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Darrell Lea in voluntary administration

Confectionary company and newsagency supplier Darrell Lea has been placed in voluntary administration.  Depending on what happens with their products this could leave a confectionary void in some newsagencies.

Darrell Lea lost their way, in my view, by going into supermarkets and petrol & convenience a few years ago and by playing with their traditional product packaging and recipes. Their corporate deal with Terry White Chemists a year back also seemed odd given the challenge to existing retail relationships.

The appointment of administrators overlays the future of the business with a formal process which many of us will watch with interest.

Anyone want to buy an iconic brand?


Clever Tic Tac display

One challenge for newsagents with counter offers is now to keep them tidy. With our counters very busy, loose product does not work. I was pleased to see this Tic Tac display in a couple of newsagencies recently. It’s neat, tidy and compelling, ideal for a busy counter. What’s more, the newsagents I spoke with tell me it is working a treat, driving good impulse purchase business with shoppers who present at the sales counter – regular and transit newsagencies.


Tapping into Cadbury national advertising

We have on display as part of our Easter offer. I was therefore thrilled to see the full page advertising being undertaken by cadbury promoting this product. It was in Who a week back.  They have also setup a Facebook page which has attracted 4,000 followers.

One reason I love supporting nation brands is for their advertising spend which can drive traffic and or impulse purchases. People who have seen the advertising more quickly ‘get’ a product when they see it in-store.

This is our first completely Cadbury easter and we’re thrilled with how it is playing for us so far. I love the mix of products and that they have tapped into fun and are supporting this advertising and social media engagement.

By the way, we have kept eggs to a minimum … Easter for us is about plush, collectibles (Beanie Kids), cards and fun Cadbury items.


Embracing supplier competitions

We always embrace supplier competition opportunities like the latest one for Chupa Chups.

The competition collateral alone helps to freshen up a product offer, getting shippers who may have been blind to the product to take another look.  This can lift sales, indeed it usually does. It also shows our business as being current and relevant, compared to retailers who ignore competitions and therefore leave products looking tired and old.

So, we seek out competition opportunities from our suppliers and make sure to promote them to our customers. Our business certainly benefits as a result.


Advent calendar sell out

We have sold out of our 2011 Advent calendars in good time.  We positioned them at the front of the newsagency and used the traffic they generated to drive sales of other Christmas related items.  It’s worked a treat … selling our of the Advent calendar and delivering excellent sales of nearby items – making for more valuable shopping baskets.

Having the Cadbury brand Advent calendar helped sales as it make customers more confident about the quality than what they get from businesses which sell generic brand Advent calendars.  It fits with our commitment to brands in-store.


Is the confectionery at your counter paying its way?

With convenience stores stronger than ever – they are enjoying excellent year on year sales growth in a range of categories including magazines – and with supermarkets being shopped in a convenience way more than ever, it is to be expected that confectionery sales at newsagency counters are flat or declining.

Check your year on year counter confectionery sales.  Are they up or down?  Are they  delivering a reasonable return on the space?

In a shopping centre newsagency you would need annual confectionery sales of around $8,000 just to pay for the retail real-estate.  Add a portion of labour and other business costs and you’d need to be selling closer to $20,000 a year to be making money.

So, are you making money from confectionery?  If not, consider quitting and going for something completely different.

It may be that you stay in the confectionery space but sell more relevant and short term products.  Like the Smurf themed Kinder Surprise.  This was the most popular single product on the counter in terms of unit sales for two weeks.

I think that we have to ask these questions, to challenge ourselves.  Too many newsagents resist change and this holds their businesses back.


Leveraging Smurf Kinder Surprise

smurf-kinder.JPGWe have been enjoying terrific success with a display unit of the Smurf themed Kinder Surprise at our main sales counter. With the movie opening last Thursday we received stock in ideal time to leverage interest.

