With the school year about to start and many now back at work after a summer break, we have an opportunity to turn our mind to 2025.
Hmm, if you’re starting to think about 2025 in your newsagency now, you are coming late to the party. For many, planning for 2025 was well under way six month ago. Never mind. Even late planning is better than no planning.
Let’s start by looking at what we think might happen in 2025 in the context of our Australian newsagency channel.
Newspaper sales will continue to decline. Newspapers will generate less traffic for your business. The financial contribution they make to your profit will fall. I expect over the counter newspaper sales to fall by between 10% and 12% this year.
Magazine sales will continue to fall. While magazines will generate less traffic, the decline will not be as much as newspapers depending on your approach to magazines. Newsagents with a strong commitment to special interest and niche category titles will have a good year. Those who focus only in the top 100 magazine titles will have a less good year. I expect overall magazine unit sales to decline by between 9% and 11% with the majority of that decline to come from the top 100 titles.
Stationery sales will be good, up, in newsagencies that gave a range tuned to local everyday needs as well as a focus on offering stationery for those who love stationery. This is an important distinction. People who buy stationery because they have to focus on convenience and function whereas those who buy stationery because they love it buy because they have found something not often seen elsewhere. Newsagency can play in both of ese spaces well, and thrive. I think stationery revenue can be up 10% if we put our mind to it.
Greeting card sales. As with stationery, people buy greeting cards for different reasons: obligation, guilt, expressing love, to be remembered in the future and because they like the look of a card. Newsagents who do the bare minimum and leave managing the card department to their card suppliers will have a flat year, maybe a decline – not because of the card company but because of the disinterest by the business owner in this vital category. Newsagents actively engaged with cards, those who pitch cards as an impulse purchase and those who understand and lean into the different reasons for buying cards, they will have a good year – I expect growth of 5% to 10% in card sales.
Gift sales. This is open land for harvesting, good land, fertile, ours for the taking – as long as we approach gifts as if this was the only category on which we could rely in our business. If we stock the kind of gifts a supplier says are perfect for a newsagency, the year won’t be so good. If we stock outside that quaint expectation and play outside what our businesses are known for, it could be a good year. I know newsagents expecting 25% growth in gift revenue this year, and more.
Online. This is the biggest opportunity for it’s us reaching people who will never set foot in our shop. In one of my own shops where our website is barely eight months old, we’ve already done $25,000 in online sales in 2025, with nothing spent on marketing. I know of a newsagent mature in online who has done $40,000 this year online. What we achieve is only constrained by our imagination. No, budget is not a factor, not from what I see.
2025 is a year of opportunity for our Australian newsagency channel. What we achieve is up to us. If we do nothing outside of what has been usual for us, we hold our business to the trajectory of 2024 and prior. If we change our approach, if we have a 90p degree turn, if we open some new does, if we fundamentally reset our shop with little consideration of what some expect of an Aussie newsagency, 2025 can be a year of terrific grow, wonderful profit and a feeling of achievement.
What have you got planned for 2025?
It will be a year of change that is for sure.