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If you are finding shoppers more concerned about price

If you have noticed a change in shopper behaviour because of interest rate / inflation / wage suppression challenges, one option that could help is discount vouchers a facility in the Tower newsagency software.

Discount vouchers offer a way for you to add value for customers while encouraging spending with you rather than elsewhere.

Being dollar based, the value of the reward you provide is more easily understood than points.

I have seen retail situations where shoppers are concerned about money and have embraced discount vouchers because they offer a reward in currency rather than grey points. Garden centres and pet shops are retail channels where there is years of success for the vouchers.

In my own newsagencies I swear by them. Good redemption rate. Better value per shopper visit. The vouchers easily pay for themselves from increased sales.

I made a video about this a year ago in which I show the vouchers and explain their use.

With news outlets being drawn to negative stories about consumer sentiment it’s appropriate to have a structured course of action in-stopre that plays against that narrative being pushed.

The vouchers are a small business differentiator as the supermarkets and other big businesses cannot match them.

Management tip

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