A blog on issues affecting Australia's newsagents, media and small business generally. More ...

Newsagency performance: comparing Jan – Mar 2023 vs 2021

Here’s a video I shot last week for newsXpress members in which I high-level compare the first quarter of this year at my Malvern (VIC) business with 2022.

I share this here as any newsagent using the Tower Systems newsagency software can produce the same report for their business. They can also select the category version for a deeper analysis. There are other options, too, for even deeper analysis.

Each of us is the most important competitor our business has.

Cross period revenue growth is important.

GP growth is even more important.

It is vital to transition from the 28% – 32% traditional Vally of GP for newsagents to 35% to 40% and more.

I think anyone pitching revenue / profitability growth opportunities to newsagents should support these with evidence. Our channel has had too many snake oil salespeople.


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