The Gotch no physical returns project can help improve magazine engagement
The no physical returns project commenced early this year by Gotch is proving to be successful among plenty of the newsagents who have been carefully selected by Gotch to participate.
Once newsagents have enjoyed no physical returns, they will work hard to ensure they meet the criteria for this to continue.
The project also focusses attention at Gotch and publisher businesses to supply closer to anticipates sales as there will be no stock for them to repurpose.
Kudos to everyone involved in getting the project this far.
I urge newsagents not involved in this project so far to ensure they manage their data well, so they can be considered. Gotch looks at your compliance as measured by XchangeIT. To measure well you need to accurately receive electronic invoices, scan all returns, provide sales data electronically and not purchase top-up stock elsewhere if you are short supplied.
The hurdle is relatively low. Every newsagent should be able to meet the requirements.
A by-product of meeting the requirements is knowing more about magazines and having the ability to leverage this knowledge to save time managing magazines and, yes, improving sales of magazines.
While there is plenty more to do on the magazine front, this project is some good news for newsagents and their engagement with magazines.
In writing about this I understand I am opening the topic up for criticism by some who are not part of the trial. If that is you I encourage you to drive compliance in your business. Your software company can look at your data and provide advice and help. Others reading this will say why bother doing anything for magazines? To them I say many newsagents do care. Let them care, let them leverage what they see as an important product category. Sure have the blues yourself, and keep them to yourself. This post is good news.