suffer.

Note – I removed identifying details of the customer and the newsagent.

Newspaper distribution

News Corp. moves on Queensland newspaper distribution

News Corp. kicked off in Queensland this week the first steps of its playbook for changing the newspaper distribution model.

Round one reads like consultation. While I am sure News Corp. bods will ask questions and look like they are listening, the company will do what the company wants regardless of what newsagents say.

I expect you will see wholesaler/distributor businesses given big territories in which they then supply the delivery agents, who may be newsagents or may not.

For those with long memories, this is News Corp. announced then delayed T2020 strategy playing out.

Newspaper distribution

Is News Corp. pushing newspaper customers to digital with a 31.6% cover price increase?

The cover price of The Observer in Gladstone increases 60 cents, 31.6%, November 18, to $2.50. News Corp. announced this to newsagents on October 30.

This is an extraordinary move by  a company that for decades resisted calls from newsagents for price increases, a key mechanism through which newsagents could make more money from their product.

Now, with newspaper print sales in terminal decline and newsagent revenue increase disconnected from the cover price, the company announces this extraordinary price increase.

Maybe they are testing a higher price rise and customer reaction in this small market prior to roll-0ut elsewhere.

Maybe they are testing to see if it helps with migration to digital, which has to be a goal for any newspaper publisher these days and is certainly a goal for News if you look at their marketing focus on pitching digital.

Newsagent commission under the new price will be a paltry 17.2%, loess than a living wage from the sale of papers.

The letter from News Corp. to newsagents demonstrates, in my view, a detachment by the company from newsagents. There is no explanation, no nuance. It’s not a letter written to a partner.

News Corp. is not treating newsagents in a socially responsible way. A company that claims to be for everyday Australians in their pages are not for newsagents, who are everyday Australians, mum and dad small business owners.

Newsagency challenges

How the new approach to newspaper home delivery fails customers

I was talking with a newsagent who had handed back their newspaper home delivery runs to the publisher as few months ago. They were telling me about customer experiences. They handed back the run because it was not financially viable and because representations to the publishers for fair compensation were unsuccessful.

Now, months after handing there run back, their old home delivery customers tell them that in the event any paper is missed, it is never replaced. The publisher provides a credit to the account as the only solution to them missed paper complaint.

What this experience demonstrates that the demand by publishers on newsagents that they take out a paper in the event of a reported miss is not a standard to which they hold themselves when they take over a run.

The publisher is demonstrating double standards. For decades they unleashed relentless pressure on newsagents in terms of home delivery service levels, demanding a c retain standard, a standard they themselves fall short of when they take over a home delivery service.

This failure by the publisher shows that the decades of demand were a big business bullying a small business because they could, not because it was right for the customer. I think this is poor social responsibility boy the publisher.

Newspaper distribution

Newsagency business values could be hit as News Corp moves on newspaper home delivery

Several newsagents contacted me about this News Corp. communication yesterday. Click here to see the letter.  Click here to see the FAQ.

This move by News Corp to take over newspaper home delivery from newsagents for what I am told is minimal compensation is along the lines of the company’s T2020 plan from 2013.

It appears that small business newsagents who paid goodwill for their distribution businesses have had, through this latest move, that goodwill  ripped from them by this large supplier.

Here is the letter, which has newsagents calculating losses in the thousands a week for some.

Dear Newsagent,

As you would be aware from our previous correspondence, News Corp Australia has undertaken a review of the distribution network in Metropolitan Sydney following a significant number of distribution newsagent territory handbacks.

An extensive consultation process was undertaken in early 2018, with over 150 respondents including industry bodies overwhelmingly supporting consolidation of distribution areas.

In September 2018 News Corp Australia issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Supply of Distribution Services inviting all distribution agents and those with logistics experience to participate.

The RFP outlined proposed key changes to the way the distribution of newspapers in Sydney would be conducted:

  • Consolidation of the existing territories into larger zones
  • A commitment to reduce or remove the administrative or duplicated aspects traditionally undertaken by distribution newsagents
  • To create consistent home delivery product presentation by flat wrapping subscriber copies directly off the press at our printing facility at Chullora.

Following an extensive RFP and evaluation process News Corp Australia has selected National DistributionServices (NDS), a joint venture between two of the country’s largest distribution newsagents for eight (8) of the proposed nine (9) zones.

Due to its unique set of delivery requirements we are still reviewing the best options available for the servicing of the Sydney CBD.

