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Do newsagents see their future as a community hub?

Here’s a short video from me exploring this quote from Helen Dowling, CEO of Newspower, in an article published at www.realcommercial.com.au.

Newsagents are the hub of a community. And that’s a great word to keep in mind – community. For a lot of small towns, the newsagency is a one stop shop, so it’s all about what they can offer their community that’s not there already.

I disagree with Helen, as I explain here:

The purpose of every newsagency business is different. The notion of us all being the same and having the same focus is old-school. Years ago, when newsagents were primarily agents, being a hub in the community made sense. Following deregulation and the dilution of the value of being an agent, the commercial value of being a community hub, too, diluted.

What is the future of the local Aussie newsagency? It’s bright for those who look beyond tradition and embrace change.

Thinking of yourself as a community hub feels to me too limiting, out of date and not commercially focussed.

I am glad this quote from me made it into the article:

There are newsagents in regional Australia making up to $500,000 a year selling gifts and homewares. They still do the legacy stuff, but their real interest as retailers is in non-newsagency items. That’s where the future lies.

As I cover in the video I shot this morning, our channel is different to the past. People need to realise that, including plenty who serve within the newsagency channel. Look ahead people.

I own and run newsXpress, a marketing group that competes with Newspower. Like everything I post here, this post reflects my opinion.

newsagency of the future

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