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The broken Nine Media accounting process

My Westfield Knox shop closed December 21, 2022. All suppliers were notified.

The newspaper companies were problematic though. Both delivered papers after the last agreed delivery date. news didn’t;t bill. Nine Media did. They wen on to bill a week later, after we have left the centre.

Like most comms from Nine Media newspaper offices, responding to their auto generated emails is challenging.

The processes look and feel broken. They are certainly time consuming.

Not only to they treat newspaper home delivery customers poorly, they treat retail newsagents poorly.

It’s pathetic really.

Footnote: The lease was up mid 2020. we advised the landlord in late 2019 that we did not wish to continue, explaining that our focus had shifted to more successful high street settings. They asked us to stay given the centre was undergoing development. They made an offer to cover just over a year extra, which we accepted. The departure was planned, amicable and structured months out.


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  1. Mark Fletcher

    More than a week on and Nine are still charging for papers to an account that was closed mid December 2022. Broken.


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