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newsXpress launches exclusive $10M opportunity with a beloved Australian brand

My newsXpress newsagency marketing group has launched an exclusive product range opportunity to its members valued at more than $10 million to retailers in the group.

Bring supported by professional public relations and marketing teams with a focus on national, state and regional TV, radio and print media, this newsXpress exclusive is set to drive traffic to newsXpress stores listed in all the marketing.

To be in-store in a few months, newsXpress members have been fully briefed on the products and they are making arrangements to support the opportunity with value-add products to maximise the revenue from the program.

From what I can tell, this is the largest exclusive opportunity for newsagents in a marketing group in the history our channel. It has come about following over a year of work by the newsXpress team working the key stakeholders.

This program will attract new shoppers to the participating newsXpress businesses and the websites they operate.

newsagency of the future

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