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Newsagency management

Telstra Modem Model v7610 issue drags on, impacting some newsagency businesses

In December 20223 a number of newsagents reported issues accessing magazine supply electronic invoices. The issue was quickly isolated to being experienced by those with a specific model of Telstra modem. The specific problem was tracked back to having been caused by a Telstra initiated update.

Here we are in April 2024 and some newsagents continue to have problems. Most recently, it has related to the v7610 modem.

The challenge for impacted newsagents is that it an issue for Telstra to resolve, and their resolution has not been as forthcoming as it could be. Their call centra process is not geared to discussion about a problem. rather, they have a series of narrow questions and if your words are outside what they expect you can find yourself down a time-wasting rabbit hole.

XchangeIT is the newsagent partner most impacted with their magazine electronic invoices not getting through via the usual automated route. While they have a backup process, their hours are not a good fit for hours when newsagents might be doing this work. That said, their communication to newsagents on the issue has been excellent, as has their communication with newsagency software companies.


Newsagency management

Newsagents should be aware of the Viva Energy Australia takeover of SA’s On the Run

Viva Energy Australia has completed the purchase of the On The Run group, a network of 170 fuel and convenience businesses in South Australia that have a track record in the lottery space.

The merger amalgamates On The Run and well as Smoke Mart & Gift Box into Viva Energy’s convenience business, creating, as I understand it, a network of  1,000+ convenience retail outlets, including Coles Express, and Liberty.

This acquisition may have no impact on newsagents with lotteries or it may be a step to moves that do have an impact. On The Run outlets are good, consistent and broad in what they offer. Only time will tell what from the On There Run product mix makes it into the other outlets – like lotteries for example.

c-store.com.au offers good context:

Viva Energy’s CEO and Managing Director, Scott Wyatt, said today’s acquisition is transformational for Viva Energy and that OTR will become Viva Energy’s flagship convenience brand.

“The introduction of OTR’s superior convenience offering, including quick serve restaurants, will help revolutionise the diversity and attraction of our retail offering,” Wyatt said.

“As our stores increasingly become retail destinations, we expect convenience earnings will grow and reduce our dependency on traditional fuels.

“OTR outlets offer an attractive and welcoming store environment, supporting increased dwell time, which is likely to be a key factor in successfully introducing electric vehicle recharging facilities over time.”

What they are planning is what any retailer in channels impacted by change must plan: revolutionise the diversity and attraction of our retail offering.

My goal today is to ensure newsagents are aware of the acquisition, to be aware.


The challenge with being part of a franchise or a national branded business

I was in a regional town New Zealand over the weekend for a wedding and went to a local Paper Plus store to buy a wedding card. I didn’t like any of the wedding card designs they had, the range felt tired, like the shop.

It was my first time in a Paper Plus for five years and as such it’s what I’ll think of as the standard for Paper Plus until I see something different.

The shop fixtures were old school – traditional gondolas, high with products stacked. There was no flair or enticement to the retail displays, nothing to draw me into the shop. The light was bright fluro, which is now out of date for interesting local retail. There was no sense of being local.

Franchise businesses and businesses that trade under a common shingle are as strong as their weakest store.

This is one of the reason newsXpress years ago ditched requiring businesses to trade under the newsXpress shingle. It is also why the group restructured its contract and its offer to not fall under the franchise code of conduct.

Local retailers need the freedom to flourish is ways appropriate to their local setting. In a franchise this is challenging to do since the franchise approach is about a cookie-cutter approach, based on what some call a ‘system’. I can’t think of any ‘system’ or franchise model that is appropriate in the newsagency channel today. That’s my opinion at least, others will have theirs.

Our channel is going through rapid change, much of which is outside the lines of what has been traditional for newsagency businesses. What drew people to our businesses even five years ago has changed in 2024. Change is good as it opens opportunities.

So much of the growth I am seeing in newsagency businesses that are growing is outside of traditional and this is where a ‘system’ or a franchise model created decades ago will struggle to be relevant. Retail in 2024 is not relevant to what we did in 2000, 1990 or 1980. How, when and where people shop has changed. What people will buy from what was once a traditional newsagency has changed.

Local newsagents need the freed to be what they can be. This is why I moved from a franchise model years ago.

Back in the day, Paper Plus was a terrific business a model for consistency and growth. If what I saw on Saturday is any indication, it has some distance to go to be relevant to 2024 – if not the group then certainly the shop I visited.

