A blog on issues affecting Australia's newsagents, media and small business generally. More ...

Author: Mark Fletcher

Consumers beware: FlyBys offers little reward

Purchase 11 magazines in eight weeks from my newsagency you get a free magazine of your choice up to the value of $10.00. The average magazine purchase is $4.50 and the average redemption $5.00. This equates to a 10% discount.

At Coles, purchase $49.50 worth of magazines and you accrue around 10 FlyBys points. FlyBys points can be redeemed for gift vouchers. You need 13,500 points for a $100 voucher. That equals 675 points for a free $5.00 magazine. So, one needs to spend $3,375.00 to get a free $5.00 magazine.

From time to time FlyBys offers bonus points but a check of the Coles website and considering the range of product in store, current bonus items account for less than .5% of the products they carry.

State Governments ought to regulate to force businesses to publish in store and on receipts a present value for each point accrued.

newsXpress stores have now adopted my magazine club card promotion. (I am a shareholder of newsXpress.)

Newsagency challenges

A Christmas opportunity lost in newsagencies?

Consumers like buying cards in newsagencies. Since cards are a fixed price wherever you buy them, except Big W who discount by 10% but have a lousy display, there is no price barrier attached to the newsagent shingle as there is with stationery.

The card companies and others good research indicating that 50% of card sales in newsagencies are destination sales – consumers have sought out the shop for the purchase. The research also shows that men are comfortable purchasing cards in a newsagency. At Christmas the numbers for cards in newsagencies are even better. Card sales are through the roof this time of the year.

The lost opportunity, in my mind, is that we (newsagents) lack an offering which leverages the additional card traffic this time of year into other sales. I realised this yesterday when putting in some time behind the counter in my shop. I’d like something which either encourages an add-on sale of another core product – magazines, newspapers, stationery, lotteries – or draws the customer back very soon. While we will have something running in my shop from the weekend, it seems to me that suppliers from outside the greeting card category could have been working with card companies on an offering for a channel wide promotion. It would have been a good win win.

The more cross category promotions we run the better for all involved.

Newsagency challenges

Dell hell: how blogging is impacting newspapers

Jeff Jarvis blogged at his Buzz Machine blog about his Dell experiences. With each entry the story seemed to get worse. Jeff’s attention to Dell service attracted a collective scream in the blogoshpere. Now, three UK public relations / marketing firms have collaborated on a white paper, documenting what they claim is Jarvis’ influence and the influence of bloggers and blogging more widely. Jarvis doesn’t buy it. He says he doesn’t think he influenced anything. He’s wrong to the extent that he reported his experiences as they unfolded and his blog entries were the pebble in the pond which became a tidal wave for Dell as so many others wanted to tell their stories.

This is where blogging is different to newspaper, TV and radio reporting. Through Jarvis type real time experience documenting, readers are living the story, warts and all. Some are passive in this while others are adding their knowledge to what is known. It is this social interaction which makes blogging compelling for so many and so powerful.


Vodafone and their 37.5% commission cut hit to newsagents

Over the weekend I received the following feedback from Vincent Jennings, the CEO of the Irish Retail Newsagents Association outlining how they handled a cut in Vodafone commissions similar to those inflicted on Australian newsagents by Vodafone:

greetings from Irish republic. The Irish Retail Newsagents Association had a battle with Vodafone over 4 years ago. The commission for e-top up had stood at 10%.Vodafone reduced the commission paid to the suppliers of the terminals(our suppliers),this was passed on to us. The I>R>N>A> led the way in recommending a handling charge, equal to the lost margin to all e-top up agents. The retailer still gets their 10% margin, his trade did not desert him(it is a convenience item) and despite High Court threats, extensive and expensive campaigns against the extra charges from Vodafone ,attempts to divert trade away from our members(we control over 85% of this trade)websites from Vodafone to sell their top-up ,links with banks to provide through ATM s we still manage to sell the vast majority of top ups in the country. If airlines, ticket agencies and other enterprises, many of them with greater opportunities for profit than our sector can implement handling or service charges why not the newsagent? The great are only great because we are on our knees, let us arise!

best of luck vincent jennings,

c.e.o. I.R>N>A>

Newsagencies are small businesses. They can ill afford the 37.5% cut in commission to 5% by Vodafone – especially in the light of at least one national supermarket chain getting a 16% commission.

I complained to the ACCC that Vodafone was able to pay the supermarket because the newsagents have taken a hit down to 5% but the ACCC has decided not to take the matter further. This is another blow to small business. There is no doubt in my mind that Vodafone could not afford to do this if newsagents were not gouged.

