A blog on issues affecting Australia's newsagents, media and small business generally. More ...

Author: Mark

Bundled magazines everywhere

magazinebundles.JPGI noticed this display of bundled magazines at one of the overseas airports I transited through last week.  They bag the bundles and put them all in the one section, just below the single copies.

An airport is somewhere these discount magazine bundles make sense as you are less likely to be educating your regular shoppers to not pay full price.  Of course there is the argument that they only get the discount for a volume purchase but we don’t have research to indicate if that is the case with a regular suburban newsagency shopper.


Marketing tip: How to promote VALUE and compete with the perpetual SALE mentality

Shoppers could be forgiven thinking that many retailers appear to have lost their way … judging by the number of retail outlets running SALES for months on end.

It seems to me that many shops have had one long sale since Christmas. While the colour of the signs may change, they all scream SALE and often have a a percentage discount. I have seen shops offering up to 75% for more than six months.

There was a time when retailers stood for value reflected in a particular range, unique services or rewards in return for loyalty. These are other differentiators appear to have been lost as retailers appear to lost faith in anything but promoting a SALE.

With so much of what we sell in our newsagencies at a pre-marked fixed price, it is a challenge for us to engage in the perpetual sale game. While I see this as a good thing it is also a challenge because it feeds into the consumer perception that newsagencies are expensive.  We are kind of damned if we do and damned if we don’t.

To counter the consumer perception and to swim in waters away from the bloody ocean filled by retailers who are forever running sales, newsagents could consider these ideas for promoting value:

  • Genuine reward for genuine loyalty. Look at what your most common shoppers purchase and offer a valued reward if they purchase just a bit more. For example, why not a discount on a second greeting card if the majority of your card shoppers purchase one card? Or why not a discount on stationery purchases over $10 if the most common stationery sale is under $10. You could call this an instant rewards offer.  I have seen this work extremely well in newsagencies.  One newsagency I know of gained an extra 75 card sales in one day running this promotion.
  • Promote local. Why not hang signs throughout your business which say LOCAL jobs and profits for the local community. Implied in this is the added value of what you do through your business for the local community. Where some nearby business is promoting a SALE, you are promoting LOCAL. You are not in the same waters as them. You can’t be compared to them.  Just the difference in promotional signage and making it NOT about price will generate discussion.
  • Run a DO GOOD campaign. Connect with a local charity and offer percentage of sales to them – either of all sales or based on growth. You could also offer a reward based on purchases by members and friends of the community group. Promote the campaign as a do good for the community campaign. This also pitches your offer differently to any competitor running a sale.
  • Embrace SERVICE as a value proposition. review your shop floor customer service. Make it the best in the area. Reward your employees for growth and service. Promote your employees to your customers.
  • Promote their connection to the local community. Once you do have the best customer service, promote this – put up SERVICE signs or some other collateral which shows off your commitment to customer service.
  • Chase different products. In every case where you have products which other retailers nearby also have, find ways to differentiate your offer. Make it clear to shoppers that it is more rewarding and valuable to them to shop for that commonly available item in your business. This is challenging but vitally important. You want to win the customer on your value proposition and get them coming back to you.

This list is by no means complete. I have created it to get people thinking about what else you could do to promote value which is unique to your business.

Next time you go to put up a SALE sign, make sure that it is for a limited time, that you are offering a genuine discount and that there is considerably more value on offer than simply a price differential.  A discount by itself is no longer perceived by shoppers to be valuable.

As David Jones, Myer, Target and others have discovered, promoting a retail business only on price is risky and not likely to deliver the long term rewards necessary to support the business.

marketing tip

Backlash against News Corp. media outlets

As the fall out of the UK News International phone hacking scandal continues, a website blocker for Firefox has been released which blocks access to News Corp. websites including Australian websites:


There is another blocker available for Google Chrome.

The blockers are getting plenty of coverage on twitter, the blogosphere and news sites.


Photocopier placement works for BHG

bhg-copier.JPGPlacing the Better Homes and Gardens impulse display unit next to our photocopier has worked again for us.  This simple move drives incremental business.

In this newsagency our copier is at the far end of the counter.  Shoppers browsing the store pass by it as they exit or head to the counter.  Copying customers also see the display.

For a small footprint, the display unit certainly works well.  Being easy to move allows us to run it here next to the copier for a week or two before moving it to the front of the store, facing into the mall.


Selling novelty toilet paper

toilet.JPGWe have been trialling the sale of novelty toilet paper over the last week in one of my newsagencies with some tremendous success.  In fact, it’s been more successful than we expected.  Customers have a good laugh, even though who don’t purchase.

