Newsagents could do better on XchangeIT compliance
While some in the newsagency channel like to talk down newsagents when it comes to compliance (as happened with this thread recently), the facts show that newsagents are doing quite well.
Of the 2,381 newsagents signed up for XchangeIT, 2,220 are eligible to be considered compliant as it cannot include POS Solutions DOS software and other packages which don’t meet the compliance standards.
The most recent assessment, two weeks ago, indicated that 89.9% of eligible newsagents, 1,996 in fact, were sending sales data. However, only 45% of eligible newsagents sending sales data day in day out on time and without fail and passing what XchangeIT calls their ITC’s – Integrity, Timeliness and Continuity. 55% of newsagents fail this.
This data was provided to me on Monday by XchangeIT.
The big challenge is around continuity. Continuity is about sending the files each day AND the content of the files – that today’s file fits ‘neatly’, in terms of sales quantities, with yesterday’s file and so on. It is essential that all files fit so that a whole of business view can be created. The most common reasons for failure of continuity are system setup or a failure to follow standard processes at the end of the trading day – both are easily fixed.
Newsagency software which meets the XchangeIT standards creates the sales files so that they meet the requirements. The challenges are around setup and execution at the store level.
While the 45% number is not ideal, that 89.9% are sending sales data indicates a better result than some writing here have recently suggested.
Newsagents should talk to their software provider to determine if they have their system setup in the appropriate way to meet industry standards. Each of us getting this right is good not only for our own business but for the newsagency channel as a whole.
Click here for a copy of overall compliance advice from Tower Systems. There is a series of EDI advice sheets on the Tower website with specific information about driving compliance to the XchangeIT standards – rely on these for the detail.