Timing of Changes:

It is planned that the transition to the new distributor will be conducted over several months commencing later this year. We expect to be completed by July 2020. The process will start with the migration of customer billing.

Transitional Support:

  • Contract Fulfilment Payment. In order to encourage outgoing distribution newsagents to support and assist in the transition to the new model, News Corp Australia will provide a payment to distribution newsagents in return for them making certain commitments to us. Details are included in a pack that they will receive shortly via post.
  • Case Manager. For affected agents News Corp Australia has appointed a case manager as a main point of contact who will be in touch soon to further outline these changes and answer any questions they may have.
  • Driver Register. NDS will also establish an online portal for existing distributors, drivers and contractors to register their interest to be considered to provide services to NDS. News Corp Australia is not part of this process or portal.


Further Information:

  • A pack will be mailed to you in the coming days outlining details of the changes including timing of the transition for you.
  • A full list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) is attached.
  • Agents are also encouraged to attend Townhall meetings in the coming weeks where News Corp
  • Australia representatives will further outline these changes and address queries.
  • Any queries regarding the changes or how it impacts individual distributors or retailers should be directed to your dedicated case manager or contact details below:

Distributor enquiries:
Robert Rigby secondary_distribution@news.com.au


Michael Newell
Executive General Manager, Publishing Operations News Corp Australia

Media enquiries:
Liz Deegan corporateaffairs@news.com.au

This is extraordinary action by News Corp against small business newsagents.

If I was a distribution newsagent and had received this letter, I’d be contacting the ACCC to discuss the abuse of market power.  I’d also reach out to state based opportunities like the CTTT, VCAT and QCAT. I’d also be talking to my local politician as  this is a small business store with impact locally.

While News can argue that this has been their long foreshadowed plan, that does not make it fair.

Newspaper home delivery has been a local community service. For many newsagents, this is their primary asset. Compensation needs to be fair, it needs to be lawful, it needs to meet community standards.

While I got out of newspaper home delivery thirteen years ago, selling my decent size run, because I saw little upside, through my work with newsagents I know of many who will be affected by these moves by News.


Free Daily Telegraph for Warringah residents?

The Guardian has a report today about The Daily Telegraph from News Corp. being delivered free to homes in Warringah.

The most mysterious event in the Sydney seat, where the former prime minister Tony Abbott is fighting a challenge from the independent Zali Steggall, is the arrival of unsolicited copies of the Telegraph, which began in late March.

Residents in Manly, Queenscliff, Curl Curl and Fairlight said they had begun intermittently receiving copies of the News Corp tabloid newspaper, despite not being subscribers. The Telegraph has run a number of stories that would not have delighted Steggall’s campaign.

News Corp. responded:

A spokeswoman for News Corp said a small number of homes had been involved in recent sampling activity in the Manly area, which had now ceased.

“Sampling activity is a standard marketing practice to introduce products to potential new customers,” she said. “All of our sampling activity is based on our market research.”

newspaper home delivery

UK regional free newspaper closes: home delivery model no longer sustainable

Reach, the UK’s largest regional newspaper publisher says the home delivery distribution model for its free newspapers is “no longer sustainable”. It is closing the Solihull News this month, a title with a circulation of 44,786, according to December 2017 audit figures.

Reach (formerly Trinity Mirror) attributed the struggle to a “continued decline in local print advertising, particularly in the key property platform”.

In Australia we have been insulted from newspaper closures with plenty of our titles delivering lower circulation numbers that US and UK titles that have closed. I suspect this is in part due to the propping up of titles by newsagents through the provision of low cost distribution.

newspaper home delivery

Fairfax announces plans to change newsagent remuneration

At the same time as passing on a modest fee increase for distribution and retail newsagents, Fairfax has signalled a change to its remuneration process. This, in a letter sent to newsagents. I bolded the part of the letter that deals with the change.

 Fairfax Media Newsagent Fee Review – NSW & ACT (excluding Far North Coast NSW) 

Fairfax Media has now completed a detailed review of the retail sales fees and delivery service fees currently paid to newsagents for The Sydney Morning Herald, The Sun-Herald and The Age newspapers. 

Fairfax considers that the current annual fee review process needs to change to reflect the changing newspaper sales and distribution landscape. It is our intention to move to a fee model and review process that is performance based. This model will provide for fee increases based on specific performance metrics, and will align with our newsagency contracts which contain provisions for fee penalties for non-compliance, or failure to meet existing performance criteria. Work on this is already underway. 

