A blog on issues affecting Australia's newsagents, media and small business generally. More ...

Author: Mark Fletcher

New partwork series coming

Here’s the launch schedule to which I alluded earlier this week for new partworks in coming weeks;

May 23: FELICITY WISHES – girls 2 to 6.
May 23: YU GI OH GX – boys 8 to 11.
June 6: CHARMED DVD – females 18 to 45.
June 6: HARRY POTTER CHESS – children 7 to 11.
June 20: FIFI AND THE FLOWER TOTS – girls 3 to 6.

It’s a solid roster of new titles. Knowing the release schedule helps us allocate high proivide space through the launch season and have our putaway paperwork ready.


Sophie Randall Cards and Gifts update

It’s been six weeks since we opened our Sophie Randall Cards and Gifts business in the same centre as our newsagency. The planning for this start-up is bearing good results. Sales are tracking well across all categories.

The average sale value is $12.50. Single item sales occur less than 20% of the time. Labour costs are under control as are other overheads. GP is above our target. We’re finding the business delivering a significantly more efficient business model.


We’ve experiences some shrinkage and have installed a camera system to help address this. We’re doing more lay-by business than expected.

Importantly, we’re not experiencing any cannibalisation of our newsagency which is on the level above.


Theft in newsagencies

We are working on another case of employee theft in a newsagency. The employee had a $200 a day budget and made that every day for the last year and a half, plus their wages. Tracking the evidence is straightforward. The police have what they need to send the patter to the DPP for consideration. The cost to the business could have been reduced had the newsagent checked GP or used the audit tools in their software. Managing theft is usually done best once you’ve been hit – until then it’s always someone else who is affected.


Modern Wedding Cakes magazine

wedding_cakes.JPGThis issue of Modern Wedding Cakes has been supplied to us by NDD four times. 12/7/06: supplied 7 (we returned 6); 3/11/06: 5 (4); 7/2/07: 4 (2); 9/5/07: 2 (probably – 2).

Given that NDD has our sales data and given the commitments on their website, I cannot understand how this issue of this title has slipped through the cracks and continues to be supplied.

After the July 2006 experience the next delivery of Modern Wedding cakes I ought to have received is the next issue, not this same issue another three times.

This ‘pusher’ type behaviour suck cash out of my newsagency and, I am sure, hundreds, if not thousands, of others.


Fat New Woman


New Woman magazine this month is fat. Well, wide. So wide in fact that it takes two pockets to display. The free umbrella stuck on the side is too big to fit into a single pocket.

I like the giveaway but hate the way they have gone about this. It makes retail display challenging and leads to mess. However, I know that putting the umbrella behind the counter would dilute the benefit of the giveaway.


Is NDD too nervous to deal with First Fleet?

It seems that NDD is getting nervous at the alter of a deal with First Fleet for the packaging and distribution of their magazines. Since my first post on this issue five days ago, NDD management have reportedly been busy telling various stakeholders including its existing distributors, publishers and newsagent representatives that there is no deal and that their titles will not be distributed by First Fleet.

Maybe NDD could tell First Fleet that the deal is off and then issue a statement to newsagents and publishers confirming this.

Newsagency challenges

New Emporium magazine stumbling

emporium.JPGEmporium magazine, the new quarterly published by News Ltd for Myer has been out for a week today and is struggling. Beyond a supply model from distributor, NDD, which does not appear make sense – some newsagents who could sell the title were not allocated any and others who would sell 4 or 5 were allocated ten times this – the title is struggling.

First up there is the issue of collateral material. Very little has been supplied. This makes launching the title with any visual noise challenging. It makes the cynic inside me wonder about the newsagent role in the Myer / News Ltd / NDD partnership. Maybe our role is to give the title presence on the shelf more so than to achieve sales.? Hmm…

Emporium is a good product and certainly presents well in its category. The problem is that the category is well served so finding shelf space is difficult. I need new titles in the fashion area to work immediately to justify the premium space. In my store, after a week, Emporium is not working. We have located it in the fashion area as well as in a special display in a high traffic area near the counter.

I plan to give Emporium another two weeks. If I have not sold at least 10 of the 25 supplied I’ll return everything receive early. Carrying 25 copies until September if they are not selling does not make sense.


US supermarkets checkout magazines

The Kroger supermarket group is replacing magazines at the checkout of its 2,500 stores with financial products according to this report.

While I understand the important role supermarkets play in the magazine retail mix, it frustrates me knowing how much publishers pay, directly and in-kind, to have their product in premium position. 4,600 newsagents provide premium positions for no additional charge. One day, the major publishers will realise the value of that support.


3loves free online dating site out of beta


Our 3loves, free online dating site has come out of beta with a new design and close to 7,000 active profiles. For a free site, 3loves packs a punch if we do say so ourselves. Compare it to RSVP, lavalife, redhotpie, match, adultmatchmaker or indeed any of the paid for sites. 3loves delivers what they deliver with absolutely no cost involved.

