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magazine distribution

Inside the magazine supply changes

Where I am, the current sub contractor picked up Australia Post contracts not long after they got the magazine contract.Of course, the Aust Post contracts require they be given priority, so delivery times have slipped from a consistent 2am to anywhere from 4am to 7am, with all the obvious problems as a result.Does anyone with authority in the freight company or the distributors care? Of course not!

This is a comment posted to this blog earlier today by someone purporting to be a contractor. I am trying to make contact to check the facts. If true, the comment explains why newsagents in Victoria are frustrated with the changes these past two weeks in magazine supply arrangements. Newsagents lose out. Customers lose out. All in the name of magazine distributors cutting costs out of the supply chain.

magazine distribution

Sales Based Replenishment trial

I have been fortunate to be involved in an exclusive sales based replenishment trial involving ACP products being supplied to a group of newsagents using Tower Systems software. This is the second such SBR trial involving newsagents. In the first trial my store was one of then trial sites. This time, they are located in NSW and QLD.

While I will not breach confidentiality with details of the trial, I would note that UK experience with SBR is such that newsagents can expect to see more of this model in the future – supply over the course of an on-sale period based on sales data. Overseas experience is that retailers and publishers are pleased with the outcomes.

Good data is crucial to SBR working. Good data comes from a commitment from the newsagent and software company to compliance. While compliance is a tough road, the rewards are good through more accurate supply and early access to trials such as SBR and other initiatives. Yeah, I am blowing the Tower Systems trumpet with this post – so I should, Network/ACP came to Tower because we have an excellent community of compliant newsagents.

magazine distribution

We are not car makers

Further to my post a week ago about Fisherman and Boatowner, the editor has gone to ground and is not expanding on his comments that the distributor, NDD, is to blame and that he did not mean to attack newsagents – not to me and others I have spoken with at least. The Fisherman and Boatowner situation, gross oversupply for many and undersupply for others, supports the claim that newsagents are treated poorly by the magazine supply chain – particularly in the long tail, titles outside the top 200 sellers.

No matter which KPI you use, return on investment, return on floor space, stock turn, or cash flow, smart newsagents are able to measure the cost to their businesses of the inefficiency in the magazine model. That they are denied the opportunity to make good business decisions about magazine supply is an appalling situation. Those presiding over the current supply model in the magazine distribution businesses ought to give entrepreneurial newsagents the tools to =run their businesses as they see fit – I suspect that the result would be an increase in overall sales.

Maybe Fisherman and Boatowner should close down – from retail at least. That newsagents are effectively funding the title by providing free shelf space and labour ought to be enough to see it removed from supply in all but the locations where it pays its own way. If such a move leads to the demise of the title so be it. I don’t see anyone providing financial assistance to keep struggling newsagencies open – we are not car makers after all.

magazine distribution

The case for a magazine czar

fishing.JPGThe photo shows the fishing segment of the magazine range in my newsagency as at this morning. Next to these two columns we have another two columns of boating magazines. The photo and my posts over the last two days about Fisherman & Boating serve as evidence supporting my call for newsagents to appoint a magazine czar to approve all titles which have access to our retail and distribution network.

Until we take control of this and respect our network as the asset it is, we will continue to experience oversupply and undersupply or magazines.

The Coles, Woolworths / Safeway, BP and Mobil petrol outlets get what they want in terms of magazines because they manage access nationally. That newsagents do not is, in part, our own fault. It leaves us disadvantaged. This is why we must appoint a czar and require all magazine publishers and distributors to deal with us through the czar. Sure distributors would not like this. It does not suit them having us control our labour and real estate assets.

Given the Forest Hill demographic, my newsagency is over serviced for fishing magazines. The problem is that no one distributor would know this as they would only look at their sales data. That suits their model. It does not suit niche publishers but they are too small to do anything about it.

I am across the discussions between magazine publishers, distributors and the Newsagents’’ Federation of magazine KPIs. The KPIs agreed thus far do not address the issue.

Until newsagents take control we will continue to experience problems such as those with Fisherman & Boating.

magazine distribution

Publisher takes aim at distributor

Responding to my post yesterday, the Editor of Fisherman & Boatowner takes a swipe at NDD, the distributor of his title. Here is a selection of the comments from his rant:

It is NOT the newsagents that are the problem – but I have to be careful how I word editorial about these matters.

We’ve had this argument about supply / sales / corrections over and over again with NDD for the last 15 years, and we’ve been getting increasingly angry at every meeting.

We’re all going broke because of this distributor problem . . . kid you not. We’re right on the edge now.

I also remember having a ‘crisis’ conference with Gotch’s 1980’s man, Peter Bissett when our sales fell below 75% . . . . (God ‘elp me, I wish . . .) Today we’re luck to average 25% . . . But why hasn’t NDD worked this out? We’d pay them an over-riding per mag fee just to look after the administration . . there has to be a way forward.

Newsagents say there is a problem with the distribution model for this title coming from NDD. The Editor agrees. I am guessing that as with all similar complaints NDD will have excuses as to why the problem with Fisherman & Boatowner is not their problem.

NDD was the best for years at IT and especially the IT connection with newsagents. It is apparent that the data flowing from this compliance is falling out of the pipe somewhere within NDD and that their scale out is not based on performance.

magazine distribution