Newsagency challenges

MySpace generation

An excellent cover story from Business Week on the MySpace generation using the social networking tools on the Internet to replace so much that previous generations have taken for granted – newspapers, face to face conversation, letter writing, over the fence talking. It is timely with the release of MySpace classifieds. As background to the Business Week story is this 20 minute podcast – an interview between the journalist and editor. This podcast is an excellent use of the medium by Business Week and it provides helpful context for some of their cover story about the MySpace generation.

News Corp. seems to have done well with the MySpace investment.

Newsagency challenges

The last presses

Jeff Jarvis has written a seminal blog entry about the future of newspapers. It’s a challenging read for anyone earning an income newspaper and magazine publishing and or distribution.

Jarvis quotes Guardian Editor Alan Rusbridger, talking about new presses they have just purchased: “They may be the last presses we ever own.” From there he talks about key media companies around the world and quotes their leaders as they talk about their move online. Part way through the piece he makes this observation: I’ll say it again: Distribution is not king. Content is not king. Conversation is the kingdom. It’s about relationships. He illustrates the point with Rupert Murdoch’s purchase of MySpace. MySpace is about relationships – as the Business Week cover story this week points out. So News is more of a relationship company than a publisher. It’s through being the medium in supporting relationships that the revenue model News has is supported.

Before our eyes, media companies like News, the Guardian, Random House and others are reinventing themselves while newsagents remain dormant and even oblivious to the challenges ahead.

Newsagents need to re-invigorate and re-invent if they are to have a future. That starts with a deeper community connect. The Internet can never replace human contact. We need to find good margin product and cost effective consumer traffic which fits with what we are known for. And we need to do this yesterday. And we need to have as short a distance possible between our stores and the manufacturing point for product. Middlemen cost us too much.

It is unfortunate that Australia’s newsagent associations have been silent about the approaching tsunami brought on by the media disruption of the Internet, mobile devices, citizen journalism and social software. It’s not too late for them and others to provide Australia’s 4,600 small business newsagents with leadership.

Jeff Jarvis makes sense in his blog entry. Unfortunately too few here in Australia will read it and even fewer will discuss it in the context of our unique channel.

Disclosure: I am a shareholder in newsXpress which is building a strategy for its member newsagents in navigating the changes.

Newsagency challenges

The human side of newsagencies

Every day in every newsagency across Australia customers talk with employees about things they do not tell their own families. Just in the last week in my shop we’ve heard from the wife struggling with her husband’s Alzheimer’s; the girlfriend who has fallen out of love with her long term partner; the lady who had been looking forward her friend’s 100th birthday party; the mother with a son in jail for drug offences and upset at the Van Nuygen case; someone asking for help with a personal ad.

We cherish these stories and the humanity they bring to our counter and to the relationships with our customers.

I’ve decided to collect these stories into a live journal for no real reason other than as a keepsake for ourselves. These stories are from our community and it’s important to me that we preserve them as a reminder of our day to day personal journey with our community.

We have an exercise book behind the counter into which our front line team is encouraged to write the stories shared with them and to read others.

While my shop is a place of commerce, it’s also part of each of our lives. Hopefully our journal will remind us of the privilege of the personal contact we enjoy each day with our customers.

This personal contact is what sets small business apart from its competitors. We know our customers.

Newsagency challenges

Lottery counter opportunity

Around 60% of all lottery sales in newsagencies are lottery products an nothing else. This is in part dies to rules by the lottery companies and rules by other key suppliers, newspaper publishers and magazine distributors, as to where and how their products are displayed.

Given the high foot traffic to the lottery counter it seems to me that a win win is waiting to be created. Maybe units which efficiently display feature products at the lottery counter to drive the add on sale. In return for lottery promotion elsewhere in store.

Lottery sales are great. They would be greater if they included a newspaper, a magazine or some confectionery. I’m working with one publisher on a trial. Newsagents, nationally, need a strategy.

Newsagency challenges

Has the Internet killed Adult, Computer and Buying/Selling magazines?

Adult, Computer and Buying and Selling magazines are in trouble if the data I have been looking at from several newsagencies is reflective of what is happening nationally. I have compared magazine growth for the newsagencies with the national average and most are close. I have also compared year on year performance for six key popular titles with national data for these titles and they, again, are close. So, I know the data from my sample is good and it is reasonable to consider that other magazine data from this small group might reasonably reflect a national trend.

