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Newsagency marketing group

newsXpress promoting all newsagents in Valentine’s Day card pitch

My newsXpress newsagency marketing group has been actively promoting all newsagents in the lead up to Valentines Day, encouraging Aussies to shop local regardless of newsagency banner. This has been in the form of a range of social media posts including:

Love locally this Valentine’s Day and buy your Valentine’s Day cards at your local newsagency. Local newsagents support the local community thanks to your support. Choosing your local newsagent over a supermarket or a national chain is a choice for supporting local. #SmallBusiness #Retail #ShopLocal

I am proud that newsXpress is providing such public support for the whole channel like this.

Newsagency marketing group

Spring Fair 2025 in Birmingham is another indicator of the fading role of trade shows

While I am grateful for the opportunity to attend Spring Fair 2025 in Birmingham this year it was smaller than last year and for the time I was there if felt like there were fewer attendees.

Spring Fair has been the must-attend trade show for cards, gifts, homewares and related retailers in the UK and, often, from far away as Australia. I’ve been at least six times, and several times to the related event, Autumn Fair.

I know of some suppliers who have pulled out of Spring Fair to concentrate on web sales to their wholesale customers. Others have pulled out to focus on using platforms such as Faire. Speaking of Faire, they had a stand at Spring Fair, which to me is like having your competitor in your shop selling against you.

While the trade show halls were not as full previously – they used temporary walls to make a huge hall smaller – there were some interesting suppliers as well as plenty of existing suppliers to connect with.

There are a few challenges for trade shows:

The labour cost while you are away from the business in this world of reduced headcount is a challenge. The excellent options for sourcing without travelling to a trade show is a factor too.

For suppliers, these trade shows are expensive. In Australia, a basic small stand at a gift fair will cost more than $15,000 for the stand, furniture, staffing and related costs. Businesses have to weigh up the cost versus the return, which can take several to realise.

This all brings me to my point. The suppliers who don’t do well at these trade shows are those who approach them as they have done for years. Those who do best are those with a fresh approach, a time-attentive approach, pitching new ideas, opportunities and products. These suppliers are offering retailers new ways to make money in their businesses.

All of us involved in trade shows need to reinvent our approach to them. The trade show organisers are demonstrating disinterest in this, so it comes to us. I say us with my hat on as a supplier to retailers. We have to deliver more valuable and enjoyable experiences for retailers. We have to offer a new trade show experience.

The biggest benefit of getting to Spring Fair this year is the same as every year I have been – seeing trends months or a year ahead of when they hit in Australia.

Yes, the role of the trade show is changing. While they have a place, they are not  what we build our year around any more.

newsagency marketing

What can you do if your marketing group contract auto-renews or you are bound by a long lock-out period?

Following my last post (Monday this week), Does your marketing group contract auto-renew? Does it include a lock-out period?, I outline below options you may consider if you find yourself in a marketing group contract you want to leave.

I am not a lawyer. This is not legal advice. In my opinion, a marketing group contract should be so simple straightforward and fair that it does hot need a lawyer to interpret or understand.

If your marketing group contract or agreement is complex and not easy to understand that’s a warning sign right there.


If you have found your contract has auto-renewed, think about whether it was clear it would and whether the newsagency marketing group contracted you prior to the auto-renewal trigger advising you that auto-renewal was imminent. The ACCC is on record as saying that auto-renewal should be clear and that you should be contacted prior to auto-renewal with enough time for you to say no thanks.

Three newsagents in the last week have told me their newsagency marketing group contracts were auto-renewed without advance warning from the marketing group that it was going to happen. I think any independent party with authority considering this would say renewal action was unfair and that the newsagent could opt to leave the group now.


Some newsagency marketing agreements seek to deny the newsagent the right to join another marketing group for a period of time after the end of the agreement. I have heard marketing groups with such a restraining clause claim that it is to protect their intellectual property shared with the business while they were in the group. The question I have is what intellectual property?

In situations where I have seen newsagents threatened by the group they are leaving, or the lawyers for the group, I have not been able to discover any intellectual property worth protecting.

In a recent report, the ACCC highlighted that restraints which go beyond what is reasonably necessary to protect a franchisor’s legitimate interests are likely to be unfair. For the purposes of this discussion, a franchisor would be the newsagency marketing group.


In November 2023, reforms passed by parliament make unfair contract terms illegal, attracting substantial penalties under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and the ASIC Act 2001, with each unfair term forming a separate contravention.

I think it is possible that a newsagent with an agreement that auto-renews and / or with an end of contract lock-out restraint period barring them from joining any other group could challenge the validity of the contract.

While I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice, if I found myself in this situation I would do several things, all at once:

  1. Write to the franchisor / marketing group explaining my opinion that the contract is unfair and seeking immediate termination of the contract without penalty and without any restraint period. And, if the letter I would request that all correspondence is in writing and only in writing.
  2. Contact my local state government level small business ombudsman seeking their help in resolving the matter.
  3. Seek assistance from Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman on the contract.
  4. Complain to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). They small businesses with a free and independent dispute resolution scheme to assist with resolving financial complaints.
  5. Engage with ASIClodge a report of misconduct online.
  6. Write to the ACCC complaining about what I consider to be an unfair contract.
  7. Contact my local small claims authority (VCAT, QCAT, NCAT, TASCAT, SAT etc) to see if they would accept a case seeking to declare the contract invalid and agreeing my my immediate exit from the group.

