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Newsagency of the Future – a free online workshop about retail newsagency businesses

Join me via Zoom Tuesday May 16 @ 11am Melbourne time for a Newsagency of the Future workshop.

I will share up to date retail newsagency performance data, sales data from outside our channel for categories allied to what we do, thoughts on the rest of 2023 and into 2024. I will also cover some trends into the future that present opportunities.

There will be an open Q&A.

While Covid continues to circulate, it is over from a disruptive perspective. I think there are things we can leverage from the pandemic experience. I also think there are category opportunities for growing business GP% and attracting new shoppers.

I am not running the session to sell you anything, or to get you to sign ups to anything. My sole motivation is for the retail newsagency channel to be strong, vibrant.

It is a competitive world out there and I think all of us in retail newsagency businesses can do better.

Here is the link:


Meeting ID: 849 8277 1189 Passcode: 103292

I’ll record the session.

Anyone is welcome.

Newsagency management

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