Based on the stores I have looked at I have grave concerns for the future of the Adult, Computer and Buying and Selling categories. In these stores, between September to November, comparing 2005 with 2004, unit sales were down by more than 30%. In the same stores women’s weeklies, women’s interests, house and garden, fashion and food and all solid growth categories.

When you think about it, falling sales for Adult, Computer and Buying and Selling categories ought to be expected. Here’s why:

  • Adult. If you want porn it’s easier and faster to get it on the Internet. Magazine porn is so yesterday.
  • Computer. Computer geeks through to novices all know that the latest information is on the Internet. There are new computer ‘magazines’ which only publish on the Internet. Duh!
  • Buying and Selling. Print lead times mean that ads in the trader type newspapers and magazines are out of date by the time they hit the shelves. If you want a car look online – the ad looks better and you have more useful search tools.
  • Magazine publishers and distributors and newsagents need to work together, urgently I suspect, to finesse space allocations and adjacencies to respond to the falling and growing categories. Sure it’s bad news but it’s also an opportunity. It is important that newsagents are not the last to find out about the sales fall. They cannot afford to carry the categories as they fade into oblivion. In my own store even though sales in the three categories are down, scale out has not been altered so my stock investment is generating less of a return today.

    It would be easy to see if the data from my sample is accurate. Once it’s confirmed a clear strategy needs to be developed and implement.

    My feeling at the moment is that I want to remove Adult altogether as the return is not there for the stock investment. I’d keep Picture and People and lose all the bagged magazines – Playboy, Penthouse etc. This over the counter market is gone. I’d shrink the computer section by 50%, relocate it and re launch the category. I’d cut buying and selling by 50% – specifically I’d eliminate the magazines with a long shelf life and out of date content.

    With the reclaimed space I would reinvigorate Food, Fashion, Women’s Weeklies and Crafts – all strong categories in my store.

    The Internet is affecting magazine sales and what we’re seeing with Adult, Computers and Buying and Selling is the beginning of very significant change.

    Newsagency challenges

    In glam.com what online magazines will look like

    Glam.com is an impressive … well what is it? It looks like an online magazine, a shopping guide, a social network, a blog. Glam.com ‘gets’ the online opportunity in a way which many of the shopper (and therefore advertiser) focused magazines don’t today. It’s a consumer outcome focused website. It’s interactive. It connects. Given the noises being made in the US about Glam.com I’d expect to more sites like it and Australian specific sites. For the best understanding of the Glam strategy, consider this from their website:

    Glam.com is a unique entertainment website covering the worlds of fashion, beauty, and celebrity style, while providing women a shopping experience available nowhere else. The team that designed and built Glam.com was handpicked from the best of the technology, fashion, design, and publishing industries. This unprecedented collaboration between the best minds in the business has transformed the way women will shop online. Gone are the days of ripping out pages of gotta-gets, making lists of must-haves, dealing with packed stores, or spending frustrating hours looking for finds online. Glam.com brings it all to you!

    Yep, they get the opportunity and commercial imperative of online.


    Craigslist charging for more classifieds

    Craigslist, the community connected website has decided to charge for more listings. More employment listings will attract fees as will listings by apartment brokers in New York. This is seen as good news by newspaper publishers who have been fighting what some say is a losing battle with Craigslist for advertising products and therefore revenue.

    Meanwhile, over at The San Francisco Weekly they have put together a nine page story about Craigslist and the damage they see it and similar free websites doing to publishing companies. It’s a considered piece if not a bit off the mark in pitching newspapers as the underdog in the advertising battle with Craigslist. For example, the article claims that the San Francisco Chronicle loses $50 million a year because of ads which have migrated to Craigslist.

    Craigslist is live in Australia but is yet to gain significant advertiser traction.


    Australia Post ripping off Optus customers

    I had a customer in my newsagency yesterday wanting to pay their Optus bill. It was $4.99 (yes, four dollars and ninety nine cents). At Australia Post, opposite my shop they wanted to charge a 50 cent handling fee. 10% for pushing some buttons on the computer. 10% after making the customer wait in line for almost ten minutes. The customer came to my shop, paid the account and was out in just over a minute. No 10% surcharge. No long line. Plenty more smiles.

    This surcharge by Australia Post on Optus bills is appalling as is the long customer wait times. If I were Optus I’d cancel the contract altogether as the surcharge reflects on them as much as Australia Post.

    The government has no business owning and operating the Australia Post retail network.

    Newsagency challenges

    The week in magazines

    I thought I might summarise the week in magazines based on data I see from serval newsagencies and comments from conversations with newsagents.

    Star – slow. Little point of sale material, it’s lost on the shelves.