3loves has been in beta release since late November. With the new site design just launched is better functionality and even stronger scammer barriers. We are striving to keep 3loves scammer free.

3loves was targeted earlier this year in a Google ad campaign siphoning traffic off for RSVP. Once we outed the scam, the campaign which benefited the Fairfax site was shutdown. We learnt a lot about affiliate marketing and how NOT to promote our free online dating offering.

We’re using 3loves to generate traffic for our Find It online classifieds model which is being launched in partnership with newsagents. Ads currently running on 3loves include three which directly benefit newsagents.


Free daily newspaper conference

Free daily newspapers are growing so much in the US that a conference has been created to discuss strategies. Newsagents ought to have a fly on the wall representative at the conference. Free dailies are here to stay, they are a valuable part of the print mix for publishers. Our interest is that we need to be educated about trends before they impact our businesses – hence our need to be at this conference.

Thanks to Newspaper Innovation for the tip.

Newsagency challenges

Returns missing at Network Services

Supplementary magazine returns are those returns sent by newsagents to magazine distributors ahead of their recall date. This is usually done because of gross over supply, an uneconomic shelf life or lack of shelf space.

At a meeting of 35 newsagents in Newcastle this morning all but two reported that they have trouble getting the PBL owned Network services to credit newsagents for supplementary returns on time. These newsagents cite month after month of having to call and email chasing credits – often resending the returns from two and three times.

There is no such delay by Network on the other side. They expect newsagents to pay on time and cut off supply if this is not achieved.

The anger in the room of newsagents toward what seems to be a sloppy and labour intensive supplementary return credit practice was palpable.

All newsagents are looking for is for the Network accounts department to treat newsagents as they, Network, demand newsagents treat them. Waiting two and three months for credits for supplementary returns is an awful impost on these small businesses.

It was odd today in Newcastle to hear of so many newsagents reporting that their supplementary returns go missing. Network management must be aware of the problem.


More regional magazines


Regional magazines are more popular than ever, or so it seems. Coast, Cravings and Dish are good examples of the genre, covering a specific region from the perspective of the title’s subject matter. While SA Life is the pin-up child of regional magazines – it’s taken the SA market by storm – a swag of more niche titles have entered the market.

Regional magazines, such as the three above, are usually of high content and production quality. They have to be to break through the clutter on newsagency shelves.

In my own newsagency, as best we can tell, we have more than 15 Australian regional magazines. Not SA Life however. .

A challenge for regional magazines is where to place them. While their subject matter dictates current location, there are so many that I’d like to create another area featuring regional magazines and thereby underscore an important point of difference we offer. Such a display may be short term given that few of these titles pay their way. Of the titles we carry, data shows that only three have sales which come close to justifying their existence.


Magazine partwork season in Australia

Over the four weeks from May 23, five new partworks will be launched. Most are for children except for Charmed which focuses on a broader demographic. I know from personal experience that Gordon and Gotch has a list of newsagents who aggressively promote partworks – make sure you’re on it if appropriate.


Inefficient transport tickets

With commission falling on transport tickets across the country, newsagents need to look very carefully at the overall benefit of these products to their business. While transport tickets generate excellent traffic, I’d suggest that this traffic is inefficient for many newsagents with more than 70% of transport ticket sales including nothing but the tickets purchased.

Few newsagents are successful in extracting greater efficiency from transport ticket sales. In some areas time is against them as tickets are purchased by commuters rushing to catch a bus, tram or train. In other cases, the purchase is connected with work, making the purchaser not open to upsell. I’ve seen newsagents employ all manner of tactics to turn ticket sales into multiple item purchases.

Factor in the cost of stock – in Victoria we need to order at least $4,000 at a time and can only order every 10 days – and the cost of offering eftpos / credit card payment. With a 4% commission there is not enough left to cover the cost of carrying the stock.

Of course, the customer purchasing the transport ticket today maybe the customer who purchases a newspaper or a card tomorrow. See how difficult it is to navigate this issue.

It seems to me that Governments and others involved in the transport ticket supply chain have newsagents over a barrel. We (newsagents) are too weak to stop selling tickets so we accept lower and lower commission, believing that traffic is better than nothing. I’d like to see a professional study undertaken of what happens when a newsagents gets out o the ticket business. Does the world end as some say it will? Or, is the business better off?

We stopped selling tobacco products in my newsagency nine years ago and the benefits far outnumbered the lost sales.

Newsagency challenges

Chopping naturist magazines

Tan.JPGNaturist magazines are dying if the data from my newsagency and others I have seen reflects a national trend.

While never in the top selling titles, Tan, H&E and a couple of others usually paid their way at least. No more – I suspect that these titles are not cash-flow positive in any newsagency.