My point here is that there are options for you, actions you can take that do not require a lawyer, actions that could free you from a contract you no longer want for your business.

I have seen newsagents consider taking steps to get out of a contract only to give up, saying it is too hard. I have also seen newsagents take a couple of steps and be permitted to exit a group as long as they don’t tell anyone.

If you are in a marketing group for your newsagency and want to leave but have been told you cannot or been told that you have a lock-out restraint period, it is possible one or more of the steps listed above could help you out. Doing nothing achieves nothing for your business.

The difference between being in a group doing little for your business and a group doing plenty could be tens of thousands of dollars in net profit in a year.

A good newsagency marketing group is profitable for the newsagency. Belonging just to belong to something is not commercially astute.

I am not going to list marketing group contracts here that I consider to be unfair in part because I have seen some groups with different contracts for different people, which in itself is odd and somewhat concerning. One group has recently become more threatening against newsagents who want to leave, causing considerable distress for the newsagents impacted.

One final point: everything I have written here could relate to some card company contracts I have seen.

Before you sign any agreement, read it, be sure you understand it and ask someone you trust for their opinion.


Does your marketing group contract auto-renew? Does it include a lock-out period?

If you are in a newsagency marketing group, get out the contract you signed and read what it says about termination.

Be sure you understand the term of the contract, whether you have to give notice and if so what length of notice is required and whether there is a period after the end of the contract in which you are not permitted to join another group.

If you are not sure about these things, seek professional advice. Indeed, you should have sought advice prior to signing the contract. It is never too late to seek advice.


Newsagency marketing group contracts vary from one year to six years from what I have seen. Personally, I think anything more than one year is too long. Aren’t you better off staying with a group because of the value gain from it rather than because they have legally bound you in a contract? Shouldn’t groups want you to stay because you want to stay.

If they really trust what they offer and the benefits they deliver for you, why lock you in?

Oh, and I do understand the need for an initial term when you first join, to learn from each other, to unlock value for each other.


Some contracts require you to give notice months ahead of the contract renewal period and your failure to do this locks you in for, sometimes, another long period. In my opinion, a notice period of two months is reasonable and anything more is unfair for the small business retailer.


I think auto renewals in a contract are a gotcha, especially if the auto renewal period is long, like a year or more as is the case for some newsagency marketing group contracts I have seen.

I suspect businesses put auto renewal and a long (like a year or more) lock in period in contracts because they know people will not realise they need to give notice to not renew. They are businesses. It’s all about their revenue.


Another thing I have seen in newsagency marketing group contracts is a post contract termination lock out period. I have seen them make this case to protect their intellectual property, which I think is a joke. What intellectual property? Okay in the first year maybe, but what after that time? None of the newsagency marketing groups has a system with training, regulation, branding requirements and more like you see in a McDonalds.

If you are happy with your newsagency marketing group contract, this post is not for you.

If you are unhappy, please dig out your contract and look at your options.

If you have been given a newsagency marketing group contract to sign, please read it carefully. Some have worse provisions than the few I have mentioned here, provisions that are very expensive – like demanding you access some products / services only from the supplier they dictate. I saw one newsagent recently pay thousands of dollars more for something than they would have paid had they not been in that group.

Buyer beware is the point here. Do your homework. be sure you fully understand the contract. Be sure you are happy with all terms prior to signing.

Not all newsagency marketing groups are the same.

I know of at least twenty newsagents currently in groups they want to leave but cannot. Some have received legal letters threatening against leaving and others have received less formal yet equally distressing communication. In most cases, that communication was the first time i a year their business received direct communication about their business from the group to which they belong. These newsagents would leave in a heartbeat if they did not feel trapped. None of them want a legal fight, and I suspect some in the marketing groups know this, and use it to their advantage, and the disadvantage of their members.

If you are in a newsagency marketing group, get out the contract you signed and read what it says about termination.


OPINION: Newspower should research before it markets against other newsagency marketing groups

Helen Dowling, the General Manager of Newspower, sent out marketing on June 25, 2024 comparing their offer to newsagents with other groups. newsXpress is one of those other groups. I am the Managing Director of newsXpress Pty Ltd.

Newspower failed to reach out to newsXpress to check whether what they were about to claim was accurate. They should have.

I reached out to Helen Dowling and to Graeme Hand, the Chairman of Newspower. Helen responded:  It is not Newspower’s intention to provide misleading information. I would be interested in knowing from Newsxpress what you believe the misleading information is in the comparison document.

Here’s the response I sent to Helen:

Thank you for acknowledging that you did not undertake research prior to publishing your document.

  • newsXpress provides in-store visits from a business development manager.
  • newsXpress provides visual merchandising materials including posters and on-location call-outs for all major seasons.
  • newsXpress have access to a member only portal with a fully populated knowledge base and extensive business development resources.
  • newsXpress members have access to a digital collateral library and cloud based resources for easy store level customisation.
  • newsXpress members have access to a full video library of social media collateral and easy access to store level customisation.
  • newsXpress offers signage and graphic design services at no cost.
  • Rather than access to an Are Media account manager we provide a whole of magazine category problem resolution service. For free.
  • Rather than a free postage for Christmas cards offer we provide free exclusive high-quality cards for Christmas for captions not covered by card companies.
  • Each member has access to a dedicated and retail experienced business development manager.
  • newsXpress helps with Google Business, Bing, and various maps profile setup and maintenance.

