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Bill Express

Optus helps independent small business newsagents take bill payment business off the government owned Australia Post

I love winning business from Australia Post, nationally and in my own shop. My newsagency is directly opposite a government owned Post Office as regular readers here would know.

Optus have been making a bit of noise recently that customers who pay their Optus bill at Australia Post will have to pay an Australia Post imposed fee. If you pay your Optus bill at any of the 2,600 newsagents with Bill Express there is NO ADDITIONAL FEE.

In our case the promotion by Optus has seen a ten fold increase in Optus bill payment. It’s great receiving their support and it’s great being able to help customers avoid the long conga line in Australia Post. The more bill payment business we can take off the government the better.

Optus are doing more for competition through their promotion than they could imagine. Yes! As their advertising campaign says.

Australia Post should stick to postage and leave business up to independent small businesses like newsagents. Or the Federal Government ought to sell off the Australia Post retail network and break up the unfair advantage their retail outlets have against stores like mine.

Bill Express


The Australian newsagency channel was created by publishers in the 1800s. It would seem from the June 7 2005 editorial in the Australian Financial Review, that at least one parent may want to to divorce and even suffocate the child.

The business model which emerged from the 1800s was finely balanced. The various pieces brought together then and enhanced with time created a successful small business channel with each part relying on the other to create viability. It ensured easy and on time access to newspapers and magazines across this vast country.

Then, in the 1990s, responding to the needs of competition policy and to appease some who would compete with newsagents, the channel was deregulated. However, the deregulation failed to address business practices which, while acceptable in an era of regulation, became inequitable in the era of deregulation.

Deregulation broke a more than century old operational convention between publisher/Magazine distributors and newsagents, replacing it with fixed contracts, some of which are soon to expire. No compensation was provided by publishers and or government for the valuable asset they stripped from newsagents.

The ACCC watched over the deregulation process at the request of the Federal Government.

Deregulation has left the newsagent channel half pregnant. There is open competition for what newsagents sell yet supply arrangements have not changed from the regulated era.

Bill Express

On becoming a gateway

Welcome to a new retail model for newsagents for the new age. At this store you can:

  • Recharge your mobile (cell) phone, electronic purse and any other portable device you have.
  • Download content at ultra high speed (music, video, books, podcasts, and casts we’re yet to see emerge) to the devices of your choice.
  • Upload content from a range of devices.
  • Shop online.
  • Pay accounts online.
  • Advertise online.
  • Upload ads of interest to any device.
  • Upload pre set lottery and other service purchases.
  • You can do this 24/7 (even when we are closed) if you have an account with us and are wireless enabled.

    This new retail model is all about providing the gateway regardless of the medium. It’s not long term though as a bricks and mortar presence will not be part of the model for the content providors.

    Until now newsagents have been medium specific – print. This new model says the future is about access, the gateway, and that the medium is less relevant. With music tracks available for 99 cents the next step will be lifetime limited downloads which will make items available with a limited life. This will push transactional volume up.

    Through the Bill Express network 2,600 newsagents already have the beginnings of such a network. The challenge is for newsagents, Bill Express and content providers to appropriately, viably and quickly leverage the opportunity for us in the space.

    While much of what is proposed could be done from home, a national network of stores providing such access can help fuel the mobile paradigm shift.

    Bill Express

    Australia Post (part 3)


    Australia Post, because of its government ownership and exclusivity is HUGE and its size and exclusive mail distribution, has several significant reciprocal corporate arrangements with which newsagents cannot compete. They provide economies of scale and provide an advantage with which newsagents cannot compete.

    a. Coles Myer. Australia Post handles the logistics for Coles Online. Coles offers an in store bill payment service which competes with that offered in Australia Post. Newsagents offer a similar service using the same technology as used in Coles. Australia Post has complained about newsagents establishing bill payment but not Coles. Odd that.

    b. Telstra. Up to September 2003 Australia Post had an exclusive contract for the provision of in person bill payment services to Telstra. Telstra seemed keen on appointing a second, non exclusive, in person bill payment network. The second largest in person bill payment network had been established by Bill Express Limited and was located in newsagencies. In August 2004 year on the same day that Telstra announced that it had given Australia Post a five year exclusive contract for in person bill payment services, Australia Post announced that it had given Telstra an exclusive $200 million IP telephone contract.

    The Australian Government needs to deliver a level playing field to newsagencies like mine. It needs to divest itself of retail post offices and provide a similar free market system under which enwsagents are other retailers operate.

    Bill Express