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A note about mental health and newsagents

Balancing the demands of a small business with personal life is a constant challenge, and often lonely. For many newsagents in 2024, this balancing act has become even more complex due to economic situations, new competition, and shifting supplier dynamics.

Too often, changes are forced on newsagents without care as to the personal impact.

Sadly, some people find the weight of these pressures unbearable. Recently, our channel lost colleague who chose a tragic path. The pain their loss has no doubt caused loved ones and colleagues will be felt for a long time.

We are not alone in life, no matter how challenging the situation. If you or someone you know is feeling overwhelmed, please reach out. We know form health carer professionals that talking about suicide with someone may reduce the risk.

Signs of distress can be subtle, they can be a cry for help. If you notice changes in someone’s behaviour, such as withdrawal, increased irritability, or a sudden decline in performance, talk and offer support. A simple conversation can offer comfort and understanding.

Remember, you are not alone. If you are struggling, please reach out to a mental health professional or a crisis hotline, please talk with someone.

Here are resources that can help:

  • Lifeline has an excellent 24 hours help line 13 11 14.
  • Beyond Blue also offers a 24 hour counselling service: 1300 22 4636.
  • In Victoria, the Suicide Line is a 24 hour service: Call 1300 651 251.

Let’s all of us in our channel work harder to create a supportive community where everyone feels valued and heard.

I feel for the family and colleagues of the newsagent who recently felt they had no path forward.

Social responsibility

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  1. Michael

    The situation referred to here is dreadful. I feel so much for the family. I hope that the right people read this post and reflect on actions they have have contributed in.


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