Noise complaint threatens newsagency with closure
I received an email over the weekend from Jennifer Round of Gerroa Newsagency, Post Office and General Store – a coastal town located around 90 minutes from Sydney. The local council says it will fine them $10,000 every time there is a complaint about the noise associated with wrapping newspapers early in the morning. Jennifer’s own words best describe the situation:
The business and residence is combined with a vacant block to one side and a property to the other with a cliff at the back. The house next-door to us is used during holiday periods.
In February 2007 a neighbouring newsagent gave up there newspaper territory and we took it on and unlike others we are actually making money from it.
However, the increase in work re wrapping papers, trucks arriving in the night, vehicles in and out of the driveway in the we hours have lead to a neighbour lodging a noise complaint. We were a little annoyed since the complaint is from a semi part time neighbour who never came in and saw us just filled a complaint with the council whom are now threatening to issue us with fines if we do not cease operations.
We are in the process of tying to reduce the noise as best we can. We have striped the garage and have lined the walls and roof with insulation have relined the walls with noise reduction plasterboard. Have laid rubber mates on the floor and will laid some on the walls in an effort to reduce the noise of the wrapping machine which seems to be the issue of the complaint.
We are after other ideas we have contacted an acoustic engineer whom has quoted us $10,000 in improvements however they aren’t able to say that after all that work it will make too much of a difference.
We do not have anywhere else to wrap the papers. We have looked at other locations in neighbouring towns but still have the same issues we have at the moment commercial/industrial properties surrounded by residential properties. It would also be unprofitable to move.
We are wondering if any other Newsagency have had issues with noise complaints from neighbours, businesses and alike. Moreover, if they have how have they managed it.
If we are not able to work something out it looks like our doors will be closing not because of hard economically times but because of our local council who are more interested in fining us up to $10,000 for each complaint than finding a solution that will benefit the community as a whole.
As Jennifer says, if you have suggestions, please post comments here.