These are the things we do that your marketing claims we do not do.

Your marketing fails to highlight many things we do that Newspower does not do.

Helen has not responded to my email. I am not aware of Newspower publishing a correction. If they have not done so, it is disappointing that they have allowed marketing that they know contains false and misleading information to remain out there under their name.

There are four groups serving the newsagency channel. Newspower, newsXpress, nextra and The Lucky Charm. The last two, from what I understand, operate under the franchise code of conduct. Please let me know if I’m wrong about that.

The four groups are very different from each other. Here’s what I think separates newsXpress apart:

  • It leverages the common ownership of Tower Systems (the most widely used software in the newsagency channel) and newsXpress for evidence based guidance to more profitable business decisions. Through this, it also offers half price websites.
  • It offers innovative pricing for EFTPOS, lower cost than least cost routing.
  • newsXpress offers bias-free data-based card performance analysis that typically results in an increase in card sales of 15% or more.
  • Member businesses benefit from an exclusive $1,000+ a year per store in-store marketing campaign – provided at no cost to the members.
  • newsXpress runs a national in person conference with free accommodation for 2 nights and all meals covered.
  • newsXpress helps newsagents with practical business advice, in-store support, awesome supplier deals and plenty of new traffic generating exclusive products.
  • newsXpress directly owns and runs shops as testing grounds for innovation, sharing results with members.
  • newsXpress direct imports good margin products.
  • newsXpress is the only group to have authorised account access to four different Mints for access to new coin releases.
  • newsXpress has suppliers who otherwise will not supply newsagents.

What you do in and for your business is 100% up to you.

If you could use support and want fresh ideas for attracting new shoppers, consider newsXpress. Call Michael on 0400 331 055 or email help@newsxpress.com.au to find out more.

If you join, the newsXpress team will do all they can to help you run a more profitable and enjoyable business. Email help@newsXpress.com.au or call Michael on 0400 331 055.

If you’re on LinkedIn, here’s me in case you want to research me a bit more: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-fletcher-tower/

Mark Fletcher
Managing Director
newsXpress Pty Ltd
ABN 61 007 009 752 3A Lynch Street Hawthorn VIC 3122
M | 0418 321 338 E | mark@newsxpress.com.au


Pitching everyday stationery in in the newsagency in a fresh and fun way

Rather than the usual function focus of stationery, newsXpress has released a batch of digital collateral to its newsagency members designed for social media that pitches everyday, and some forgotten, stationery lines in a way that is fresh and, I think, fun.

I mention this today because it is easy for shoppers to forget we stock these everyday lines. We need to engage with pitching them, to capture sales that can otherwise go elsewhere, including online.

Everyday we need a fun and fresh pitch on social media, and every so often we need to promote these to get them in front of people outside those who already know about us.

Posts like these are easy to make and of the marketing groups can do them, and even individuals can do them. The time investment is not considerable.

While for sure what you do in your business is up to you, and I know no one will retire on the proceeds of these posts. But, they are a good small step no cost approach to making the store relatable, and fun, and that does count for something.

I guess the other point I’d make is these posts are not what one might expect from a bug business competitor, and that matters.

Newsagency management

Terrific online sales for newsagents

Plenty of newsagents with their own website are enjoying terrific online sales, and by terrific I mean good enough to add real value to the bottom line of the business.

In my own 4 shops we run for store specific Shopify websites, and they are doing well … but more on the results of those another time.

For many years, newsXpress has offered free access to members to sell on network connected Magento based tech websites for Jigsaws, Pop! Vinyls and Beanie Boos. These websites generate online sales for businesses without the need for a local store website.

What’s unique about the websites is that they offer shoppers a single warehouse view for items located across the fleet of connected newsXpress businesses. This tech was built before Magento offered it. It was ground-breaking on so many levels.

People shopping on the site can also see exact current stock on hand data at the store level. We do this to drive in-store traffic. We know from Telstra data that more than half of the time people use a website is to see what stock is available in a shop they are considering visiting.

By offering shoppers access to inventory across a fleet of stores drives a deeper basket. The tech of the website preferences stores closest to the delivery destination, fanning out based on availability.

It is common to see big sales, like this one from yesterday morning going to  Moreton Bay in Queensland:

