A blog on issues affecting Australia's newsagents, media and small business generally. More ...

Author: Mark

Bring on the Boxing Day Sale

calendarsale.pngChristmas is over for many newsagents, especially those in shopping centers.  Our stores at Forest Hill, Knox City, Frankston and Watergardens kick off BOXING DAY SALES first thing this morning.  All Christmas stock is half price as are all calendars plus a range of items we have sourced specifically for the sale.  We have A1 colour posters promoting the event and the stores have been configured into sale mode to make the most of the opportunity.  We also have a small gift for shoppers in a couple of the stores.

We have done well on Boxing Day for many years now and have learnt to plan and buy for the big day … not just by bringing in sale stock but also by making sure that we have a good range of full price stock which will sell well on impulse.

We are looking forward to a long and successful day.

Newsagency opportunities

Taking back the farm with toys

knox-toys.JPGAustralian newsagencies used always have a toy department decades ago.  Over the years we lost the market to the majors.  We forgot how to compete.  Some of us  are taking back the farm and enjoying good success with toys.  At Christmas especially.

In one of my stores we have brought in a pallet load of toys to fill space from sold out Christmas stock and to make the most of the high shopper shopper traffic for the Boxing day (and beyond) sales.

While we did not anticipate putting the display up before Christmas, this became necessary because of excellent Christmas sales.  No sooner was the toy display being put up and the registers were ringing with sales.

Newsagents can take back the farm, not just with toys but with other categories.  There are many excellent traffic growing margin building opportunities, if we are smart and commercial in our approach.  This is what 2011 should be about, re-energising your business with a focus on traffic, margin and efficiency.

I am not alone in having success with toys and other new categories.  If your business is experiencing tough trading, there are plenty of good stores out there which could unlock good stories for you too.

Check out the stunning display – it shows what can be achieved when you bring in a pro.

Newsagency opportunities

Quirky bands selling well

bands.JPGWe have sourced a better range of bands than magazine distributor Network Services sent newsagents last week.  The range is broader, better priced, better packaged and offers a better margin.  The look stunning on slatwall.  The range is bigger than in the photo.

The supplier of the bands sent by Network ought never have been given access to the newsagency channel.


Promoting the Australiam Women’s Weekly

aww-jan2011.JPGWe are promoting The Australian Women’s Weekly in our prime women’s magazine section as well as next to our newspapers this week.

This newspaper location is working a treat for us – generating good sales from a simple and tactical display.

While this space is premium, AWW is earning its keep.  It’s great to see someone come in for a  newspaper and purchase AWW on impulse.  It’s better that we get the sale than a supermarket or some other retail channel.  I’d encourage other newsagents to try this co-location approach.
