A blog on issues affecting Australia's newsagents, media and small business generally. More ...

Author: Mark Fletcher

Disruptive social media

This video of what one couple saw on September 11, 2006 puts the citizen journalism movement into perspective and demonstrates how disruptive social media can be to mainstream media. While our TVs have been busy these past few days with slick content commemorating, analysing and dramatising (as if it needs to be) the events in the United States, Bob and Bri have released their home video of what they saw 36 floors up from their apartment near the World Trade Centre. The video is amazing. Raw. Unnerving. Shocking. Compelling.

With so many outlets now available online for user generated content newspapers, TV networks and magazines are challenged to keep up. Traffic to sites such as YouTube, revver and others is proof that people enjoy unfiltered material.

Source: Digg.

Media disruption

New Idea up 100% today

New Idea, featuring Steve Irwin, sold more than twice the usual Tuesday number in our shop. Woman’s Day was down 33% suggesting that discretionary purchasers made the choice for New Idea. It is not uncommon, however, for people to buy a magazine for the cover today and shift their regular purchase to later in the week. We’ll see how the numbers stack up by the end of the week.

It’s likely our success with New Idea is unique because of our commitment to give 5% of the cover price to Steve Irwin’s charity.


Warning to newsagents

The software on offer from POS Solutions, a competitor of my company, does not currently comply with magazine distributor standards. It has not complied for around three years. POS will be able to provide proof of their compliance in writing from the distributors once they have achieved this. Ask for this proof.

Software from my company is compliant and Computerlink has been since the beginning of IT standards for newsagents. It frustrates me that there is silence by so many – suppliers, newsagents and newsagent associations about the failure of POS Solutions to deliver compliant software.

Compliant software saves newsagents time and money. Non compliant software costs time and money. If industry suppliers cannot adhere to standards what hope is there for newsagents?

This silence by suppliers and associations has to end as it will be the only to pressure POS to deliver compliant DOS and Windows software. I sad DOS because most of their users still run DOS and there is no technical reason for them to hold back providing compliance on their DOS platform and therefore save newsagents the $15K+ it costs to migrate.

While POS will complain to their lawyers about this they would be better off spending the money necessary to provide compliant DOS and Windows software.

Newsagency challenges

Why the government must act on Australia Post

The Federal Government refuses to consider that Australia Post has an unfair advantage over independent small retailers like newsagents in the stationery space. The unfair advantage was no more evident than on last night’s ABC-TV Evening News in Brisbane. There was a story about their Driving Through the Years stamps. Australia Post is able to get national TV coverage for their stamp launch and a free kick for their retail outlets which sell the special edition stamps.

I’d have to front nude day or some other stunt in my newsagency to get similar TV coverage.

The 865 Government owned Australia Post shops have given over more than 80% of their floor space to non postage product, yet they are able to get their brand on national TV free of charge because the government protects them through their stamp and postal service monopoly.

Wake up people! Australia Post is hurting independently owned small businesses like newsagencies. They use the brand I as a taxpayer helped them achieve to now compete with me. They can sustain losses in stationery because of their stamp business. I don’t have that luxury. Their actions will cause some of these small businesses to close. The losses incurred will be blood on the hands of Mr Horward, Ms Coonan and their colleagues. They have been told about the aggression of Australia Post yet the ignore the facts.

Mr Beasley and the Opposoition could do well to focus some of their attention on this. Small business is a big consitiuency and the government, through its Australia Post inaction, makes a mockery of its own Small Business ‘policy’.

Newsagency challenges

New Idea sales up 46%

The Steve Irwin cover story helped push New Idea sales up 46% today compared to the average Monday sales from the last four weeks. That’s a brilliant result by any measure. Each other weekly title today performed in line with the average of the last four weeks.


Superdraw week pushes sales

It’s a $22 million superdraw this Saturday night and this means newsagents will enjoy anything from 10% to 30% increase in traffic. Smart newsagents will leverage this bonus traffic into increased sales of other product. The challenge is to have sufficient product of the traditional product – magazines and newspapers, especially through the end of the week. I’d like to see our circulation suppliers to work with the lottery superdraw calendar to create the ideal win win. Some smart work could help me and other newsagents tap into valuable cream from the traffic hit.

I’d like to see: increased supply of weeklies and dailies; special offers; promotional offers tailored to connect with the lottery promotion.


Frogs in a pot?

Tom Mohr has written an excellent piece about newspapers and the challenges they face online for Editor & Publisher. He words are clear.

Newspapers must win online, or face a future of painful contraction.

Mohr’s words are in contrast to those of Australian newspaper executives who, in recent weeks, have told us all is well.