Placed on 12 November 2022 7:34:38 am AEDT
Item Store Sku Qty Subtotal
Slush the Dog Large Beanie Boo newsXpress Gifted & More Kaleen 008421370696 1 $59.99
Prince the Blue Husky Medium Beanie Boo newsXpress Gifted & More Kaleen 008421364749 1 $17.99
Nori the Narwhal Regular Beanie Boo newsXpress Sarina 008421362165 1 $9.99
Buff the Husky Regular Beanie Babies newsXpress George Town 008421421831 1 $9.99
Twiggy the Pink Owl Regular Beanie Boo newsXpress George Town 008421368464 2 $19.98
Melly the Gray Koala Regular Beanie Bellies newsXpress Southland 008421407262 1 $9.99
Camilla the Poodle Regular Beanie Boo newsXpress Sarina 008421363834 1 $9.99
Halloween Tatters the White Mummy Regular Beanie Bellies newsXpress Southland 008421409266 1 $9.99
Christmas Bella the Brown Bear regular Beanie Boo newsXpress George Town 008421372409 1 $9.99
Chessie the Brown Monkey Regular Beanie Boo newsXpress Sarina 008421363919 1 $9.99
Romeo the Valentine’s Day Dog Regular Beanie Boo newsXpress George Town 008421368648 1 $9.99
Turbo the Spotted Turtle Regular Beanie Boo newsXpress Newhaven 008421363926 2 $19.98
Juliet the Valentine’s Day Penguin Regular Beanie Boo newsXpress Sarina 008421368655 1 $9.99
Tamoo the Monkey Regular Beanie Boo newsXpress George Town 008421368471 1 $9.99
Lola the Multicoloured Llama Regular Beanie Babies newsXpress Newhaven 008421412174 1 $9.99
Yips the Chihuahua with Horn Regular Beanie Boo newsXpress Gifted & More Kaleen 008421363209 1 $9.99
Christmas Kinley the Brown Reindeer Regular Beanie Boo newsXpress Treendale 008421364992 1 $9.99
Halloween Drizella the Crimson Bat Regular Beanie Boo newsXpress Sefton Plaza 008421364961 1 $9.99
Grindal the Dragon with Horn Regular Beanie Boo newsXpress Southland 008421363216 1 $9.99
Sheldon the Coral Octopus Regular Beanie Boo newsXpress Gifted & More Kaleen 008421363902 1 $9.99
Halloween Radar the Bat Beanie Boo newsXpress Treendale 008421362370 1 $9.99
Jamal the Camel Regular Beanie Boo newsXpress Sefton Plaza 008421362233 1 $9.99
Gilda the Pink Flamingo Slippers Medium newsXpress Newhaven 008421953387 1 $29.99
Bamboo the Panda Slippers Medium newsXpress Newhaven 008421953363 1 $29.99
Bamboo the Panda Sequin Square Purse newsXpress Sefton Plaza 008421951420 1 $24.99
Whimsy the Cat Sequin Square Purse newsXpress Treendale 008421951512 1 $24.99
Lion King Nala Regular Beanie Babies newsXpress Southland 008421412648 1 $14.99
Dexter the Brown Chihuahua Regular Beanie Boo newsXpress George Town 008421368785 1 $9.99
Subtotal $432.70
Shipping & Handling $0.00
GST $39.34
Grand Total $432.70

For orders over $100.00 shipping is free. It is subsidised by newsXpress to help member businesses maintain good margin. They purchase the Boos for a lower price than any other retailer, which also helps.

I share this here today for a few reasons:

  • There are some in our channel who talk down online, saying it is not big in newsagency businesses. I know of plenty of newsagency businesses where online is more than 25% of revenue. I suspect they talk it down as that narrative suits their commercial interests.
  • There are some newsagents who don’t think they can do online. Some of the businesses listed above thought that too. All they had to do is to flick a switch to get sales.
  • Online revenue is usually to people you will never see in your shop. It’s icing on the cake revenue that leverages existing inventory, labour and space.
  • Collaboration magnifies the value opportunity for newsagents. Our channel started as a collective of small businesses working together. Over the years, the collective faded away. Small businesses collaborating to support a single website help those businesses win sales they would otherwise not win. This sale, a not uncommon sale, is an example of the value of collaboration.
  • Actions speak louder than words. In our marketing, newsXpress says it offers these types of group member websites. This post backs that up with evidence. This Boo website has been live for many years. It has generated millions of dollars in revenue.
  • Some in our channel say Beanie Boo sales are dead. I say there is no evidence is sales revenue that is the case.
  • Some say it costs too much in stock. I know of newsXpress businesses winning good Boo sales from $1,000 in stock.
  • Some say online is too hard. It’s not when you have good head office support and good tech for capturing and managing sales.
  • Small businesses can compete with big businesses. This sale represents and the Boo website offers proof that small business retailers can compete with big businesses. Big W, target and K-Mart can’t and don’t match what this time offers, and shoppers understand that.

The big thing about online and those who talk it down or question results, you don’t know what you don’t know. By this I mean, unless you are active in the online space, and I mean deeply active here running 1, 2, 3 or more consumer-facing websites of your own and have done so for several years, you really don’t know what you don’t know.

I have discovered that for myself.

We launched a new consumer-facing website a few months ago. It did okay, but was soft. We looked at how people engaged, where they spent time, what they picked up but did not purchase, and more. We modified the website and it was like turning on a tap. $15,000 in sales in 4 weeks. $15,000 additional revenue for the newsagency business. 50% margin business. Business leveraging existing stock, labour and space. And, this website is a baby, it’s not even walking yet.

I have to say, though, that what I have not yet covered here is the website failures, and there are some glorious failures that have been wonderful learning experience. the successes today stand on the broken bones of those files websites. It’s what happens in business: try something and if it fails it becomes a success by teaching you things.

Online is not going away. I think it is essential for every retail business to have an online opportunity in their business. The best opportunities will come from those connected to, those who understand your business those who want to help you bring it to life for you, and not your local web developer or accountant.

Is this a newsXpress pitch? Kind of. But it is more a pitch about the importance and value of being online, being found by people who do not walk past your front door … because it is those people who offer you the icing on the cake opportunity, the bottom line net profit hit we all love to see.

Newsagency management

How newsXpress is helping newsagents increase card sales

newsXpress has launched a integrated in-store and online cam pain to encourage uplift in card sales in its member newsagency businesses.