I love owning and running my newsagency businesses today, for traditional products but more so for the opportunity to play outside the lines of tradition.

Newsagency management

If you think closing your newsagency is the only option …

Sometimes, the road ahead can appear to have so many obstacles and the air heavy with fog that a pathway can be hard to find.

If you feel like closing is your only option, I am writing this for you. It’s an update to something I have shared before. I share it today as a supplier asked me to remind folks here.

If you feel like closing your newsagency is the option, ask for a second opinion. I and plenty of others in our channel will do this, based on your business data: sales data, P&L, and more.

Usually, in the evidence of data is opportunity. The challenge is that often opportunities cannot be seen because of the noise of obstacles and fog.

My hope is that in your evidence there is sufficient opportunity to find a path forward for the business, and for you.

Turning a situation away from closing is my only option can only come about by one or a mix of:

  • attracting new shoppers
  • getting existing shoppers purchasing more
  • making more from some of what you sell
  • reducing costs

It’s pretty simple when you read the list. The hard part is the action, that’s where retailers can get stuck. I mean, attracting new shoppers is difficult, especially in small business where the levers we can pull are limited.

The best way to attract new shoppers is to introduce new product categories and to pitch these outside of the business.

I get that it may be challenging to find the energy and money to make things work with new products. If the survival of your business matters you’ll find a way.

The best way to get existing shoppers spending more is through a smart loyalty mechanic and having a shop people enjoy.

The best way to make more from what you sell is by charging more or buying better, or both. Don’t go crazy. A modest increase in GP% could work wonders.

While doing these things you also need to work on reducing costs. That’s a common approach to saving a business. While it could help, rarely in my experience have I seen reducing costs alone be enough to save a business. Sure, it can be in the mix, but it alone is not enough.

Key to the success of any turnaround is starting on the road early, before fog and debris block the past. It’s important to all of us who own businesses to be looking well ahead, over the horizon, cultivating assets we can deploy when we think change may be needed.

If you think closing your newsagency is the only option, reach out. There are plenty of us in the newsagency channel who will listen, and offer advice if you’d like it.

You are not alone.

Mark Fletcher
mark@towersystems.com.au mark@newsxpress.com.au

Newsagency management

Is there a move away from deep discount retail and what could it mean for us?

The recent announcement by Dollar Tree, Inc., the parent company of Family Dollar, to close 600 stores has sent ripples through the retail industry in the US. I am sure it has plenty of Aussie retailers watching on with interest.

Not only are they closing 600 stores, the company announced will also shut down 370 Family Dollar and 30 Dollar Tree stores when each store’s current lease ends. That’s a lot of closures for a business that is a significant player in the deep discount space.

This move has many wondering: Is this the end of the deep discount retail model, or just a strategic shift for Family Dollar?

In Australia, deep discount is national represented by the Reject Shop. Locally, the model is represented by the many of what we call $2 shops, or junk retail is , I suspect unfairly, call them.

I think we are seeing a shift in this deep discount space. Online is playing a role, especially Temu from China.

I do note that Dollar Tree itself remains committed to the deep discount market. They’ve emphasised that the closures are designed to strengthen Family Dollar, not abandon the concept entirely. But they have also said they want to drive business financial performance.

It’s possible the deep discount space might be reaching a saturation point. With so many discount retailers vying for customers, some consolidation may be inevitable.

While affordability remains important, shoppers might be prioritising quality  over the rock-bottom prices traditionally associated with deep discount stores.

We will have to see what plays out in Australia.

Here’s what we know though – discount variety shops, $2 shops, deep discount shops, regardless of what you call them, focus on selling at the lowest price. That shopper will not be loyal unless your price remains low. So long as there is someone desperate enough to go lower, you’ll find shoppers today gone tomorrow. This is one reason I have never played in the discount space in retail. I don’t see how there is sustainable profitability in it frankly.

I think online, Temu and others, as well as local independent $2 shops will keep pressure on this slim margin channel. I think this means retailers in this space in Australia will find it tough. We can make it tougher for them if we continue to focus on quality products sold at a better price and likely a price that has a lower cost when you consider valuable product lifetime. People notice this.

For me, value is more about quality than the ticket price of the item. They key is for us to communicate this in an understood and cut through way to our shoppers in-store and those we seek to attract.

Pitching solely on price is weak, and we can exploit this.

