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Digital sales of lottery products

I read recently a news article claiming that around 30% of lottery sales were online. That number is wrong when you consider the FY2022/23 Annual Report from The Lott:

The Lottery Corporation’s digital reach

The Lottery Corporation continues to successfully grow its digital presence through the release of regular website and app enhancements, data-led personalisation, and dedicated marketing focus to maximise visibility and traffic. Our business adjusted for the return of pre-COVID purchasing behaviours which, as expected, had a greater impact on our Keno business than our Lotteries business (being more closely associated with in-venue play in pubs and clubs which were closed during COVID). Our digital channel is a growing and significant part of our business, accounting for 38.4% of Lotteries turnover and 13.9% of Keno turnover in FY23.

Their half year results released in February this year saw this grow.

1H24 also saw digital share growth resume (up 120bps to 39.6%) following a period of consolidation of COVID era gains. 

It stands to reason that the number will be higher in the soon to be released FY2023/24 Annual Report.


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