At the heart of the campaign is 2 cards designed and printed on quality stock in Melbourne, cards with captions that are not common in the Christmas card mix.

I am not aware of any similar campaign ever and am proud to be part of a team bringing this to life for local small business newsagents.

Here’s a video I shot Sunday explaining the campaign.

Here is some of the kit of digital assets provided to newsXpress members to support this campaign.

This campaign is 100% free for newsXpress members. It’s set to drive terrific commercial and social value.

I am the managing director of newsXpress. While this may look like a sales pitch for the marketing group, it is also a call to action to everyone involved with cards in newsagencies to actively engage in increasing card sales. Putting cards in a pocket is not enough.

Helping people understand the value of a greeting card beyond that moment they receive it, open it and read it is key to what we are trying here. Showing people reasons to give cards beyond the traditional is a factor. Using the card as a means for creating a keepsake for years to come is also key.

The more all of us in card retail engage with these and other ways to broaden the value proposition of cards the more we can expect to sell. It is vital we do this.

Our competitors in the card space, major retailers, are only interested in moving stock. Marketing to them is most likely to be price (discount) related. I don’t see any of them engaged with any ac giving to broaden the appeal of cards, to get people buying more than usual.

This campaign is designed to offer newsXpress stores an exclusive value with a category engaging opportunity at its core.

I appreciate there may be some who make fun of or criticise this campaign. If you hear that, please ask what they are doing to grow card sales, to grow engagement with the card category, to pitch cards in a way that nurtures engagement beyond the first opening of a card.

This campaign has only been live a few days and already the feedback has been terrific.

Greeting Cards

If you have 10 minutes, join me on a look at the difference newsXpress has made to this high street Melbourne business, and see the value of engagement with cards

One reason I own newsagencies is to show, rather than tell. The high street Malvern business is an example of that. Take a look at the September numbers in this business:

As I say in the video, everything we are doing in the business is what is offered and pitched to newsXpress members. There is nothing exclusive or unique in the approach here.

For sure, we are proud of the results so far.

And, yes, this business does not have lotteries.

newsagency marketing

Waking up to $8,000 in online sales overnight

I knew that when the Queen passed the $100 Platinum Jubilee Coin would sell well. I did not expect $8,000 in sales three hours.

What happened here is a testament to having the right product, being online, and being high in search results.

I am not sharing this to disrespect the Queen. Rather, I share it as an example of value we can cultivate in thoughtful diversification.

This is not an isolated situation. And, it is something any newsagent could achieve.

Now, here’s a newsXpress pitch – because access to the coins is through newsXpress. This coin has already been very successful for us. What happened overnight is the icing on the cake. And, what’s most interesting is … many shoppers bought other coins and almost all are first time shoppers with us. This is all part of newsXpress strategy – with execution details shared with members long ago, presenting the same opportunity for all.

UPDATE (12:05pm): It’s continued with people purchasing other coins knowing they will be the last with the Queen. It is fascinating seeing the depth of range of purchases.

Newsagency management

What does newsXpress offer newsagents for its $175 a month membership fee?

A newsagent contacted me earlier this week asking why it didn’t help with leases and why it restricted the card company members could buy from. I explained that newsXpress does help with lease negotiation and that there is no restriction on the card company newsXpress members buy from. It turned out they had been misinformed by someone. Hmm…

Anyway, that call prompted me to make this new video in which I talk about what is included for the $175 a month membership fee to be part of this vibrant and proactive community of newsagents.

newsagency marketing

newsXpress launches national Thank You card give away to encourage Aussies to share appreciation

Today, newsXpress launches Thank You card giveaway promotion through participating newsXpress stores. This is a newsXpress exclusive promotion.

Offered at no cost to newsXpress members and funded 100% by newsXpress and not suppliers, this promotion is designed to help Australians appreciate others.

The pitch is simple: buy any 2 cards in a single transaction, and you get a Melbourne-made, Melbourne-designed, Thank You card (valued at $6.99) for free. There is no card purchase brand requirement.

newsXpress members have been provided with the free cards, envelopes and double sided A2 posters for promotion, as well as access to digital assets.

The campaign was soft-launched a few weeks ago in my own stores to test shopper reaction and see if there were any kinks. It has gone amazingly well, driving growth in card sales, generating excellent word of mouth.

Customers who know about the promotion are keen to get their free card while those who do not know love receiving the free card.

In creating the promotion, my goal was to shine a light on a vital product category while providing customers with a way of appreciating others. We know that people keep cards they receive, meaning the free cards given by our customers will be keepsakes warming hearts for years to come. This is a good news promotion, a heartwarming promotion, something all involved can feel proud of.

I figured that by mid 2022 we’d all have people to appreciate, people we could say thank you to. The free card is a no-cost prompt to spread the appreciation, to help do good in the world.

The campaign actually started when I was looking to create a mid 2022, valley fo retail death (you know, between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day) promotion to drive shopper traffic and engagement. That was more than 6 months ago. Yes, this campaign has been a while in the making.

Here is the card design. The finished card includes beautiful and quality gold foil and embossing treatments, reflecting the $6.99 price tag on the card. Having the price printed on the card was a key piece as it denotes value.

I am proud that newsXpress has been able to bring this promotion to life for its members, to do so without cost, without supplier obligation and in support of one of the most valuable product categories a newsagency offers.