Newsagency management

How to save money on fixtures for your newsagency or any retail business

First up: spend as little as possible with a shopfitter, preferably nothing. Shopfitters only make money from shopfits. What they make is purpose built and, naturally expensive.

Besides the people who work in the business, your products are what matter the most. People notice the products more than the fixtures. Shopfitters will tell you something different, of course.

Years ago, it was common for newsagents to spend $1,500 and more per square metre of leased retail space, and we would do this for fixtures made for the business. magazine specific fixtures, card specific fixtures. There was plenty of noise that the shift made the business, set the business for success. Some groups considered their shopfit to be valuable intellectual property. Even if that was true, it’s not true today.

Today, retail is about the feeling of the shop and nothing achieves feeling like furniture items that look everyday. Even better if they have some scars that bring some lived history to the shop. Indeed, some of the best fixtures I have seen have been found on the side of the road, at an old farm or in an op. shop.

The more fixtures in your shop the are sourced from these everyday situations, the lower the cost of fitting your shop.

Take this table and bench set. It costs only $179 from Fantastic Furniture. I suspect there may be secondhand ones out there for less and other pliers with similar for less.

It’s tremendously flexible. Here it is in the window of one of my shops right now.

The table and benches work hosting these ducks.

The best advice I can provide when it comes to shoplifting in a newsagency or and local retail business is to be frugal.

  • Pre-loved is loved: Look for second-hand furniture and fixtures at op. shops,  garage sales, or online marketplaces.
  • Upcycle & Repurpose: Get creative! Old pallets can become shelving, crates can be turned into displays, and pipes can make clothing racks.
  • Think Multi-Functional: Invest in furniture that serves multiple purposes, like ottomans with storage or tables with built-in displays.
  • Buy off the shelf rather than purpose built every time you can. This is the best way to save money.

There are some in our channel who boast about their shopfit, what it cost, what is unique about it. I suspect if they were as open about the financial performance of their business few of the boasters would have must to boast about.

While there are parts of the business over which you have control, like lotteries, there is plenty over which you do have control. Don’t overthink it. If you fit out frugally the cost pot changing your approach is not that much. Also, being able to financially justify constant change can help give the business a feel of regular change, which is good.

Oh, and if you really do need something made specifically for your shop, consider a local handyman (person) as they are likely to cost less.

Anything you spend on fittings or furniture for your shop needs to be fully recouped from sales in absolutely no more than three years, preferably less.

Newsagency management

Let data guide whether you open over Easter

Look at your sales last Easter before setting the newsagency staff roster for this Easter. If you can’t cover your costs, including real labour costs regardless of whether you do the hours yourself or not, don’t open.

Back in the day, newsagents would open out of obligation, as a community service, or because of supplier dictates, or both.

While it is nice to run your business as a community service, that does not pay your bills nor does it support you as you may need.

With penalty rates, a casual employee working on a public holiday is paid 250% of their base hourly rate. Based on the current General Retail Award Rate that would be $57.78 an hour – plus superannuation, taking the hourly cost to $64.14. This is for a Level 3, which would apply if they are opening or closing.

Opening because you think shoppers may expect you to open is not reason enough, nor is opening because you always have. The only reason to open is because it commercially viable.

Now, to newspaper and magazine publishers and staff reading this, you are part of the problem here. Your paltry margins are insufficient on a regular day let alone on a trading day attracting a 250% hike in the hourly cost of labour.

Newsagency management

Buy Now Pay Later disappearing as fast as it arrived

The release by the government of the new Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) regulations proposed, the retreat from offering BNPL products is expected to be swift.  BNPL businesses lose access to some of their revenue drivers:

  • Late fees capped at $10 per month (Afterpay currently $68).
  • Annual fees capped at $200 in year 1 ($125 thereafter).
  • Australian Credit Licence required.
  • Real credit and affordability checks.

We have already seen moves of retreat. Humm, for example.

Click here for the explanatory document from Treasury explaining the changes. Click here to see the draft legislation.

What does this mean for us? BNPL helped people purchase who didn’t want to use traditional credit or LayBy. To retain these shoppers retailers will need alternatives. While the banks have adjusted and are planning more in this space, we could consider refreshing our approach to LayBy. Doing nothing is not an ideal approach.

Newsagency management

Are you missing sales growth for your newsagency?