In the interim, Fairfax has decided to pass on an increase to its sales and service fees effective from Monday 3 December 2018. 

The following fees will increase and will be reflected on your weekly newsagent statements issued after that date – 

  • Retail Sales Fee 
  • Home Delivery Service Fee 
  • Home Delivery Fee – 2nd or multiple copies 
  • Fairfax Managed Sub-Agent Delivery Fee (Supermarket/chain deliveries) 

Details of each of the fee increases are shown in the Tables on the following pages of this notice. Further information can be found in the Fairfax Fee Schedule which will be available on Connect shortly. 

I think this letter signals plans for a shake out of newspaper distribution and retail businesses, given the focus on compliance and the goal of aligning with provisions in the Fairfax contract.

What Fairfax management does not get is that what they pay is a pittance for a retail presence. Year on year, rent increases by 5%, wages by between 3% and 5% and overheads by 5%. Fairfax has not been keeping up and their forecast new approach will make matters worse I suspect. The result will be fewer retail newsagents selling their products.

Here are the new fees announced with the letter:

Newspaper distribution

Unusually heavy newspaper set to challenge delivery newsagents

There are reports that The Daily Telegraph next Saturday will weight just under 1kg. The thin papers of recent years have seen distribution newsagents and their delivery people adjust processes, equipment and the throw.

The forecast considerable weight reminds me of the work done more than ten years ago by the then ANF into ergonomic matters relating to newspaper delivery. The Nery Report, as it was called, was the focus of distribution newsagents for many months.

According to the Nery Report, current work practices are unsafe. The report documents unsafe work practices which stem, in part, from having to handle heavy newspapers. Any newspaper above .6 kilogram in weight is considered to be heavy. Consider this quote from the Executive Summary the report:

The Results section of this report (page 10) has outlined significant ergonomic risk factors associated with the newspaper delivery tasks. These risk factors are particularly related to dimensions of the weekend papers (Advertiser and Sunday Mail) when combined with the repetition, volume and manual handling aspects of the delivery process. In particular, there are significant risks associated with the delivery/throwing of the larger dimensioned and heavier Saturday Advertiser and Sunday Mail newspapers.

David Nery, the respected author of the Nery report was clear:

The current situation, in my view, is unsafe and modifications to the weight, dimensions and volume of papers distributed per person need to be reduced to provide a safe system of work.

While I have written plenty of times here about heavy newspapers and the Nery Report, it feels odd to be writing about it in 2018 when some days papers are mere pamphlets.

If the unusually large paper does proceed this weekend, newsagents should take appropriate precautions and engage with staff to ensure reasonable occupational health and safety.

Newsagency challenges

Thinning newspapers have other implications

Thinning newspapers in Australia are not dealing well with being rolled. The photo shows The Age from Friday a week ago. Whereas a few years back you could easily fold the paper back into shape, it is hard now with such a thin product.

The photo shows the paper after a couple of goes at straightening it out for easier reading. This presentation that you can see in the photo impacts on product enjoyment and potentially impacts subscriber numbers.

While I understand rolling machine setting adjustment could result in a better outcome, there is a problem with thinning newspapers and how to provide the subscriber with a more enjoyable outcome.

Papers most days are too thin for flat wrap, which was the obsession of parts of News Corp years ago. There was an extensive trial and plenty of debate.

Maybe, the approach in some US cities of a single fold into a slim bag you can hang of a door handle could work or maybe a simple tri-fold into a flatter bag. However, neither lends themselves to throwing. The photo here, taken earlier this week, shows a how a newspaper is presented for a home delivery customer in a town in Wisconsin.

I do think there are issues here to be considered by distribution experts, to ensure customer satisfaction and thereby push back against loss of subscribers due to product presentation.

A distribution newsagent I was talking with last week suggested a return to hand folding. Another who already does this themselves for a small run says they easily adjust the strength of the roll based on the thickness of the product.

It is ironic that thinness is a challenge today where years ago thickness was the issue, a big issue.

Newspaper distribution

Real newspaper home delivery challenges

Not satisfied with getting the daily newspaper delivered to their property for a few cents each day, some customers demand a lever of service for which they do not pay.

