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I think News Corp. is saying they didn’t adjust production schedules for daylight saving

here’s what they sent retail; newsagents today:

30 September 2022

Daylight Savings

Dear Newsagent/Retailer

A reminder that daylight savings is due to commence this Sunday.

Production will run to current deadlines on Saturday night, impacting arrival times of Sunday’s papers by up to 60 minutes.

Please let your customers and staff know, and convey our apologies.

Should you have any questions, please contact your Area Sales Manager, Area Logistics Manager or the News Retail Support team on 1800 639 700 or via email at newsagents@news.com.au.

Kind Regards,

News Corp Australia


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  1. Dean

    In the 10 years I was a delivery agent, the rule was daylight savings starts after deliveries are finished. This was both at the start and end of daylight savings.


  2. Michael

    The letter from News is a maze.


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