“24†inspired interactive game for mobiles – why mobile deals matter to TV Networks
The US I-Play company has announced a deal with Twentieth Century Fox’s new unit Fox Mobile Entertainment to develop, publish and distribute one of the market’s most desirable licenses – “24†– as a mobile game to a global audience.
The plan, apparently, is to create a game which captures the tension of the TV series and provide a level of view interaction which will create for a more personal “24†experience.
Okay so in the past we got to watch the TV show and maybe buy the magazine inspired by the TV show or, occasionally, watch the movie inspired by the TV show. Now we can watch the TV show and interact as if we are part of the show. We get to be part of the “24†reality.
Given the demographic of the show (25 – 54 year olds) it will be interesting to see their take up of the game. It will also be interesting to see if the interactive mobile game tie in attracts the younger demographic.
I see a vague connection between this “24†deal and citizen journalism. It’s about interaction, personal connection. While the “24†deal is a game, it’s interaction nevertheless. Now if only there was a way to get the game players interacting on real matters.