Here are several examples of customer service requests I have seen customers make in the last few weeks of home delivery newsagents (not my businesses as as I am retail only):

  1. Hi can you please make sure the newspaper is thrown to land within two metres of the front door? When you throw it on the driveway I have to walk too far across and I am usually in my underwear.
  2. I am happy for the weekday papers to be put on the driveway but for the weekend papers can you throw them over the side fence so I can get them out the back door. Thank you.
  3. Please place the newspaper on the front door mat. I refuse to pay if you do not do this.
  4. When it raise can you please put the paper in the waterproof box I have next to the letter box. It opens with a latch. Please open this put the paper in and close it and double check it is closed. I know you put the paper in plastic. I prefer it in the waterproof box on the wet days.
  5. I am very pleased with the paper delivery service. I would appreciate it however if the weekend papers could be thrown on the concrete drive or before it.
  6. I think the girl who used to deliver er our paper did a better job that the boy we have now.
  7. I keep the plastic you put the newspaper in. l can you come and collect and re use it. If you give me a discount that would be good.
  8. I was away from the shack last weekend and only found out now you missed the Saturday paper. Please credit me for it. Today’s paper came on time.
  9. I am away next week can you deliver my paper to [xxx] at [xxx] it is only four streets away. I told her she could have my paper while I am on holidays. Thank you.

Newspaper home delivery is a thankless task in many areas. Newspaper publishers and many home delivery customers do not realise what the service providers have to put up with.

The list above, from multiple home delivery businesses reflects first world problems.

newspaper home delivery

News Corp continues with the masthead discount

Earlier this week it was the turn of the Gold Coast Bulletin to pitch the $1.00 a day home delivery offer on to the masthead of the newspaper they have retailers selling in-store for $1.70. They take a product they claim is worth $1.70, add expensive personal home delivery and discount it by 41%.  The discount is at a level that sounds too good to be true.

Desperate times I guess…

I get that subscriptions play a vital role in the newspaper revenue  model. However, why they are not 100% focussed on digital only subscriptions is the surprise, as that is the future for news delivery. I think they could do that pitch without this apparent trashing of the over the counter newspaper purchase.

News Corp. will do what it sees as appropriate for its business. Their intensifying of home delivery discounting should get retail newsagents thinking carefully about the role of newspapers in their businesses. I know of newsagents who have quit the category without detriment.

Newspaper distribution

Disrespectful obsession with newspaper home delivery discounting

Plugging the heavily discounted $1.00 a day newspaper home delivery across the masthead of The Daily Telegraph does not make sense to me.

Home delivery is not cost effective for publishers without good advertiser support and we are told advertising revenue is in decline for daily newspapers.

Newspaper home delivery is expensive yet the fees paid often do not cover the real actual cost to the distribution newsagent.

Newspapers are not bought for news today like they were years ago. The news they carry is old, out of date. While the analysis may be interesting, it is rare anyone gets a breaking stock from a print newspaper.

Retail only newsagents are disrespected by the publisher pitching this $1.00 offer on a product they sell in-store for $1.70.

While I get that publishers need subscribers in their mix, to be able to pitch to advertisers, it frustrates me that they do this through disrespect for their retailers.

Newspaper distribution

The newspaper subscription disconnect on show

On 774 ABC radio in Melbourne yesterday, a caller called the open line to express frustration at newspaper subscription arrangements. I’ll do my best to recount what they said.

The caller has been a newspaper subscriber for decades. They love the physical paper and enjoy digital access that comes with their subscription.

Their local newsagent decided to withdraw from home delivery. The subscriber was okay with that, expecting they could walk the few hundred metres to pick up the paper.

The frustration comes from the newspaper publisher refusing to fulfil the subscription through a pick up service from the newsagency and that it took multiple emails and calls to get even mediocre resolution.

The newspaper publisher refunded the unused portion of the subscription, requiring the long-term customer to now purchase over the counter at full price, and too pay separately for digital subscription.

The caller had sympathy for the newsagent. The frustration they expressed was at the newspaper publisher.

Here are my thoughts on this:

  • Newspaper subscriptions should be available for pickup through newsagencies. I have proposed this many times for more than twenty years. It would be easy to manage and help reinforce consistent print product engagement. I am certain we could win new subscription customers.
  • Newspaper publishers should respect long-term customers rather than penalising them.
  • Publishers need better communication with subscribers. When things like this happen, they need to be more open and attentive.
  • It is like the publisher is pushing people from print to digital. This is a comment reinforced buy the newspaper subscriber during the call on ABC Radio.

This scenario will happen more as more newsagents withdraw from newspaper home delivery. Publishers should have a more consistent subscriber friendly approach. I have never been given a good reason for newsagents not selling and offering newspaper subscription supported by over the counter collection.