    OK! – Australian edition – new issue this week, selling very well.

    Woman’s Day – average week.

    New Idea – below average week – Oprah not a big pull???

    TV Week – strong

    Take 5 and That’s Life – strong as usual.

    NW – soft.

    WHO – very strong

    Australian Women’s Weekly – good steady sales

    Christmas – Family Circle, US mags, Better Homes – strong.

    Melbourne Observer – weekly newspaper/magazine – a sell out again


    Newsagent bodies respond to ACCC paper of public disclosure of records by Australia Post

    The ACCC called for responses to its paper about Principles for the public disclosure of record keeping
    rule information provided by Australia Post
    . A Regulatory Accounting Framework (RAF) was issued in March 2005, following legislative amendments giving the ACCC the power to issue record keeping rules to Australia Post. Under the RAF, Australia Post is required to provide annual financial reports to the ACCC for 16 defined ‘service groups’.

    The RAF is important because it creates a framework through which Australia Post is more open about its divers operation and how revenue and costs are accounted for and, hopefully, any cross reliances and cross subsidies.

    The ACCC has received four submissions. One from Australia Post, one from an association representing post outlets and two from newsagent associations. [Declaration: the ANF submission includes material I prepared for the organisation last year which I was a Director and the United Newsagents of Australia submission was prepared by me.]

    My concern relates to the cost of attracting business and achieving each sale in a government owned PostShop compared to any other retailer. I suspect that the Australia Post brand and its exclusive mail related services draw customers into their retail outlets for a significantly lower cost and would like appropriate data to enable analysis of this. I the data reveals a problem then it could support a complaint with the AGCNCO.

    It is important that the public is able to determine for itself whether Australia Post is adhering to its obligations of the Act and in particular Sections 14 through 16 relating to the permitted functions. It is my contention that Australia Post is operating significantly outside what is allowed for under the Act.

    I see Australia Post leveraging the brand recognition and respect earned through its reserved services into lucrative business for its non reserved services and that this provides an unfair advantage.

    Newsagency challenges

    The FHM opportunity for newsagents

    I read in MediaWeek (Australia) this week that Kmart is refusing to carry FHM magazine. It’s good to know of another point of difference for newsagents. While I appreciate FHM may be considered by some to be close to soft porn, newsagents are not censors. It’s up to the OFLC to regulate such things. No, the decision by Kmart should be embraced by the publisher and by newsagents – maybe with fresh promotion to drive traffic to newsagents.


    What is News Ltd doing pushing BP over newsagents?

    I am godsmacked that News Ltd’s decision in South Australia to ignore newsagents for their Star Wars DVD giveaway this weekend. For over one hundred years newsagents have been the retailer of choice for publishers. While an occasionally fractious relationship, the support by newsagents for newspapers and vice versa has been extraordinary and a key reason, in my view, why newspaper sales have remained relatively strong in Australia while they have fallen elsewhere around the world.

    The people at the Adelaide Advertiser have made a decision to ignore newsagents this weekend with their Star Wars DVD give away. The over the counter promotion is being run exclusively through BP retail outlets. The promotion will be supported in the press and on radio.

    This promotion sends the wrong message to consumers if you want a strong newsagency channel. It undermines newsagents as the destination point for newspapers and boosts BP instead. It undermines independently owned small businesses and boosts a multi national brand. It dilutes the relevance of newsagents to other suppliers – magazine publishers and distributors and other newspaper publishers will note the News action and possibly follow.

    Newsagents have helped Rupert Murdoch achieve an incredible worldwide footprint. It is disappointing to see News forget those who helped make the company great.

    Newsagency challenges

    Microsoft enters the classified business

    According to CNet’s news.com: “Microsoft is developing a free online service that will let people list items for sale, events and other classifieds-type of information that can be shared either with groups of friends or anyone over the Internet, the company said Tuesday.”

    While this new offering from Microsoft seems to be quite different to the recently launched Google Base, that it is playing in the same space of classifieds is significant but not that unexpected blow to print media. It’s integration with MSN in particular takes the idea of classifieds to a new place and makes them more appealing to the IM generation.

    Newsagency challenges

    Do under 30s read classified advertisements in newspapers?

    The Editors Weblog quotes Rupert Murdoch saying: “I don’t know anybody under 30 who has ever looked at a classified advertisement in a newspaper,”. While I don’t disagree, I thought a quick quiz of the under 30s team at my software company was in order. Here is what I asked:

    Rupert Murdoch has said that no one under 30 reads classified ads in newspapers? Do you agree or not? What is your experience with classifieds? i.e. – great / cumbersome / so yesterday…

    Here are their responses (with names omitted):

    Female: Age 27
    Only the classifieds in the local leader paper for ads for Garage Sales etc.