The first unit sold through quickly and we’re well into our second unit. The new Smurf movie is proving to be one of the best movie merchandise opportunities we have had for some years – generating nice new traffic and excellent impulse purchase business.


Darrell Lea Changes Dilute the Value of the Brand

Darrell Lea has been all over the place over the last couple of years. What was once a controlled and respected brand is being found in more and more retail outlets. This makes the Darrell Lea brand less interesting to retailers like newsagents. It’s no longer the special and well-managed brand.

While Darrell Lea could change again and fix their model, the current situation opens our channel up to an opportunity for another chocolate and candy brand which understands the importance of good brand management to partner with newsagents and through this to leverage our excellent traffic.

While there is always Cadbury as the most popular chocolate brand in Australia, I think that there is an opportunity for a non-supermarket brand for a point of difference around premium chocolate. Some brands have had a crack but they have not understood the newsagency channel.

I’d like to be able to sell quality chocolates with a good margin all year round … they make and ideal gift line.


Leveraging Kit Kat Chunky 3 media blitz

Unless you are living in a cave you would have seen the Kit Kat advertising blitz promoting their new Chunky 3 product.  What with the TV, outdoor and digital campaigns it is hard to miss the higher profile for the Kit Hat branded product.    The latest Convenience World magazine indicates it’s a $6M spend. This product is something newsagents should have at the counter.  If we don’t and only have the old regular Kit Kat then we are not current or relevant.

One of the reason everyday confectionery sales are flat in newsagencies is that our range is not as current as it could be.  The Kit Kat Chunky 3 is an opportunity not to be missed.


Recycling merchandise units

val-choc.JPGWith the Darrell Lea Valentine’s Day merchandise unit late in arriving, our team has improvised by recycling a desk calendar stand and plaving it next to Valentine’s Day cards.  It’s working a treat – especially having it next to our Valentine’s Day card display.  While most of the Valentine’s Day business is done in the last week, sales in these early weeks are well worth getting. Also, a good display today lets people know where to come when they do want to purchase.


Darrell Lea Rocklea Road rocky Christmas sales

dl-rockr.JPGThe new recipe Darrell Lea Rocklea Road cake is not selling so well this Christmas.  All other Darrell Lea items have performed well.  This Christmas cake is usually a winner.  But not this year.

I suspect that the sales drop off this year is due to the new packaging, you can no longer see the cake, and the promoted new recipe – why change what was loved.

The drop off is not only in our stores, I have heard from others that sales are down.


Which Darrell Lea liquorice is original?

dl-liquorice.JPGDarrell Lea liquorice in our store used to have the word original on the packaging.  The bag was striped.  This changed a month or so ago with their packaging overhaul. The changes never made sense to me because Darrell Lea liquorice customers are regulars for this product.

I was in Woolworths yesterday and purchased the Darrell Lea liquorice pack in the photo.  It is labelled original.   I have a few questions about this:

  1. How can this Woolworths products be the original product when it is not original?
  2. Is the Woolworths Darrell Lea liquorice the same as what I have in my store?  I suspect not because my shelf life is much shorter than the one year shelf life for the Woolworths product.  A check of the package details indicates that the products are different.  Theh taste different.
  3. Why does the packaging of the Woolworths product look similar to what we used to have?
  4. Is there a breach of the Trade Practices Act with Darrell Lea having different product with different shelf lives called essentially the same thing?
  5. Why is the new Woolworths product original and our original product no longer called this?

Maybe I am jumping at shadows.  Maybe not.  The two liquorice products from Darrell Lea certainly look, feel, smell and taste different.


Broken Choc Mint Balls

dl-damagestock.JPGHalf the Darrell Lea Choc Mint Balls we received in the last shipment arrived damaged.  I suspect there is a production problem with this product because quality is usually not an issue with Darrell Lea product.

We have had to remove the damaged product from the shelves as it looks bad for us and for the Darrell Lea brand.