Each toilet role is a good margin dollars added to a sale. The GP is excellent.

Most customers buying rolls do so on impulse and having visited our newsagency for a magazine, newspaper or greeting card.  Some buy the rolls having been drown to the store from the mall facing display.

We decided to try the toilet rolls as part of a broader plan to get known for carrying quirky gifts … gifts now commonly available in our shopping centre.


Early magazine return costs a sale

Check out the blog post at Morrison News about a situation where an early return cost the newsagent and a publisher a certain sale.

While I understand the importance of early returns to newsagents for managing cash flow, we should only early return magazines which our own sales data shows we will not sell.  Too often, newsagents return magazines which their own data shows they would most likely sell.


Promoting Better Homes and Gardens everywhere

magbhgjul11.JPGWe are engaged with the latest issue of Better Homes and Gardens with this display at the end of a magazine aisle as well as placement of an impulse unit next to our photocopies and placement of stock between our two top selling daily newspapers.  This is our usual approach for the first week of the on-sale and it works a treat.  sales for this title continue to grow in our newsagency.  The placement next to the photocopies is a fairly recent initiative and it has worked very well for us.


Promoting New Idea Masterclass one shot

magmasterclass2.JPGWe are promoting the New Idea Masterclass one shot in a second location in-store with this display at the entrance to one of our magazine aisles.  This is in addition to the tactical placement on the stand at the front of the newsagency.  This new food title has hit at a good time.  It’s certainly generating good customer interest.


The walking newsagent

walking-newsagent.JPGI have been overseas this week and noticed people, usually men, walking through the traffic selling newspapers.  Nothing really surprising about that except that they usually sell a range of titles.  The guy in the photo is offering seven newspapers – there are two titles on a frame above his right shoulder.  A pretty amazing feat.

Seeing this chap walking up and down the lines of traffic the other day got my mind wandering, wondering about what we do which is similar?  How to we walk our businesses outside our four walls?

The wondering hung with me through the day.  I couldn’t help shake the feeling that we have spent too much time and money building shops which are based on the need for our customers to come to us.  This chap on the road, and so many I have seen this week, are in a situation where their only option is to get on their feet and chase business.

I am not advocating that we close our shops and hit the road.  Of course not.  I am, however, questioning whether we have built homes for our businesses and ourselves which are too comfortable for us, too hard for us, to leave to get our and chase sales.

If we sit in our nice homes we rely on visitors (customers) coming to us when better business could be out on the streets somewhere.  This chap is pounding streets probably because he has no choice.  We have a choice and all too often choose to not chase as hard as we could.  Maybe we need to run our newsagencies as if we have no choice other than chasing every opportunity possible.

That’s what I started thinking about at least when I was stuck in traffic and saw this chap on the street selling so many newspapers.


Promoting the launch of Maxim magazine

magmaximjul11.JPG We have been promoting the launch issue of the local edition of Maxim magazine with this excellent in-location display. I love the display by one of our team members – eye catching!

This in-location display stands out beautifully in the aisle, you can’t miss it not only from in this busy aisle but also from outside the aisle.

It’s good to get another local magazine launch, especially one being backed by a marketing spend to drive sales in newsagencies. I’d encourage newsagents to get behind Maxim to leverage their marketing spend.


Chasing Rubik’s Cube fans

ruboksgifts.JPGWe have a selection of Rubik’s Cube products on display at the front of one of my newsagencies to attract shoppers who are fans of this popular puzzle. These mugs look terrific. Shoppers are drawn to them, usually with a smile like they have set their eyes on an old friend.

In the photo you can see mugs, yes mugs made to look like the popular cube puzzle.  I like this product because it’s not something you would usually see in a newsagency and because I can see it working as a nice basket (and margin dollars) builder for us. It’s already selling well, after just a few days.

The more we play in the gift space, as broad as that is, the more we learn.  It’s a terrific and rewarding journey.


Promoting Madison magazine

magmadisonjul11.JPGWe are promoting the latest issue of Madison magazine with this display in the women’s fashion magazine section of one of my newsagencies.  This terrific display is seen by shoppers as they leave this section of our business.  We also have Madison in its usual location nearby.  The co-location will run for a week.


The changing model of free newspapers

heraldsunstand.jpgMy local Fitness First gym has just installed a display unit offering free copies of the Herald Sun newspaper.  It has replaced a unit which offered free copies of The Age which had been in place in the same location for the last four months.

It seems to me that there has been a significant increase in availability of free newspapers: at gyms, sporting events, coffee shops, outdoor events and even supermarkets.

