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Selling outside your newsagency – a free workshop for newsagents about online, how to, where to and when to

Join me online for a free workshop this Monday, October 17, at 10:30am Melbourne time in which I will explore with you how, when and where to sell to people who will never shop in your shop.

I will share experiences:

  • Selling interstate.
  • Selling overseas.
  • Dealing with fraud.
  • Packing and shipping.
  • How to sell what you don’t have in your shop.
  • Pre-selling.
  • Payment methods.
  • Marketing, including Google image advertising.

I will also cover factors that may mean online is not for you.

In addition to the group websites my business has created for retailers in the newsXpress marketing group, I have single-store online shops connected to three of my retail businesses, each in a specialty niche, each attracting good business. I’ll take you under the hood to see what that looks like and explain how any retailer can do this.

This is not a sales or marketing event. It is pure business advice you can go use any time that suits.

Meeting ID: 868 9685 9959 Passcode: 877510

Online is here to stay, and sales from online are growing. My goal with this session is to provide information so you can make informed decisions about online.

While the session will be recorded, I will decide after the event whether I release it.

Newsagency management

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