We’ve all been there. You walk into a trade show looking for ideas about the next hot product. Yet, a nagging doubt lingers: are these trends relevant to my customers?

Too many local small business retailers have a blind spot when it comes to what actually sells in their shops. This can cost the business a chunk of money.

I was talking to a newsagent not long ago who said they can’t  sell gifts prices at more than $30. When I asked why that was the case, they didn’t have an answer.

Another newsagent told me that they can’t sell pet related gifts. They, too, could not explain why.

Another newsagent told me that they could only sell cards priced at under $5.00. When asked, they told me they had never stocked cards worth m ore than $5.00.

These barriers we put upon ourselves created the narrative we listen to when stocking our shops. We make decisions that make the narrative in our head true.

You are not your customer.

Listening only to ourselves and surrounding ourselves with people who think like us limits what we see and hear. Sales reps push what’s hot with other stores, trade shows limit who can display and industry publications focus on broad trends. This can create an echo chamber, making it hard to hear the whispers of what your specific customer base truly wants.

Sticking with what’s “always sold” feels safe. Customer needs and preferences evolve. Clinging to the past can leave you with a dusty inventory and dwindling sales.

Data. Numbers don’t lie, but sometimes we don’t listen. Are you analysing sales data to see what moves quickly and what languishes? Ignoring your own in-store intel is a missed opportunity.

How do you fix this?

  • Watch TikTok. Currently, it provides the best out of left-field ideas from what I see. I have picked up excellent retail related ideas that I have not seen elsewhere from TikTok. Some have shocked me. Every single one of them has taught me something.
  • Embrace Customer Feedback: Talk to your customers! Conduct surveys, run polls on social media, or simply chat with them at the counter. What are they looking for? What problems do they need solved?
  • Listen: Everyone else working in the business, on the front line, hearing customer needs directly. Empower them to share insights and make informed suggestions about product selection.
  • Dig into the Data: Sales figures, abandoned carts, website click-throughs – these numbers tell a story. Use analytics tools to understand customer behaviour and tailor your offerings accordingly.
  • Embrace Experimentation: Don’t be afraid to test the waters with smaller batches of new products or surprise pop-up displays. See what resonates with your customers and what doesn’t.

What we can sell in the local newsagency is not bound by any rules. Play as far and wide as you are able. See how far you can take your business.

Be ready to be surprised. Embrace it.

We tried a category this past week in one of my shops, a category several thought would never work for us. $500 in sales in 5 days. 60% GP. It was an easy and valuable win.

You don’t know what you don’t know!

You are not your customer.

Newsagency management

Advice for local card makers seeking to place their cards in retail shops

I have noticed an increase over the last six months in approaches by local card makers seeking to get their cards placed in the shop. It’s a challenge with complexities.

  • Some local card makers have not considered the margin retailers need when pricing their cards for sale from their own website or at local markets.
  • Some have not thought though how to display the product.
  • Some have never considered whether they would accept product for return.
  • Some have not researched what sells and what does not sell.
  • Some have made poor choices on card stock.

Cards are premium margin products in our businesses. To deliver the value we need, they need to sell. At minimum, we need to sell at least 12 of each card each year to break even on space, labour and capital investment cost. This is the benchmark: a pocket turn of 2 times a year, or in the case of these indie maker cards, a turn of 12 of a design in a year. And that is at a minimum.

While many of us want to support local card makers, too many of these makers have not through their go-to market strategy in a way that connects with potential retail partners.

When we say no, some take it personally about their designs, while this is not the case. It makes for a complex conversation.

While I am all for supporting local designers and makers, the arrangement needs to be commercially viable for both sides and have a plan behind it that shows the relationship to be sustainable.  There is one card maker I supported years ago who did not have replacement stock when I needed. It took three months.

Here are some things we have done to make it easier for the business to support local card designers:

  • We have a good space in the shop dedicated to displaying their product full face.
  • We have a stand for the counter that pitches 2 or 3 designs, for impulse engagement.
  • We show customers the local connection.
  • We use social media.
  • We share performance data so they can consider this when developing product.

While there are complexities with local card markers, there are some out there that get it and work to ensure the relationship is mutually viable.

Newsagency management

Gift related suppliers are concerned about a trend

Gift suppliers have mentioned a trend that concerns them. It emerged around just over a year ago. Whereas in the past they would win a customer and receive follow-up orders from almost all of them, over the last fourteen months less than a third reorder.