Until recently I thought that free newspapers would be the local ‘community’ newspaper and commuter newspapers like mX, a slim and fluffy ‘news’ paper which is distributed in several Australian capital cities Monday through Friday.  What we now regularly see goes beyond the mX model.  More and more we are seeing free copies of the main game, the regular newspaper available which shoppers used to pay for.  Plus we are seeing weekend paid for newspaper, free.

While publishers may say that these giveaways are designed to promote the titles through sampling, I don’t see this.  A four month long sample of The Age at Fitness First gyms is a long sample.

I am concerned that the publishers are inching closer to a completely free model.  If this is not the case then why are they educating shoppers to not pay for their newspaper?  Why are they engaging in campaigns which invite shoppers to not get their daily newspaper from their newsagency?

newspaper home delivery

Farewell from radio Keith McGowan – a friend of newsagents

melbourne-observer.jpg3AW’s Keith McGowan retires this Friday morning after 54 years on radio.  Twenty one of those years he has hosted the popular Overnighters program on 3AW.

For the best part of the past decade, Keith has presented the ‘live’ radio advertisements for the Melbourne Observe. During and around these advertisements and at other times during his program Keith has been a champion for newsagents, talking us up.  His love of and commitment to the small business and newsagents in particular is something I appreciate, something all Victorian newsagents should appreciate.  I have often heard him telling listeners to get to their local newsagent.

During tomorrow morning’s show, there will be a call for listeners to go to their local newsagent to pick up the Melbourne Observer for the 48 page Keith McGowan tribute.  Supplies have been increased to ensure that there is enough stock in the system for what should be a sell out issue.

Victorian newsagents: make the most of the opportunity.  Put Melbourne Observe the at the counter – somewhere it will drive impulse purchase.

Thanks Keith for your support!

Newsagency opportunities

Promoting New Idea Masterclass one shot

magnimastercook.JPGI like the display unit provided by Pacific Magazines for promoting the New Idea Masterclass cookbook.

I like this stand because it’s fresh for a magazine stand.  It has a feeling of movement – thanks to the twist in the base.  I also like the stand because it has a small footprint – this gives us flexibility as to where we place the stand.

The other reason to like the stand is that it is fresh – helping us combat the consumer view that newsagencies are out of date or old.

We are currently promoting New Idea Masterclass at the front off the shop, with the stand facing out into the shopping mall.  We have it placed next to a similar sized display unit promoting the latest issue of MasterChef magazine.


Promoting Cleo magazine

magcleojul11.JPGWe are promoting the latest issue of Cleo magazine with this display at the entrance out our magazine department. The eye shadow gift is excellent value. We know that we are better off displaying this with a full face display than in the traditional newsagency magazine where the gift would be lost.

It feels to me like magazine publishers are investing more in these free gifts than a few years ago. They also appear to be investing more in how the gifts are attached to their products. Either that or I am mellowing.


Just (finally) read: Man Bites Murdoch

guthriebook.jpgI bought Man Bites Murdoch by former Herald Sun Editor Bruce Guthrie in October last year.  Unfortunately it sat in a pile of other books I want to get to.  While I read a book a week, for some reason I never picked Man Bites Murdoch up.  That changed this week. I have just finished the book. It is interesting to read it in the context off the still unfolding UK phone hacking scandal.  It is quite different to Michael Wolff’s book, The Man Who Owns The News, which I read last year.

This blog rates a fleeting mention in Guthrie’s book, on page 313.

In Man Bites Murdoch Bruce Guthrie takes us through his years working for News Limited, over two stints and other highlights of his career.  While the subsequent unfair dismissal action brought by Guthrie against News speaks for itself, the book provides an excellent first person insight into the culture of News Limited from the perspective of a senior executive who was once feted, lauded and then cut down.

Many distribution newsagents are concerned about what is planned for newspaper distribution. The concern is reflected in the price now being paid for newspaper home delivery territories and the desire of many to exit.

If we think about the lack of fairness demonstrated through cover price control, the handling of Guthrie, the UK phone hacking scandal, the biased and poor quality reporting of the climate change debate and the master / slave type relationship between publisher and newsagent, I can understand why newsagents are concerned.

Yes, it may be a stretch to connect these separate matters together.  For me, however, the go to the heart of what the company is prepared to do the the company,  This, after all, is their obligation – to their shareholders.


Raising the profile of rugby titles

mag-rugby.JPGWe are raising the profile of rugby titles in my newsagencies in the lead up to the Rugby World Cup in New Zealand later this year.