    Male: Age 28
    Only to read my own ad (not a personal) when I place one. Otherwise it’s the net to find anything.

    Male: Age 28
    I have read them but only if I am looking for something in particular. E.g. Car or House etc. This is in conjunction with associated sites. The sites are better though!

    Male: Age 27
    Agreed, newspaper classifieds are obsolete! So much easier searching the net and finding exactly what you want.

    Male: Age 24
    I occasionally read it. I never get anything out of it. I agree to a certain extent. However, you don’t always get ALL the information from the internet. For example, if you were looking for a used car, what you might find in the classifieds you might not find on websites. Same goes for houses. I’ve been hunting for a house and though I look on the internet for possibilities, I still read the classifieds in papers … and I’ve found that some of the houses advertised in classifieds I can not find on the internet.

    Male: Age 29
    I agree. If I want anything I use the net to find it.

    Male: Age 24
    I agree with Murdoch. I don’t read newspapers fullstop. Why? Mixture of reasons come to mind ;Time, money, the environment and accessibility to information the internet provides. I think the whole newspaper demographic has changed since the arrival of the www. And the way modern society is today, today’s newspaper is yesterdays news…
    My homepage is also a news site – ninemsn.com.au

    Male: Age 27
    I’m 27 and I don’t read the classifieds. In fact, I don’t even get the paper. I’m more of a ‘catalogue’ type of person. It’s really a matter of need.
    If I’m in the market for a house or car, or something relatively expensive, I’ll exhaust every resource before I make my mind up. This includes the classifieds, Trading Post, and the internet. The upside to the internet is that if the item I want can be reviewed, it’s really easy to read other users’ opinions. The paper just does not have such information.

    Male: Age 24
    I will search the net if i need to purchase something (ebay or tradingpost) and if i need a service like cleaner, gardener I normally check the yellow pages. So no I don’t usually read classifieds in papers.

    Male: Age 19
    I don’t buy papers or look at classifieds. I’ve been to tradingpost.com.au maybe twice? I agree with Murdoch about this.

    Male: Age 29
    I regularly read the classifieds in the local papers when looking for local tradeys to work on our house.

    Male: Age 24
    I don’t read the ads in papers, if I want to read classified ads I always go to www.tradingpost.com.au or eBay.
    Even for news I wouldn’t buy a newspaper. My homepage is a news website.

    Female: 21
    I read MX because I like the stories. I don’t read classifieds as I don’t want what they sell.

    Hmm… MySapce.com and other companies recently purchased by Murdoch’s News Corp, connect well with this demographic.

    According to the people in my company, Rupert Murdoch was right. I’d also suggest, however, that the under 30s are less likely to purchase most of the items advertisied in classifieds so I think this is more about need of the demographic than a judgement against the newspaper medium.

    The next question, of course, has to relate specifically to where under 30s access news and while some above have cmmented on this, a response from everyone would be valuable.

    Media disruption

    The talented Sony PSP

    Macworld reported overnight that a software upgrade for North American users of the Sony PSP delivers RSS feed support making it even more of a content player than a games console. Back here in Australia newsagents are using the PSP to replace printed newspaper delivery run lists – the device Velcros nicely to the dashboard.



    Kakuro to take over from Sudoku?

    Interesting report from the International Federation of the Periodical Press about magazine launches around the world and in particular their report of the launch of Total Kakuro. Here’s part of what they say:

    Justine Wall, publisher of Future’s puzzle portfolio, said: “The word of mouth around Kakuro is steadily building and is set to be the biggest new challenge for puzzlers next year. Not only is it incredibly addictive, but it’s for everyone who has mastered Su Doku and is now looking for a new and taxing challenge.”

    The crossword segment is very strong in Australia and the Sudoku market has reached a plateau recently so a new game to take Sudoku fans to a new level would be good to see.


    Support for video iPod from Disney and Clear Channel

    This MediaPost report is further proof of the impact the video iPod and similar devices will have on publishing. While all of the attention is on more traditional TV and film entertainment, the attraction of younger consumers must interest magazine and newspaper publishers.

    In some respects it’s like the existing supply print distribution channel has a cancer and while we can mitigate and or delay the impact, the impact itself will not change. Hence my regular calls for the distribution channel (aka newsagents) to hop on the surfboard and ride the wave of change rather than stand in awe while it dumps on them.