Most of the suppliers who have mentioned this have good products, sought-after. A few are brand names.

A common reason by the retailer for not reordering is that they want change. This is despite the products performing well. I can’t work out why a retailer would ditch a range after selling through the first order.

In a couple of instances it was because an agent for a supplier placed their products in a nearby retailer soon after the first retailer ordered and before the products had had a chance to show how they would perform. I’d be unlikely to reorder in that situation.

There are legitimate reasons too. For example, a business transitioning to a higher average price point in gifts, or a business reallocating shop space to a whole new category they anticipate will perform even better. these are legitimate decisions for retailers to make.

One supplier is so frustrated by the trend that they have amped up their direct-to-consumer activities. I know a couple of others considering this.

I think this is an interesting topic for exploration between suppliers directly impacted by the trend and retailers, preferable retainers who have stocked those suppliers.

Looking at sellout data for a range of retailers this year, it appears that if product out of stock situations did not exist, retail turnover in those shops would be up between 5% and 10% based on previous sales analysis for that time of the year.

While there is an appeal for change in retail to show the business as evolving, there is the practical aspect of the evidence, data, that indicate certain sales if you have the stock. There is good reporting to demonstrate a trend for a product, so you can know when to cut it.

Suppliers do need to understand where they city in the retail business lifecycle. For example, not so long-ago newsagents focussed on gifts priced at $20 or thereabouts. Today, most engaged newsagents focus on gifts at $100, $200 and even more. While the lower priced gifts have a place, it is not the dominate place they occupied a few years ago.

As I noted, I think these are all things we ought to discuss.

Newsagency management

Small business retail advice: avoid being a victim in your business

If you find yourself blaming others or external factors for situations over which you have some level of control, it may be that you have a victim mentality.

While it can be easy to blame others and be self-forgiving, it serves no value to you or your business, though.

Some examples of blaming others are worrying about competitors who you think are copying your business, complaining about employees and things they did did that did not work out, being upset about the rent you pay, anger at being short of cash.

You choose what you stock, you hire and train employees, you signed the lease and you decide what money is spent.

Blaming others for any situation over which you have had some control holds you back; it denies you the opportunity to learn and improve.

Wallowing in self-pity can be destructive; it can lead one to want the comfort of failure, the right to blame anyone but themselves for a negative situation. It can see you seek negative situations, which is an utterly destructive place to be.

I have encountered plenty of newsagents with a victim mentality. In such situations, they miss what could be achieved by spending all their time blaming others.

If blaming others for business situations is something you notice yourself doing, consider seeking professional help. While you can break the cycle yourself, a professional can help you understand why and provide ways to identify and deal with it.

If seeking professional help does not appeal, consider meditation as a way to find calm and stillness and to be less controlled by negative victimhood thoughts.

I am no psychologist or therapist. My recommendation is that you start with a professional. That said, here are things I have done that help me focus on my role and the positive.

  1. On a noticeboard, at your desk, or somewhere in the business, have photos and other reminders of your successes. Be sure to look at them regularly.
  2. Celebrate your failures, the product that bombed, the ad that achieved nothing, the business initiative that lost money. Own them and your role in them.
  3. Exert your control. If you see something impacting your business you don’t like or want, be the business owner and say no early.
  4. Trust your gut. If you sense something is wrong somewhere in the business, address it immediately rather than wait for it to become an issue.
  5. Say no. If you don’t want to do something, say no.
  6. Make more informed decisions. Research more. Learn more. Be smarter.
  7. Always look beyond your border. Victims can think of their world as one in which they have minimal control when, in reality, they have control beyond what they allow themselves to see. Find a way to jump that wall.
  8. Nurture a workplace of accountability, where it is okay to make a mistake or take a bad decision.

Blaming someone else or other factors for something over which you have some control does not help you or your business. It may feel good. It achieves nothing.

Newsagency management

The value of a website for your newsagency

Attracting shoppers from far away is one of the benefits of a website for any retail business. There are plenty of other benefits including being able to sell products when the shop is closed, letting people see what’s in-stock from their home, selling products before you have them in-store and quitting stock that’s not selling in-store to list a few more.

One of the biggest benefits of a website is the opportunity to create a plan b for the business, selling products in a completely different category to provide a fresh income stream, a soft landing should the core retail business find itself in rough waters. The two major websites I have related to my own retail business do this, they sell plenty of products not stocked in the shop with fulfilment from a ‘dark’ store, a space not open to in-store shopping but leveraging retail business resources for efficiency.