Disappointing move by Darrell Lea into Woolworths

dl-woolworths.JPGI have been thinking through the move by Darrell Lea to place their liquorice in Woolworths supermarkets.  It does not make sense to me.  Darrell Lea has been demanding of their licencees for many years, requiring that their product be displayed in Darrell Lea fixtures to respect the brand and requiring that we take a minimum range of product and not just top sellers.

There are many rules, rules which most newsagents have embraced because they want the point of difference that carrying the Darrell Lea brand brings.

Given that liquorice is the stand our top seller for Darrell Lea, newsagents and other Darrell Lea stockists have lost the point of difference.

While we will still sell Darrell Lea to our shoppers, there will be some who stop buying.  These are the regular (pun intended) customers who stop by each week for their bag of Darrell Lea liquorice and nothing else.

This move by Darrell Lea is like the move by newspaper publishers and magazine publishers into supermarkets and other retail channels.  They still require us to adhere to rules which they ignore for their new retail buddies.  We are restricted in what we can do while the new channels have more control – with magazines especially.  The rules for us versus them make us less competitive.

Darrell Lea are doing what they think is right for their business.  Good luck to them.  As a Darrell Lea stockist I am left wondering about all of their preaching for many years about the respect they want from retailers for their brand.  Going into a mass network like Woolworths throws all that preaching out the window.

I saw their liquorice in two Woolworths supermarkets yesterday.  It was lost in a sea of candy and treated the same as the cheap liquorice next to it.  Back at my newsagency, Darrell Lea continues to be treated as a hero product, situated on the Darrell Lea required wood stand and located in just about the best position in-store.

It feels like Darrell Lea does not respect its long standing retail partners.


Darrell Lea attracts Christmas shoppers

dl-christmas.JPGChristmas is an excellent season to have the Darrell Lea range as it brings in infrequent visitors looking to stock up on their Darrell Lea fix.  While we see good impulse business from regular shoppers, it is those who visit seeking out Darrell Lea product because they know we carry this brand who interest me.  Given that pretty much everything else we sell is available in other stores in a shopping centre, the Darrell Lea control of retail outlets is welcome – especially this time of the year.


Father’s Day Dad’s Bags selling already

dads-bags-darrell-lea.JPGThe Darrell Lea Dad’s Bags for Father’s Day have started selling even though the big day is weeks away.  We have the display in the photo at the front of the store facing into the mall, near to our three stands of Father’s Day cards.  While 80% of Father’s Day purchases are made in the last week of the season, winning those sales happens early in the cycle due to consistent display like we have in the photo.

Our real push for Father’s Day started this week with a big book sale which is being promoted in catalogues delivered to homes around our shopping centre.  Our experience is that Father’s Day is in the top three of book buying seasons.


Great Darrell Lea Fruit & Nut Rocklea Road counter unit

rocklearoad.JPGKudos to Darrell Lea for producing another excellent counter unit. Too often we have suppliers who ask us to put products at the counter but do little to help achieve this. Darrell Lea started playing with counter units a couple of years ago having previously pushed back on the idea.

This latest counter unit is for their Fruit & Nut Rocklea Road. It offers everything I want to see in a counter unit – attention grabbing graphics, a compelling offer, a new product and a good impulse purchase friendly price point.

This unit from Darrell Lea puts what is provided by most other newsagent suppliers to shame.

We have it at the counter and move it from one counter point to another through the week.  Sales are excellent. The bar itself is delcious!


Easter sales ahead of last year

bigeasteregg.JPGWe are seeing a stronger and or earlier Easter than last year.  It is hard to say whether the season overall will beat last year right now because the only time to properly assess the season is at the end.  Card, gift and egg sales are all performing well – gifts especially.  Eggs kicked in this week, it was like someone said that it’s okay to buy Easter eggs now and shoppers came from everywhere.  In a couple of our stores the sales kick was so strong that made arrangements for more stock.

We went out early with Easter, right after Valentine’s Day.  Going early works well for us – we already have a good range of Mother’s Day stock out and it’s selling.