I am not aware of any similar promotion in our channel in the past. Sure there have been card giveaways but they were supplier specific and requiring more cards purchased. I wanted to ensure there were minimal barriers with this promotion. This is one reason I did not ask any suppliers for funding, even though I am sure they would have offered financial support.

The 2 card purchase requirement was set based on basket data. Less than half card purchases have 2 cards in them. Subtly, the promotion seeks to raise that number.

The Thank You card caption is one of the best performing in Australia. Thank You cards play a vital role in appreciating others and reminding them of that appreciation years down the track when they look at the cards they have received.

In local small business retail it can be challenging to differentiate ourselves, to be noticed. Too often I think we imitate big business strategies and tactics. I also think there are too many supplier-led promotions that are cumbersome and designed to serve the supplier first.


This promotion serves the customer first. We did this knowing that it would also serve us. Our trial in recent weeks has shown this happening, wonderfully, valuably.

Okay, here’s my core newsXpress pitch: this campaign reflects what’s different about newsXpress. It creates innovative, engaging and compelling marketing opportunities for all newsXpress members, regardless of size, location or product supplier allegiance. We do this to help you encourage existing shoppers spend more, new shoppers to visit and for shopper visits be be more financially valuable to you.

newsXpress works across a range of product categories. Cards, though, deliver excellent results with many reporting 20% and more year in year growth, adding many thousands in a year to net profit, and often doing this on a lower capex.

The national newsXpress exclusive Thank You card promotion starts today. I am grateful to be part of this local store led movement of Australians appreciating other Australians and that we can do this with Melbourne designed and made product.

Greeting Cards

Playing outside traditional retail seasons is vital to growth in retail newsagencies

Blue ocean strategy is all about positioning your business in clean and clear waters with less competition. Red ocean is where most are, it’s crowded and bloody.

Major seasons like Valentine’s Day are red ocean. Crowded. Competitive.

At the newsXpress newsagency marketing group business we love creating blue ocean opportunities for our members. Here is a short video from me, which I shot Thursday last week, in which I talk about blue ocean opportunities in 2022 for newsxpress members.

newsagency marketing

How newsXpress uses data to help make newsagencies more successful, enjoyable and valuable

newsXpress provides its members a range of educational and motivational material. Here is a recent example, a video in which we explore extraordinary Halloween sales success in a business not known for Halloween.

Note: this video is not about Halloween. Rather, it is about how thoughtful, fact-driven decisions can add thousands on gross profit.

What makes the success more valuable is the bonus margin exclusive to newsXpress members.

Here is the video I and a colleague made over a week ago for newsXpress members about this.

In sharing this I am sharing information anyone could use. Yes, there is a risk to this. However, it is tiresome seeing marketing emails to newsagents promising the world but offering no facts, no evidence, no actionable items they can trial.

What is outlined in the video can work for Christmas and at other times of the year.

Newsagency management

Newsagents loving the new contract offered by newsXpress

Two weeks ago, newsagency marketing group newsXpress offered its members a new contract at a lower monthly cost with no reduction in services and benefits.

The new contract came from a desire to lay the framework for next generation newsagency marketing group operation. For months, comprehensive modelling has been undertaken to guide the new price model. Next came considerable legal work to come up with a plain English contract that was easy to understand. newsXpress members were briefed as this evolved, and last week it was announced to members and two days ago announced to newsagents more widely:

newsXpress is grateful to be able to release to newsagents access to our new offer: $175.00 a month or $1680.00 a year paid in advance.

I say grateful because it’s the success we are having that enables us to be able to financially support this new low cost for newsagents. It’s not a limited time offer, this is our new model. We offered it to newsXpress members first, and they are loving it.

In launching this, we are launching a new contract. It’s plain English – easy to read and understand.

  • Click here to see the new contract. 
  • Click here to see the direct debit form. 
  • Click here for a copy of Cultivating joy in your newsagency, a deep dive into what newsXpress offers.

In these documents you have complete transparency about what newsXpress offers its members. You can see that there are no mate’s rates, no secret deals.

We are an evidence-based marketing group, offering advice and help to newsagents who want to run more successful, enjoyable and valuable businesses.

We are accepting new member applications now. Please email help@newsxpress.com.au to find out more.

I do think it is time for a fresh approach to newsagency marketing group operation, a fresh approach to what these groups offer and do for newsagents. With so much change confronting our channel, having a stock and engaged partner is key.

newsXpress is keen to work with newsagents who themselves are keen for change, keen to run businesses they enjoy more, that are more successful and that are worth more when they choose to sell.

Disclosure: I am Managing Director of newsXpress.

Newsagency management

Taking the trade show experience to small business retailers

I am grateful to have participated in a tour of the new showroom display at ISAlbi a few days ago, getting to see hundreds of new products and find out about stories that can be told through the new ranges.

I took more than 400 photos. The next day, I filmed a one hour Zoom where those of us at the showroom walk-through spoke to what we say, commenting on items and exploring how to bring the opportunities to life in-store.

Once the Zoom video was completed I loaded it to a video platform for newsXpress members, so they could see the products in detail, hear the discussion and access the new products and collateral associated with them to drive sales.

This approach of collecting video and photo assets and packaging them in a form that retailers can access from anywhere and at any time, with appropriate security measures in place, is just one way the world is changing in the retail space, one way we, marketing groups and suppliers, are able to work together to bring new product opportunities to life for retailers.

