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Where can I find a newsagent near me?

Where can I find a newsagent near me? It is the most common search online with the term newsagent in the search. There are around 20,000 such searches a month in Australia. Once we add similar and related searches, the number hits 40,000 a month.

Smart newsagents come up first in the search results, showing on a map. Check if you come up in the results. If not, you need to fix that by following well published, like this, Helping newsagents find local shoppers using the free Google Business Profile, that I published here and via ALNA.

The thing is, though, this search Where can I find a newsagent near me?  is not the biggest search relating to our channel and what we sell. People don’t search for a retail shingle, they search for an outcome, a product, brand or category. Someone looking for a birthday card is many times more likely to search for birthday card than for a newsagent. Don’t take my word for it – the evidence is in current search data for Australian online searches.

It’s one reason you need the be thoughtful in what you call your products if they will ultimately me sold online. I saw a newsagent recently call a Jellycat Bashful plush toy and pink plush toy. People will for search online for a pink plush toy, they will search for a Jellycat plush toy with Jellycat being the most important word in the product description.

By all means try and index well for newsagent. My advice, for what it’s worth, is to invest time in indexing well for brands and product categories as that is where the real traffic is. This focus will also help as you transition from legacy newsagency products into better margin and traffic generating products for which our channel is not known.

If you have a website connected to your newsagency and you want to catch some easy traffic, write a blog post with the headline of Where can I find a newsagent near me? and write about your business, what you offer and why visiting your shop could be satisfying if you are asking Where can I find a newsagent near me?.

I trust you can see what I have done here. yes, I have done exactly what I suggest you do. Use the headline based on this most common of questions and answer it in in the context of your website. Search engines and AI LLMs will ultimately learn from this.

Newsagency management

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