With the event more or less being local and the traditional rivalry between Australia and New Zealand I’d expect strong interest.  To leverage this we have established a better home for rugby titles in pursuit of sales growth.


Promoting Men’s Health magazine

mag-mensh-jul11.JPGWe are promoting the latest issue of Men’s Health with this display on a pillar which is adjacent to the sales counter.

The new promotional poster is different, kind of left field, to what we see for a magazine so we wanted to give it prominence in-store.

Men’s Health is an excellent magazine to suggest to shoppers as a gift for a boyfriend, brother, dad or son. It is not something people would usually think of – I’ve had customers react well when I have suggested it to them.

I think that it is important we see magazines as something more than a purchase by a reader interested in the topic.  They do make good gifts, especially when people are cutting back on their spending.  A magazine gift is cost effective, personal and demonstrates thought by the giver.  So … we grab opportunities, like with Men’s Health to pitch certain titles as gifts.


HOT 100 Australian Property Investor issue hot

mag-property100.JPGThe latest issue of Australian Property Investor is another magazine selling well at the counter.  How can shoppers not notice the gold cover?  It is terrific to see them look at and pick up the title.  I’d urge newsagents to place this title at the counter – but make sure that there is clear space around it, so that it can be seen.  Too often displays at the newsagency counter fail because there are too many other displays offers and products at the counter pulling focus.


Considering switching banks

We have banked with the ANZ bank since the early 1980s. While it has served my businesses well, I do not feel that it respects or appreciates our business.

We recently paid off a funding arrangement just a few months early and they decided to not exercise discretion to waive a sizeable (thousands of dollars) early payment fee.

We deposit considerable funds every week through my businesses yet there is no respite to their various fees and changes.

A quick look around suggests that we may be able to do better. So, we are looking around at our banking options.

I noticed favourable newspaper coverage for the new (returning?) Bank of Melbourne earlier this week. The reports indicate that they are courting businesses with deals and offers.

We plan to thoroughly research our banking options and weighing up all associated costs in pursuit of a more economically viable banking relationship for my businesses.

I’d be interested to hear from anyone with what they consider to be a good and financially rewarding banking relationship.

Any loyalty I felt to the ANZ evaporated when they used their discretion to not waive a fee which I considered unreasonable.

newsagency marketing

Promoting the Baked & Delicious partwork

bakedand.JPGWe are promoting Baked & Delicious, the new partwork at the front of each of my newsagencies with displays which attract shoppers from the mall as well as shoppers who are inside the store.  This two step approach has worked well for us before with popular partworks.

First day sales were strong.  Once the TV campaign has hit its stride (during MasterChef)I am sure sales will spike.  This is a good quality part series hitting the market at the right time.

The key with a low cost title like this is to ensure that you have the right add-on products on offer nearby and between the displays and the counter to drive basket-building business, to offer a putaway order form and to promote it at the counter as the basket builder.

We have some customers purchasing two copies of part 1 – for extra cup cake moulds.

Here is the Melbourne TVC schedule for today (courtesy of Gordon and Gotch):

7TWO SD Melbourne Home and Away Tuesday 09:00-09:30 15 Y 1
GTV-9 Melbourne Kerri-Anne Tuesday 09:00-09:30 15 Y 1
7TWO SD Melbourne Shortland Street Tuesday 09:30-10:00 15 Y 1
GEM Melbourne Friends Tuesday 10:00-10:30 15 Y 1
ATV-10 Melbourne The Circle Tuesday 10:00-11:59 30 Y 1
GTV-9 Melbourne Nine Afternoon News Tuesday 17:00-17:30 30 Y 1
ATV-10 Melbourne Ncis: L.A. Tuesday 21:30-22:29 30 Y 1
GEM Melbourne The Closer Tuesday 21:30-22:30 30 Y 1

The first 30 second MasterChef spot is in Thursday.

In our case we are giving food titles a push.  It makes sense given that the TVC will generate new traffic from people interested in food titles.

Be sure to check out the amazing display done by newsXpress Ballarat.


Promoting Motor magazine

mag-motorjul11.JPGWe are promoting the latest issue of Motor magazine at the entrance to our men’s magazine aisle – with this simple yet highly visible in-location display.

I love the almost monochrome cover, it stands out against the sea of colour which fills magazine fixtures in newsagencies and other retail outlets.  This cover should see this issue more easily noticed and that is the first step to driving sales. Well done to the production people for the look of this issue.

Considering how a magazine cover will look on newsagency shelves is as important as designing the cover for how it will look when a reader has the title in their hands.  In fact, I’d say it is more important to for if you can;t have your cover leap out from the sea of colour then the battle is lost before it starts.