There are many benefits of selling online. Having a website today is as important as having a fax machine was twenty years ago. It’s a basic business tool.

Here are some newsagencies with websites. yes, they are all newsXpress businesses because I have their details at hand. Take a look. Some are completed and trading while others are early on that journey.

I have shared this list because showing is better than telling.

Most retailers tend to overthink their first website or two. The best advice is launch early and launch often. In other words, develop an idea and go with it. Learn about being online and evolve the website as you learn more.

The website does not have to reflect your shop, but it can if you want.

Web development is expensive, especially if it is done 100% in Australia like these have been. If you want to reach more shoppers, it is critical. But, a website is a hungry beast. feed it and it is more likely you serve you well. Don’t feed it, and it is likely to not serve you well.

Disclosure: my newsagency software company, Tower Systems, has made many websites for newsagents. newsXpress, the newsagency marketing group I own, offers members half price beautiful websites from Tower.

Newsagency management

UK Spring Fair offers plenty of inspiration and opportunities

I am grateful for the opportunity to visit the UK Spring fair last week in Birmingham.

Several times the size of Australia’s largest gift fair, we got to see suppliers not currently represented in Australia as well as broader ranges from suppliers already represented. It was also good to meet Aussie suppliers to show what we liked.

It was wonderful seeing how suppliers presented their ranges, like Paper Salad, which is available in Australia via Waterlyn. The stand was stunning and inspiring.

Spring Fair is far more diverse in product categories than we see in Australia. We bought from several suppliers not represented locally. We also picked up some visual merchandising as well as product ranging tips that I think we will be able to use in-store.

A big trend at the fair was British made. This was good to see. While cheaper offshore sourced products from bigger companies tended to have bigger stands, the British made message did stand out. Another noticeable trend was ethically copurced, sustainably sourced. These trends of product source and sustainable supply matter especially to Gen Alpha and Gen Z – important co-horts to our businesses.

I appreciate not everyone can get to overseas trade shows. If you can, go. If you can’t see if your marketing group has people who go and can share their insights.

Retail continues to evolve apace, especially in our channel. What we are and what we can sell continues to change and in this there are many opportunities. Getting offshore to see some ahead of us can be helpful, advantageous.

Newsagency management

Are trade shows less important to retailers and suppliers?

As trade shows kick off in Australia for 2024, it’s a good time to contemplate the value of these events for suppliers and retailers.

I’ve already been to three trade shows overseas this year and several suppliers at two of these shows have told me that the trade shows are not what they used to be, that they have not bounced back post-Covid.

One supplier I spoke to earlier this week told me they were ending their 15-year commitment to the UK Spring Fair trade show. The A$10,000 stand cost and associated costs of A$4,000 plus the 4 days away were not generating sufficient return. This supplier has found plenty of new customers in other places thanks to tech innovation and change in how, where and when retailers purchase inventory.

I think how we discover new products for our shops and how we buy them has fundamentally changed for many of us. Whereas in the past getting to trade shows was the must do thing in the year, it is no longer the case.

For sure, there are some retailers who rely on and will continue to rely on trade shows. I think those less likely to are those chasing newer products, those chasing retail innovation.

As a supplier to several retail channels, I can share that in my own case the percentage of the marketing budget committed to trade shows in 2024 will be barely 10% of what it was in 2019 and new customer business will be considerably more than 2019. We, like so many suppliers, have found other ways to discover and connect with new customers.

From a retailer perspective it means we need to be engaged with other places where we can discover new suppliers. There are new online platforms. Smart marketing groups are pitching products in different ways. We are able to easily source more products from overseas than before.

For the newsagency channel, the value of trade shows has changed in part because of changes to our product mix.

I am not saying that trade shows are dead. Rather, the engagement of some suppliers and retailers with them has changed. No longer, for example, do we need 3 or 4 days at a Gift Fair. It can be a 1 or 2 day thing. Smart suppliers use the trade shows to showcase and back this with tech that enables easy purchasing online.

Trade shows are expensive for suppliers and for retailers. The cost of space has continued to rise while the foot traffic attracted has been flat, in decline or, at the very least, less commercially valuable than in the past.

I think the changes we are seeing here are reflective of changes we are seeing elsewhere in business. Ultimately, the changes are good, healthy, as they help us see changes we can make.