Our view on seasons is that the sooner we position ourselves as being strong in a season the better.


Promoting a healthy Easter

rabbits_2010.JPGWe are promoting alternatives to chocolate as Easter gifts.  This is being done with our in-store displays as well as on our in-store radio.  There was a time we would only chase the egg market.

The broader offer we have today is working very well not only for the season but also positioning us as more of a gift retailer to our customers.  Items like the rabbits in the photo have a considerably better margin than eggs.  They also position us with a point of difference over supermarkets and others in the egg space.


Driving good easter business in Frankston

frank_easter_2010.jpegOur team at Frankston has created a stunning Easter display on the dance floor. Facing shoppers as the leave Coles opposite us, this display is attractive, functional and enticing. The key range is eggs and chocolates from Ernest Hillier. This is supported by an excellent range of Easter gifts as well as Easter cards. We have an excellent Easter book sale running with this important valuable season. We grew Easter sales by more than 10% last. The value of this was compounded by better margin on many lines. We have set a sales growth target this year and we have even better margins on some lines.

Easter is a month-long season covering several categories in a newsagency.  This is what really appeals to me – we get to play to our strengths.  Key to this is that newsagents will sell more Easter cards than any other retail channel.


Good display for new Darrell Lea pineapple products

dl_pineapple.JPGI like the merchandising unit provided by Darrell Lea for their new Pineapple liquorice and Pineapple Paradise Bar.  The small footprint, promotion of two products, bright colour and fun design should help drive good sales.

The display unit doubles as a reminder to our customers that we carry Darrell Lea products in-store.

The key with this display as with all counter offers is to ensure that the space around is not cluttered.


The easy chocolate upsell

hilliers.JPGThe Christmas tree shaped visual merchandise unit from Ernest Hillier has worked a treat this Christmas.  I have it in several of my stores are we will sell out of all stock by Christmas Day.  The unit is easily moved – enabling us to try several locations over the last few weeks.

The best location in one of my stores has been at our main entrance – in front of the supermarket.  In another store it has worked very well at the counter – extending the basket beyond the destination purchase.

A newsagent friend questioned why I’d get into the Hillier range given that it is in other major retail outlets.  For me the answer was simple: Ernest Hillier is a known and trusted brand, the Christmas range is packaged for impulse purchase, they have good merchandise units I can easily play with the merchandise units and thereby have more opportunities to drive sales.


Darrell Lea Christmas 2009 arrives

fhn_dl_christmas09.JPGThe signposts get stronger each day that Christmas is near.  This week, Darrell Lea came in and was put up, right at the front of the shop to attract passers-by.  To do that we had to move product elsewhere and from that spare other product to elsewhere.  Moving stock is a key use of labour in newsagencies between now and the New year.  I’m not complaining, it is an important part of retail.  All suppliers need to understand the considerable demands on time right now.

We will move the Darrell Lea range a couple of times in the season as regulars soon become store-blind to these offers.


Selling Halloween to chocolate lovers

halloween_chocs.JPGWe are having success with these small chocolate packs at the counter for Halloween.  When we first started in Halloween years ago it was all about the kids.  Now it is a season which crosses generations and tastes – including people who will jump at any excuse to purchase chocolate.  I know newsagents who will sell more Halloween related gifts and toys than they do plush and chocolate at Easter or Valentine’s Day.  The numbers I am seeing suggest that Halloween 2009 is a bumper season.


Limited Edition Cookies & Cream Rocklea Road

dl_ccrean.JPGIt is good to see Darrell Lea continue with their counter units.  They introduced these a year ago – a departure for the company which preferred that their products were displayed on their units.   The Cookies & Cream Rocklea Road at the counter shows that there is more to the Darrell Lea range than the traditional.  I like that they bring in new products like this for a season.  By the way, a check online revealed that Darrell Lea products have fans in the US.
