Intermedia disrespects newsagents
A newsagent colleague contacted Intermedia yesterday wanting to purchase InStyle – for the Hairdressing Professional magazine for sale to a customer. The Intermedia representative said they would not supply the newsagent and that they wanted the customer direct – expecting the newsagent to hand over customer details. After further discussion agreement was reached to supply the title at full retail price to the newsagent.
So, the newsagent, providing exceptional customer service and hunting down the publisher, is rewarded with no commission. The usual commission for a magazine is 25% of cover price. Shame shame shame Intermedia.
Intermedia needs to decide whether they want newsagents to support their other titles such as Inside Film. Newsagents could be excused for pulling Inside Film if Intermedia does not change its approach.
Newsagents are the magazine experts. They offer a low cost road to market for publishers, especially Australian publishers. Companies like Intermedia need to respect newsagents and work with them on building sales rather than rejecting them.