The low rumble of shifting ground is palpable. Not only is the shift towards online; it is, in tandem, a shift away from print. Not dramatic yet, perhaps—but clear. And the impacts continue to ripple.

He eloquently tugs at the ‘mission’ of newspapers and calls all involved into action against the forces challenging newspapers today.

I believe newspapers’ social purpose—the building of civil society in cities and towns across America through the daily output of good journalism—is worth fighting for.

The article is long but essential reading to everyone earning an income from newspapers. Mohr is blunt with his views.

Newspaper industry leaders are frogs in a pot. The water’s starting to boil, and it’s time to jump. Only 19 percent of 18-34 year olds read a daily newspaper; 44 percent of them go to a web news portal. Broadband penetration has reached 57%. The blogosphere is doubling every 5 ½ months. Search provides instant access to the world’s information. User-generated content has turned the authority model of institutional media on its head. Peer-to-peer networks, tag clouds and reputation engines are fundamentally changing how people engage with content and communications.

Australia is a long way from the US. Here, unfortunately, we are not seeing commentary from publishers even close to that from Mohr and others.


Buy the New Idea Steve Irwin tribute issue and we’ll donate to Wildlife Warriors

ni-blog.JPGThe folks at New Idea were kind enough to give us a heads-up about their Steve Irwin tribute edition coming out tomorrow (Monday). This advance notice has enabled us to ensure that we received extra stock and are ready with display real-estate and materials to ensure we move it.

We know from sales decay data that we sell between 60% and 80% of all weeklies in the first day on sale so being ready is critical. The issue looks good, claiming a never-before-seen interview.

We will donate 5% of all sales of this New Idea and other Steve Irwin memorial product to his Wildlife Warriors Worldwide organisation. This 5% of retail value represents 20% of our gross margin.


Herald Sun reaches US$40.00 a copy

Newspapers featuring Steve Irwin are prices high at eBay. Check out ads placed offering the Daily Telegraph – $6.50, the Cairns Post – $42.99, and, the Herald Sun – US$40.00. Even the poster for The Australian – $22.50.

While I respect the right of people to trade what they want, as long as it is not illegal, I would like to see eBay take a stand on this stuff and donate their advertising and Paypal fees to the work of Steve Irwin. It is wrong for them to trade in his death. I know they will have excuses and say that their community are their police on matters like this, the reality i that from every ad for Steve Irwin product they make money. eBay ought to show leadership on this.


Now here is a news agent

mac-blog.JPGWhen Graeme Baker at newsXpress Macarthur reads a major breaking story online he prints and displays the story at the counter and next to the newspapers. Graeme’s idea is innovative and reinforces his news outlet credentials with his customers. While it’s a low tech solution, it is immediate and personal and that’s what matters in the case of breaking stories like the Peter Brock news yesterday and the Steve Irwin story on Monday. Other newspaper outlets such as coffee shops, petrol stations, supermarkets and cinemas would not take this effort to connect with news. Watch while newsagents follow Graeme’s lead. I will. Yep, Graeme is a news agent.


Our Classifieds 2.0 business gets more coverage

Simon Sharwood of ZDNet has this story about our Find It online classified offering. It’s good reading what others think about your projects, especially one we have been working on for two years. I particularly likes that he understood the newsagent connection:

“Australia’s newsagents see 15 to 17 million customers a fortnight,” says Fletcher, who also owns a newsagent to test his company’s software.

“That is an incredibly powerful network that will talk to us every day. Word of mouth is incredibly powerful in this business,” and Fletcher hopes that newsagents’ friendships with regular customers will drum up business for the site. Newsagents will also sell pre-paid vouchers for ads on the site.


What happens to magazine returns?

returns-blog.JPGNewsagents return, on average, 50% of non top 100 seller titles. The photo to the right is our stack of return product waiting to go back for two suppliers. Four trolley loads. We are not alone with these piles stacking up our back room.

I have always thought that returned magazines are either pulped or returned to the publisher for back order stock. If what I heard yesterday is correct, one magazine distributor, or another party they supply, is offering returned magazines to doctors and other professionals for use in their waiting rooms. I’d be disappointed if this is true.


Fairfax rewards award winning newsagents

Fairfax has announced it will reward the newsagents that have been selected as finalists for Newsagent of the Year 2006 with 2% bonus commission under the terms and conditions of Fairfax’s contract. The problem with this is the award process. There are no published criteria. Success is not based on any published KPI. Nomination is up to suppliers. To my mind, without detracting from the many worthy winners over the years, the Newsagent of the Year awards are more about patronage than business success. I know of many successful newsagents who are not politically connected and who have a low profile who have not even attracted a nomination.

