Optus helps independent small business newsagents take bill payment business off the government owned Australia Post
I love winning business from Australia Post, nationally and in my own shop. My newsagency is directly opposite a government owned Post Office as regular readers here would know.
Optus have been making a bit of noise recently that customers who pay their Optus bill at Australia Post will have to pay an Australia Post imposed fee. If you pay your Optus bill at any of the 2,600 newsagents with Bill Express there is NO ADDITIONAL FEE.
In our case the promotion by Optus has seen a ten fold increase in Optus bill payment. It’s great receiving their support and it’s great being able to help customers avoid the long conga line in Australia Post. The more bill payment business we can take off the government the better.
Optus are doing more for competition through their promotion than they could imagine. Yes! As their advertising campaign says.
Australia Post should stick to postage and leave business up to independent small businesses like newsagents. Or the Federal Government ought to sell off the Australia Post retail network and break up the unfair advantage their retail outlets have against stores like mine.