What’s interesting about what we saw is the new product categories available for retailers as it is through these that we can find new shoppers, the lifeblood of retail. From home decor to art to garden to self care to fun to environmentally aware, the ranges are broad enough for a retailer to map out a year of buying, with designated drops, to enable the business to be regularly refreshed all from the one engagement based on what’s in the video.

Plenty of suppliers have found other ways of connecting with their customers and finding new customers. I think the extent of change in this space will challenge trade show businesses into the future.

When I was in the Albi showroom, I saw account managers hosting FaceTime visits with retailers, showing product through their phone camera.

Now, from a newsXpress perspective, it shares with newsXpress members the video we shot and then offers a shopper service for anyone interested, based on what interests retailers. This is underpinned baby budgeting, floorspace and ranging advice. These and related services play into the changes engaged retailers are leveraging. Covid kicked the changes off. Now, plenty of changes have stuck, because people have realised they work better.

Newsagency management

Invitation to all newsagents

Invitation: June 8 @ 10:30am, online.

I write to invite you to a free Zoom meeting at which I and some of the newsXpress team will share with you the EXCLUSIVE TO NEWSXPRESS data-driven process that has resulted in successful newsagencies growing card sales by between 25% and 75%. Yes, those percentages are real.

newsXpress has developed intellectual property that it uses to guide in-store card changes, based on the sales data from that store.

At this free workshop, I will show you actual results, which you will be able to verify. One of our newsXpress team members will step you through the work involved to achieve the results. Often, we are achieving excellent results with no capital spend.

We will show you the most comprehensive card performance reporting you will see for any card retailer in the world. I understand that is a bold claim. Once you see what we will show, we think you will agree.

Join us June 8 @ 10:30am if you want to grow your card sales. Here is the link:

Meeting ID: 989 6164 7990 Passcode: 519968

In the meantime, if you have questions, please email help@newsxpress.com.au.

Yes, I am a Director of newsXpress

newsagency marketing

Newsagency marketing group workshop tomorrow

If you are considering joining a newsagency marketing group this year, any newsagency marketing group, join me tomorrow, Tuesday jan. 12 at 10:30am, for a Zoom meeting where the newsXpress services and engagement opportunities will be shared and discussed:

Meeting ID: 953 8146 7491 Passcode: 861573

newsXpress is a newsagency marketing group offering business transformation advice and help, access to new suppliers through which you can attract new shoppers, encouragement, display advice and much more.

Nothing it does or or suggests is mandatory. You get to run your business the way you choose. The difference is you have options and opportunities from which you can choose as appropriate.

Click here for a refreshed document outlining what newsXpress offers members in 2021.

Newsagency management

What does newsXpress offer newsagents?

Ten days ago I hosted a Zoom meeting with some of the newsXpress head office team members to talk about some of what newsXpress offers its members. In the video below you can hear from the diverse and skilled group behind newsXpress member support. What’s discussed is only part of what newsXpress offers.

As I have offered before, I’d be happy to share similar insights from other groups.

Newsagency marketing group

Newsagency marketing group open forum: This is newsXpress

Tomorrow, Tuesday, I’m hosting an open forum @ 10:30am to outline what newsXpress offers and how it works.

While I am primarily doing this to record and share via video, anyone is welcome to join to listen or ask questions.

With interest in newsXpress among newsagents and suppliers strong, it feels like a good time to offer this session.

Here are the details for joining in – anyone is welcome:

Meeting ID: 996 5714 7413 Passcode: 081628

In the meeting I will be joined by a new products expert who will speak to net new traffic generating products, a millennial shopper expert who will speak to attracting that type of shopper and a data expert who will speak to how data can drive profitable business decisions.

newsXpress is grateful to have welcomed new members to the group over recent months, adding to this community of newsagents keen for new ideas and happy to embrace a culture of optimism.

newsagency marketing

Zoom meetings keep small business newsagents connected during COVID-19 challenges

For a month now newsXpress has been helping its member community connect with regular Zoom, video conference, meetings. For the last three weeks, these have been daily @ 2pm Monday to Friday with a morning meeting as well on some days and a weekend meeting some Sundar afternoons. A tradition has developed on Fridays with suppliers joining in the meeting.

Conversation is free flowing, with plenty of topics covered. No topics are off the table. People share their stories, how business is going, what is working, what is not working. The meetings often consider issues of collective interest.

newsXpress was on to the landlord challenge close to two months ago so there has been plenty to talk in the Zoom meetings about in terms of how different landlords have responded to the various newsXpress strategies proposed. newsXpress was also onto the jigsaw opportunity early, back in February, and this, too, has been part of the Zoom discussion.

The most significant value of the Zoom meetings has been the opportunity to experience that as a business owner you are not alone in confronting COVID-19, that your fears are fears others share, that there can be comfort from an openly shared experience.

Each Zoom meeting has between 35 and 40 people engaged live with more than 100 watching the recording overnight.

newsXpress also sends a daily email, usually by 7am, with updates on any issues covered in the Zoom meeting the day before as well as news that relates to our channel, links to relevant government resources and details of relevant supplier opportunities.

There have been plenty of stories in the media this week about Zoom meeting fails. These newsXpress meetings have been wonderful and very much appropriate to the times.

Our next one is tomorrow, Sunday, at 3pm. I’ve cast as a more relaxed meeting, with wine (or beer or a cocktail) in hand. Then, on Monday at 2pm, we’re back to weekday business.

