Newsagents have received intimidating correspondence from Mobius Financial Services Pty Limited today outlining what Mobius considers is their obligation in relation to the rental agreements around the Bill Express equipment.
The correspondence demonstrates how completely newsagents were been conned by Bill Express, those who promoted the Bill Express offer to newsagents and those on whom newsagents relied to undertake due diligence on their behalf.
While Bill Express Directors are shareholders are walking away from debts of $250 million and probably more, newsagents are set to be chased for years to pay off equipment which is useless.
How ironic? Big business walks away and small business is left to pay millions for equipment it cannot use. No wonder newsagents are angry.
Newsagents were presented a single package of documents when they signed up for Bill Express. We were told that we had to sign all of these to get Bill Express in our businesses. While the fine print might have revealed that one agreement was with Technology Business International (TBI) and another with Bill Express and that there was no relationship between the two or no common ownership structure, mopst of us trusted the representations of Bill Express, their agents and the ANF, all of whom promoted and recommended we proceed.
TBI sold the book debt to Mobius earlier this year and called in the liquidators two weeks ago. Only then did newsagents see how much they were conned.
While Mobius will say they bought the book debt fair and square and that they are not party to the Bill Express problems, such a position is, I would hope, open to challenge.