Cartridge rescue good for the environment
Since we promote the sale of ink and toner products inside and outside our newsagency, a complimentary recycle service is essential.
Six months ago we replaced our Planet Ark cartridge recycle arrangements with an arrangement which we feel is more friendly to the environment. All cartridges returned by customers are sent to Cartridge Rescue which reuses them. More than 90% of all they receive are reused – to date, the folks at Cartridge Rescue have reused 2 million cartridges. This is far better than chopping the used cartridges and making them into something else: reuse before recycle is their mantra.
Given that newsagents cop flack in the media from time to time over plastic bags and paper waste (Thanks John Dee of Planet Ark), it is good to be part of positive action on an environmental issue. Talking about Cartridge Rescue with customers provides another reason for them to visit our store when they run out of ink – to take care of the spent cartridge appropriately and to buy a replacement – a win win.
newsXpress organised the Cartridge rescue relationship and rolled it out through the entire network of stores – these are listed at the Cartridge rescue website.