In 2001 my company, Tower Systems, came 14th in the BRW FAST 10, 21st in the Deloitte Tech fast 50 and I was a finalist in the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year. I know something about award processes. In each of these three cases the process was rigorous and independent of the awarding body and sponsor. Getting to the finals required meeting considerable KPI measurements. The entire process was transparent and this gave participants trust in the outcome. Also, the process itself was beneficial.

If newsagents want to grow up and be taken as serious business contenders they need to ensure that their annual awards process is more transparent from the nomination process up. While many past winners would win again, a broader pool would be included in and benefit from the journey.

Fairfax and News could start the ball rolling by establishing criteria for nomination. That their Account Managers can nominate is a flaw because the nomination list comes down to personal relationships and they depend, to a certain extent, on brown nosing.

Newsagency challenges

The Bulletin sells out with Steve Irwin on the cover

bulletin.jpgThe Bulletin with Steve Irwin on the cover is a sell out in less than two days according to the several newsagents I have spoken with. The challenge is to get more stock to satisfy demand for an appropriate printed keepsake. I’d expect ACP Magazines to respond as they did with the Kerry Packer issue earlier this year and print more and maybe even produce another feature. Customers aren’t thinking twice about buying this issue.


Australia Post and AFL calendars

We were offered the range of AFL licenced calendars a few months ago. 40% off RRP. Payment 30 days on invoice. You had to take all clubs or nothing. Given the cost of real-estate we said no as the numbers didn’t’ stack up. Today, I noticed Australia Post opposite my newsagency with the AFL calendar display almost blocking its entrance along with a bunch of other AFL merchandise. I want to know what deal Australia Post negotiated which a network of 4,600 newsagents could not. Are they on more than 40%? Have they been provided longer to pay? This is another example of the calendar marketplace becoming less interesting. Australian Post strays further and further from being a postal outlet and the government doesn’t care.

Newsagency challenges

Has Google become just another landlord?

I own a retail newsagency in a major shopping centre as well as Inkfast, an online ink and toner business which I advertise primarily through a Google AdWords campaign. Earlier this week I suspended my Google campaign when daily costs jumped 500% without any increase in sales. I know from recent experience that communicating with Google to discuss the situation is useless since they do not provide personal service. Responses are impersonal and not directly answering any query put. It’s the same with a landlord. Ours decided to do maintenance to the door out the front of our shop during the day, blocking the entrance and killing traffic and sales. This is despite their refusal to allow us to do any maintenance work on our shop during the day. A complaint resulted in an impersonal and irrelevant response.

Major companies like Google and shopping centre landlords need to answer questions from tenants and customers personally. They need to be transparent. They need to stop hiding behind off the shelf double speak as a means of deflecting a serious issue – in my case this week serious concern about possible click fraud.

What is interesting is that Tuesday was our first Google free day in several months. Sales were double our average for a Tuesday.

Newsagency challenges

Blog traffic and feedback

In October 2005 we averaged under 700 visits to this blog each day. Last month, the average number of daily visits was over 2,000. While I am not obsessed with such numbers, they are interesting as are comments from people reading postings here. We turned off online comments because the site was being attacked electronically. We’re currently working out how we can support reader comments nunder the Movable Type platform we use. Thanks for the private feedback.


Ads on newspaper mastheads

A newspaper would never, ever mess with its masthead logo for an advertiser.

So says Steve Safran, Managing Editor of the respected The Lost Remote in a post about the ethics of advertising. He needs to see the Fairfax broadsheets, the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. Both have been carrying post-it type ads stuck on the front page in the middle of the masthead. Customers hate the ads and they cause litter. No upside from what I can see.


In death, Steve Irwin wins the home town crowd

Newsagencies are like taxis, customer comments at the counter can provide an excellent pulse of community opinion.

The death of Steve Irwin on Monday afternoon provoked an outpouring at our newsagency counter today unlike any I have seen in my ten years except for the death of Princess Diana. I am sure our experience is not unique. From people old and young, the outpouring was heartfelt. Many who would not usually do so, purchased newspapers just to read about him. It says something about the man. In hindsight, it is a pity that it took his death for us to take him to out collective heart.

Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your perspective, there is bound to be a commercial consequence of his death. Features in newspapers and magazines. Maybe once off publications. A published part work series of his TV shows. The reaction in the last 24 hours suggests any and all of these would be a winner. Crucial to any such exploitation would be to spread his message of conservation.


Newsagents sign up to sell online classifieds

map-blog.JPGThis is our network on newsagents who have signed up to sell online classifieds for Find It when the site goes live in several months (we’re in pre-beta right now and all ads are free). I have displayed the map out of pride of the extent of the network we have built in just eight weeks and to demonstrate the value of navigating locations by map. It is map and other flexible navigating (search) which will make print classifieds in some categories obsolete.

Online classifieds