Without a stocking subsidy to cover labour and real-estate costs, there is no choice but to request that the titles are no longer supplied. While the publishers will not be happy with the position, they need to understand the cost to newsagents of under performing titles. Each magazine pocket had a real-estate cost. Each issue has a labour cost to process arrival, return and upkeep. Then there is the cost of lost opportunity, of having underperforming stock on the shelf.

This is what newsagents must do – decide on the threshold, where depth of range can be cost justified and then kill the titles which fall below. Cash-flow is the ideal measure since it goes to the heart of a healthy business and it is very easy to measure month by month title by title.

It makes no financial sense for me to subsidise Tan and H&E just so I can feel better about my magazine range. The saved pockets will enable me to better display nearby titles which are selling well.


The high cost of jury duty on small business

A newsagent friend has an employee away on jury duty with a cost to the business of $145 a day in wages to the employee and $152 a day for the casual employee brought in to cover. For the first 10 days the juror was compensated $36 a day and this comes back to the employer. After the first 10 days it increases to $72 a day – leaving the newsagent significantly out of pocket.

When the juror sought permission to be excused from selection because they worked for a small business which could not afford them being away for any length of time, the court refused and left the newsagent with an expense the business can ill afford.

While I understand that the jury system needs people of all walks of life, such a high cost imposed on small business employers seems unreasonable.

Ripping thousands of dollars off the bottom line of a struggling small business does not seem just.

Newsagency challenges

Is this the next free newspaper in Australia?


Is Sensis planning to move the Trading Post newspaper from a paid model to a free model?

Open any edition of the Trading Post weekly classifieds newspaper and you see them actively promoting their online offering. It makes sense given how much classified advertising has migrated online.

I know that in Victoria, sales of the Trading Post, at $3.00 each, continue to fall dramatically – 25% in the last year based on data I have seen from many retailers. Sales will reach a point that the retail presence is no longer viable.

This is why the Sensis experiment with the Trading Post in the Northern Territory is interesting. In NT, the Trading Post is handed out free – just like mX is handed out free daily in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.

The Sensis investment in the NT experiment is considerable – they print an NT edition in Melbourne and ship to NT. There is nothing in this about building for retail sales of a print edition. The NT free edition pushes the website so the goals are clear.

If the NT experiment works I’d expect to see free distribution of the Trading Post elsewhere. They have to do something to keep the brand alive while they transition from print to online.

Maybe Trading Post will be the next free newspaper distributed in Australia. It makes sense and if I were a Telstra shareholder I’d be all for it.

Newsagency challenges

The Land stuck on ad

the_land.JPGThe Land from Rural Press, now part of Fairfax media, has a post it note type ad stuck in the middle of the front page.

At least this time it’s not on to of the masthead. Still, editorial would have to be at least a bit miffed that an ad has been given priority over their cover photo.

As with these stick on ads on the newspapers, they generate trash and frustration. Advertisers will realise one day.

Thanks to my colleague in NSW who tipped me off with the photo.


NDD, First Fleet and magazine distribution (II)

My blog post yesterday about reports I had heard about NDD discussing moving their deliveries to First Fleet resulted in calls from various people who did want to be named. Some were wanting to find out what I had heard, others want me to name my sources and others had extra information.

I am confident that the report is accurate and that NDD is considering or has considered in this past week a commercial relationship with First Fleet. Whether it happens or not is another thing. I would have thought that newsagents and publishers would be against such a move as NDD and First Fleet would be the only stakeholders to benefit. For example, without the opportunity to share costs, newspaper publishers and others using trucks currently used by NDD would have to either pay more or make alternative arrangements.

While I accept that NDD must put its business needs first, the experience of 2004, when Gotch and Network moved to First Fleet, and the resulting fall in the quality of distribution services must concern them. In making the move they would lose a point of difference.

Newsagency challenges

Powerball jackpot opportunity at the newsagency counter

powerball_20mill.JPGTo the many newsagent suppliers who read this blog I wish one of your would seize the opportunity of lottery jackpots. This Thursday Powerball offers a $20 million prize. Lottery sales will be up by around 20%, much of this as a result of additional traffic. Upselling across or near the lottery counter is easy and newsagents would welcome the opportunity to add value to a lottery product sale.

While entrepreneurial newsagents use jackpot traffic to boost sales elsewhere in their business, others, the majority, do not and they would wait for a supplier driven offer.

My pitch to suppliers is that a network wide offer attuned to easy upsell at or near the lottery counter would be ideal. I appreciate there are costs associated with creating and distributing such a product and that the risk in expecting newsagents to embrace the upsell tactic is considerable. However, until a supplier tries this we will not know if it works.

Personally, I know hat upselling around a jackpot is easy. In my newsagency, the team has had success with magazines, pens, other lottery product and newspapers. With at least twelve such jackpots a year the opportunities are regular yet still special.

I pitched this idea to Lovatts, the crossword folk, a year ago and it seemed to be too hard for them. Hopefully another supplier can come to the table with a timeless product offer which will work with lottery customers. What we need is the ideal win win win where suppliers, newsagents and customers benefit.
