I like the coffee from Cibo Espresso. I don’t like the deal they have reportedly done with News Limited which, if what I am told is true, will see News Limited daily newspapers available free from Cibo Espresso outlets.
This deal of free newspapers will apparently run for three weeks starting Monday.
In one instance of which I am aware, a Cibo Espresso outlet has cancelled their order for five newspapers sourced from the nearby retail newsagency to take one hundred free newspapers supplied through the distribution newsagent. The newsagent in the shopping centre loses a customer. And while the distribution newsagent wins a customer, at what cost and for what margin?
Every time a newspaper publisher gives away a free newspaper they devalue their product in the hands of the consumer. They also devalue the newspaper distribution and retail networks established to support their product.
I have seen how free unused newspapers thrown away at a third party location. I have my doubts about how ‘sales’ are counted. Are these audited sales?
Advertisers are sold advertising space on the basis that the paid for newspaper is a premium product, readers commit to the product by purchasing it. Well, thanks to deals like this one at the Cibo outlet, more and more readers are not paying for their newspapers, making it less of a premium product. Maybe this means they treat it differently … read it less.
I understand the need for publishers to experiment with deals to support circulation. I am frustrated that they focus on these giveaways while ignoring engaging with retail newsagents on building paid for sales.
The retail newsagent network is an excellent front line for driving sales yet outside of promotions like the recent Harry Potter campaign, they do not engage, certainly not in a smart, fair and business like way.
The next time a News Limited editor thinks about having a crack about the lack of support for small business from government, they ought to take a look at their support, or lack thereof, of small business newsagents.