I spent two days at the huge Spring Fair in Birmingham UK and I am grateful to have connected with several new suppliers and to have met some Australian suppliers to talk with them about what they found and what we found. It is in this type of networking that one of the values of trade shows remains.

Are trade shows less important to retailers and suppliers? For some, yes, while for others, no. It’s worth contemplating the return on the investment.

Newsagency management

Suppliers: please stop wasting retailer time

Some suppliers really do waste our time with bloated communications and out of date ordering practices. They don’t realise that each out of date practice gives retailers a reason to not order from them.

If suppliers do these things, they will get better attention:

  1. Stop sending bloated communications. Thoughtfully edit. Tell me what I need to know in order to make a decision. Back it with evidence.
  2. Have all ordering done either via digital forms or online – with a copy of each order sent by email back to the retailer for their records. Having to download, print and hand complete a PDF is ridiculous. It’s 2024.
  3. Have all contracts and agreements completed online via DocuSign or similar.
  4. Provide a digital product catalogue from which retailers can order in one-click.
  5. Provide electronic invoices.
  6. Produce easy access to professional product images.
  7. List your retail stockists on your website.
  8. If you use reps, ensure they make appointments first and stick to allotted time.
  9. Stop cold-calling.

Some of our oldest suppliers are the worst at these things. They waste too much time.

Newsagency management

Buy your Valentine’s Day card at your local newsagency and feel the love you want to give

Okay, you can buy a Valentine’s Day card online, you can even buy one from Hallmark online direct since they are competing with the retailers they supply. But buying a Valentine’s Day card online is not the same as buying in-store.

Giving a card to the one you love is sharing feelings. You want to pick up different cards, feel them, read them, and then you can choose the card that feels right to you.

Doing this, visiting your local newsagency, to find the card that feels right to you says more than a couple of clicks online that all too often send money offshore. Supporting local retailers shows you love local and appreciate local.

Feeling the card you choose matters because there is a big difference between the way cards feel. From the card stock itself (how thick it is, whether it is a smooth finish or rougher, whether it is made from recycled material) to the type of printing to any treatments that enhance the card, feeling different cards can certainly help with your card purchase selection. This is why shopping your local newsagency for a Valentine’s Day card really does matter.

Another choice you may make when buying a Valentine’s Day card is where it is made. Turn the card over and see where it is printed. Some websites make it very hard to do this, to see the back of the card.

If you want to choose a Valentine’s Day card that feels right to you, shopping local, especially at your local newsagency, gives you the best opportunity to compare feelings, to find the Valentine’s Day card that feels right to you.

Now, for the type of shop you buy your card from, please preference local and, especially, locally owned. While supermarkets have Valentine’s Day cards, they are unlikely to be locally owned. Shopping locally owned is a way of loving your local community, especially if you or anyone you know will ask local shops to support local community groups.

Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to connect with feelings. Finding the card the feels right is a terrific way to embrace the day and to embrace the relationship – through a tactile Valentine’s Day card.

Newsagency management

Why don’t all newsagents sell lotto?

It’s expected by many that all newsagents sell lotto, or lottery products. The thing is, not all of us do. Indeed, not all newsagents do what many expect all newsagents do do.

Each newsagency in Australia is locally owned and run.

Sometimes, these local retailers make choices outside of what you may expect for a newsagency. There at also situations where a supplier, like a lottery business, may decide a local newsagent is not the right fit for them because they already have another business near by, or for some other reason.

What Australians expect from their local newsagency has changed, and continues to change, to evolve, as the world evolved.

In terms of lotteries being in every local newsagency, while many newsagents do sell lottery products, there are many who do not. It would be wrong to judge them for this situation.

There is no shortage of lottery outlets in Australia. Plus, there is online, where, for example, it is easy to buy syndicate shares for syndicates put together and managed by local lottery retailers, including newsagents. Just because you can’t find a local shop right now does not mean you can’t support a local shop right now.

I’ve posed the question Why don’t all newsagents sell lotto? because I can see people asking this online. I suspect there has been a surge in the question because of the $150M Powerball jackpot.

The answer to Why don’t all newsagents sell lotto? is because either they choose not to or the lottery licence holder chooses to not allow them to.

I’ve chose to not sell lottery products in my own newsagencies for the last 11 years. I used to sell lottery products, from 1996 to 2013. It was good money. But there were many rules, restrictive rules, rules that got in the way offing the best retailer we could be, rules that got in the way of customer service.

