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Father’s Day is over, what’s next in the newsagency?

Engaged retailers have their plans in motion for port Father’s Day activity on the shop floor. For some it will be a move into Halloween, for others it will be a Spring launch of new products, for some it may be a move into graduation and / or wedding season, while for others it will be clearance ahead of Christmas.

It’s important that there is a shop floor reset from today, a major reset, the kind of reset shoppers notice and comment on, something that gets people talking to others about.

Today is not too late to consider and act on a post Father’s Day reset.

Taking down Father’s Day and not making a change into something fresh is a mistake in my opinion. Certainly, newsagents years ago would do that, do nothing after Father’s Day for a while. Our in-store actions back then were guided by suppliers. The needs of suppliers don’t match the in store calendar needs of newsagents, or any retailers.

Focussing on a Spring launch would need you to have bought stock months ago to be ready for this. The same is true with Halloween. Graduation and Wedding are easier to lean into as there is plenty of product available and you could have it in-store within a few days.

If you have not planned for post-Father’s Day and want some tips for what you could pull together easily, here are my suggestions relying on products you are likely to have in0store right now:

  • Kids activities. This pitches stationery and toys. It appeals to a good cross section.
  • A post-Winter sale. It’s a good opportunity to quit what’s not working.
  • Graduation. People will buy early. You need to guide them through with product opportunities right in front of them.
  • Colour block. This is easy. Bring together in a font of store display everything you have that features the colour you choose. My advice is do this for a week and then change colour, and repeat this change for a month. It takes care of in-0store promotions for 4 weeks and that gives you time to plan. Here are some photos from one of my shops.

Colour blocking displays like these can be put together in an hour. They use existing stock. Customers always comment positively, and they find things they never knew you stocked. This is why a colour block display is my go-to if I am not sure what to do next. They are also differentiating since most retailers will not do a cross product category display like this. here in suburban Melbourne, these colour block displays work for us.

Back to post Father’s Day though – do something. Make a statement,. Get shoppers in-store noticing.

Newsagency management

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