Newspaper distribution

Free newspapers home delivered for 6 weeks through UK campaign

An interesting campaign developed by News UK has been released online pitched six weeks of free newspapers home delivered with local newsagents undertaking fulfilment. The papers are free. The customer pays the newsagent the usual delivery fee.

The website is worth reading as it provides several insights that I think distribution agents in Australia would find interesting. The information provided is useful and the way it is organised is excellent, simple to follow and offering go to points if someone reading the site needs more help.

This initiative is good because of its focus on what is a core, sometimes only, business for newsagents.

newspaper home delivery

A question for distribution newsagents

Do you charge your sub agents for the collection of newspapers being returned?

While you ponder this, I think it is ridiculous that there remains a physical process around returns. Newspapers are a slim-margin product for distribution agents and for retailers. requiring physical returns to be returned if a cost impost on both parties.

It is time newspaper publishers eliminated this old-world approach. They have the data. They can spot audit. It is time the ‘tax’ of physical returns was removed from small business.

Newsagency management

Supplementary question for distribution newsagents

Earlier this week here I asked distribution newsagents three questions:

  1. Do you charge sub agents to deliver newspapers to them?
  2. Do you charge sub agents to pickup returns from them?
  3. Do you pay sub agents at least the publisher mandated commission?

Now, I have a supplementary question, a judgement question:

If a newsagent is found to have paid sub agents less than publisher mandated commission and they charged sub agents to deliver newspapers to them and/or have charged sub agents for returns pickup, should they have their distribution business taken from them?


Old-school newspaper publisher subscription obsession misses revenue opportunities

While I have no newspaper publishing experience, I am a consumer of news, especially on my phone, tablet and laptop.

But I don’t pay for it, I won’t pay for it. If there is a story behind a paywall that interests I wait or seek it out elsewhere – not because I am cheap but because the publisher wants me to sign up to a subscription.

The subscription model is an old media approach to a new media opportunity. It is out of date and not suited to today’s online and mobile consumer.

Screen Shot 2016-09-21 at 6.26.53 PMWhile in the UK earlier this week the Herald Sun had a story about the back room moves at Richmond Football Club. I clicked on the story and got this screen.

They wanted $10 for two months access before they would let me see the story. I love a good AFL back room story but it is not worth paying $10 to access it. That is how I saw it, a $10 fee because of this one story.

I suspect that is how plenty of people see it, especially those of us who travel overseas and want to catch up on stories back home for a short while.

Had the offer been, say, a fee for the story I would have been more interested. How much I’d pay would depend on the story. In this case, I might have paid up to 25 cents.

How much I would pay for future Herald Sun stories would depend on the trust that builds from earlier purchases. If the value is there I’d pay a few cents per article.

Imagine what would happen if publishers adopted this pay per story model. It would make the stories the thing rather than the current obsession with clickbait headlines. It would make journalism the thing as the better the journalism the better the value of the story and the more consumers would respect a masthead and the more stories they would buy. Hey they might even subscribe.

Today’s digital world is often about either free or low cost access to services and products. This is where newspaper publishers ought focus their attention – micro payments per story. The old subscription model is as old as the old paper model and ought to be discarded as the entry point for digital revenue.

Rather than pushing to lock people into long-term subscriptions, yes, two months is long-term, give is story by story access, take micro payments and get more value from each good story you publish.

This approach of a payment per story makes the journalists and editors more connected to the business model. It would make them work harder to develop content people want as they would want to be in the top grossing stories from the masthead.

I’d like to see News Corp. or Fairfax offer this pay per story approach today. I think a trial with fair pricing would produce a good result for them, their editorial staff and their advertisers. yes, I’d accept non intrusive advertising with any sort I purchase.

newsagency of the future

The future of newspaper distribution and distribution newsagency businesses

You only have to look at the pitch from News Corp. to understand where they are focused for their future distribution channel.

Screen Shot 2016-09-21 at 6.27.02 PM

The tablet is the distribution mechanism. It is faster, cheaper, more accurate in placement and more current than the current method of printing, stacking, putting in a truck, driving to the distribution newsagent, them unbundling, rolling, loading the delivery vehicle and going out on the road to deliver news that is hours out of date.

These are the facts.

Newsagents need to invest in distribution knowing the focus of publishers. Yes, there is enjoyment from turning the page, not needing a device to read the news and being able to easily dive into a section you like. The thing is, the distribution platform is no longer commercially viable.

newsagency of the future