Lotteries was not a good fit for me and I was not a good fit for them. But, there are many retailers who are a good fit and kudos to them.

My point is that each newsagency in Australia is different and should be considered that way. There is no common set of products and services we sell, no expectation you should have regarding any newsagency business in Australia, no expectation that products, prices and / or service would be the same in each. The difference between newsagency businesses is something to celebrate, just as every locally owned and run retail business is something to celebrate in the local community.


Generic social media posts are a waste of time for newsagents

There is no shortage or people and organisations offering retailers generic social media posts for your business page.

Generic social media posts are a waste of time. People quickly scroll on by as these generic posts are seen as noise to ignore. Being in someone’s news feed is of no value unless they value your content.

Generic may be what we see big businesses do with many stores across the country. But, they are all the same. No two newsagents are the same in Australia.

Posts about what many others have such as magazines, greeting cards, stationery and lottery products are likely to be of little value unless you post about them in a way that is unique, useful and entertaining. Generic posts are not this.

The best social media posts are those by you and about your business, posts that are unique, engaging, enjoyable and useful.  Posts that share appreciated knowledge do well, as do posts that are informative re the local community and posts that are fun.

There is no shortcut for better social media posts. You must do the work, put in the time, your time, to make social media work for you.

While I understand that time is short and you may not feel sufficiently creative to invest time in social media. Give it a go. Find your voice.

Be yourself as being yourself is the only way to stand out, to be noticed on social media. Again, generic posts don’t cut it.

Given assumptions made about the local Aussie newsagency, how you engage on social media is vital in terms of how people will see your business. Take this as a challenge and an opportunity.

Newsagency management

Online is the biggest growth opportunity for newsagents in 2024

The revenue opportunities of online present the biggest opportunities for newsagents in 2024 I think, regardless of whether you already have a website or not.

The latest benchmark for Aussie retail reports online as 10% of total business revenue.

In the Aussie newsagency channel, the average figure for those with a website is just under 5%. If you don’t have a website, what would a 5% bump in revenue feel like?

There are newsagents doing plenty more online.

The thing about online is that the opportunities are limitless. You are not constrained by your location or what you sell. You can mine success by leveraging your time and pursuing what people are searching for.

Through my Tower Systems software company and the newsXpress newsagency marketing group and through my own shops I have many years experience in online B2C sales.

If you can’t increase local physical shopper traffic, online is a smart move to improve business reach and profitability.

One newsXpress member launched a website with us last year and added $50,000 in good margin revenue in six months.

Another newsXpress member used their website to pitch an entirely new product category and found a profitable second business as a result, using existing labour and facilities in the shop.

Here are the top reasons why I think every retail business needs a website:

  1. Capture sales when you are closed. Typically, more than 50% of online purchases are then the brick and mortar business is closed.
  2. Engage when you are closed. Use chat to answer questions from anywhere, or you geek-out and have an AI chatbot do this.
  3. Reach people not currently shopping with you. Typically, 75% of sales are from people located nowhere near your shop.
  4. Have a second outlet for quitting stock.
  5. Have a place where you can experiment.
  6. Playing with a plan Bin case your shop finds itself in choppy waters.
  7. To learn. A website, especially your first website, teaches you so much: What people want. What they could pay. Haw awful some people are.
  8. To get you out of a rut. If you’ve been in your shop for ages and are mailing it in each day, a website could put a spring in your step.
  9. To make your shop more valuable. Having a website can make your shop more appealing when you decide to sell.
  10. To find a secondary brand. Could be the first step in a shop rebrand.
  11. To drive traffic to the shop. People will find products on your website and visit as a result, for sure.
  12. To give you another source of revenue that is completely unrelated to anything you do in your shop.
  13. To harvest email addresses. Email marketing from Shopify is a breeze.

Getting online can feel daunting. It can be expensive if you choose a web developer who does not understand your business and your needs. Too many of them push what they want on a business, often resulting in a failure of a website.

It’s important you know what you want and that you understand that a website is a hungry beast, which will soak up time and cash in pursuit of finding new shoppers. Get it right, and the payoff can be wonderful.

If you don’t have a website for your newsagency business, make it your goal for 2024. There are many opportunities out there for the taking, plenty you can pursue on a tight budget.

Newsagency management