Now more than ever we in small business retail need to be connected to each other as we can learn from each other and support each other. That is central to the newsXpress use of Zoom for daily member meetings. Oh, and if you think you don’t have time, people have the meeting on their computer while they get other work done, each lunch or take calls. Multitasking is applauded.

Footnote: I am a director of newsXpress.

Newsagency marketing group

Chasing new traffic this week for newsagents

newsXpress stores are this week chasing new traffic with a national TV ad campaign for Beanie Boos. Ranked in the top five revenue generators in their category, Boos are valuable at attracting shoppers, driving impulse purchases and boosting basket value.

I think it is important we promote our businesses externally through products we are not naturally thought of as stocking. By all means promoter legacy products in-store and locally, but for broad mass media attraction, we need a fresh pitch to reflect our fresh and relevant businesses.

There are two TVCs running – the one below and another that is “C” classified brand positioning, without a value offer.

I was directly involved with the production of the TVC and want to comment that we worked hard to get the right voice, to speak to the target shopper. The script was thoughtfully developed to pitch not only the value proposition but also the fun of the brands of Beanie Boos and Flippables. The images are deliberately diverse as Boos appeal, primarily, to boys and girls from as young as 5 to and old as fifteen, sometimes older.

One final point before we get to the TVC. Some may think that Boos are only one part of their business. They are right. However, there is evidence that they work at attracting new shoppers who are valuable beyond the Boo purchase. They buy cards, toys, gifts and more. Plus, these shoppers return. So, Boos work as a lure.

I’d also add that no other business runs a Boo only TVC. This is a differentiator,. We could promote stationery, but, hey, many businesses do that already. Swimming in the blue ocean is something I like.

Oh … the TVC is working. Reports of sales boosts are terrific.

Here is the general target TVC:

Now, in case you are wondering, here is the “C” release TVC. Producing this considerably enhances the return on ad spend for us.

This ad plays in prime kid viewing times.

Newsagency marketing group

Here’s a simple basket-building tip

Stock Angel Flames from Jasnor and place some stock at the counter. Yes, people will purchase them on impulse. I have seen this work in city and country, high street and shopping mall, big and small businesses. Make sure everyone working in the business can explain the product in 30 seconds. The right explanation significantly increases purchases.

This advice is part of the newsXpress one percenters – many simple, no-cost, steps you can take to maximise existing traffic, increase word of mouth recommendations and drive new traffic. The one-percenters advice is one piece in a big jigsaw of that newsxpress does yet it is full of low handing fruit opportunities – easy and fast to implement with almost immediate returns.

Is this a pitch for newsXpress – yes, if you wan it to be … no, if you try the idea for yourself, without obligation.

A good marketing group is whole of business in attention covering big picture strategy through to small focus tactical, like this Angel Flames idea that has been part of the newsXpress pitch for more than twelve years.


This is a true story of new traffic and sales growth in newsagency businesses

It happened last week and this week in newsXpress businesses across Australia. This exclusive range just about sold out in ten days, eight weeks before payment is due.

Let me show you a photo of the products. Then, I will explain what newsXpress did to make this a success for local shops and outline why any retailer in any location could have this success.

These products are called Ty Slides. Ty Inc. in the US decided to release them to Australia. Ty Warner, the founder of the company, loves small business and since newsXpress is their best Australian retail channel, we were given exclusivity.

We launched the opportunity to members in May, explaining what we would do to support the launch, to make it a success. Some newsXpress members ordered one pack for around $500.00 wile plenty ordered two and three packs.

The stock arrived in store at the start of November. We sprung into action with a terrific social media campaign.

newsXpress members started selling out of all stock within 24 hours. More than half all sales were online, with all online orders going to shoppers whop were not local to the supplying business.

Some newsXpress members reported more than $1,000.00 in online sales in a day.

Today, fourteen days since launch, many of our stores are close to selling out. They have banked the takings, eight weeks before they have to pay for the stock.

This is what a good marketing group does … it sources terrific product, educates business owners and staff as to context, drives shoppers to the shop our online and helps turn the sock into cash well ahead of the bill being due.

Best of all, a good marketing group helps you find new shoppers.

A good marketing group can only do this with an integrated and proven web and social media platforms.

This is a valuable differentiation for newsXpress.

The Ty Slide stampede for stock also brought people who purchased plenty of other Ty product from our awesome local newsXpress shop connected website.

Call newsXpress National Sales Manager Peter Francis on 0423 298 020 or email him on peter@newsxpress.com.au

  • See how our multi-layered web strategy delivers new traffic revenue to engaged newsXpress members.
  • Explore our strategic planning that offers options outside the traditional newsagency channel.
  • Hear how low cost shop floor changes are driving deeper and more valuable baskets.

We have one goal: to help you make your businesses more valuable (to you) and enjoyable (for you) to run.

PS. There will be some reading this who will say these products will never sell in their shop. The thing is, today, with online, you cannot say that as online customers are not local. We have solid evidence that proves that.

PPS. I joined newsXpress in 2005. Prior to that my newsagency was with nextra for some years and Newspower for some years. Joining newsXpress gave me genuinely fresh opportunities that I was glad to access back then. I own three newsagencies today, walking in your shoes.

Footnote: I am Managing Director of newsXpress Pty Ltd.

Newsagency management