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Lottery Office competitor to traditional lotteries appears to be gaining traction

www.lotteryoffice.com.au, owned by Global Players Network Pty Ltd , is appearing in several social media feeds and while they are not engaged in paid advertising as much as in their past, traffic to their website is growing as this graph I pulled yesterday. The second graph shows keyword penetration in key groups.

I mention it because I suspect plenty of lottery retailers are not aware of this competitor that offers games related to overseas lotteries.

They pitch interestingly on Twitter. Here’s a post from yesterday, for example:

8% of their online traffic comes from people searching for lotto in Google. This keyword is searched 301,000 times a month in Australia. The Lottery Office ranks at position 6 currently in Australia.

I don’t know their revenue, or whether they are winning customers from sales of over the counter games. What I know know is that they are present in the marketplace, and pitching themselves well.

Their website shares more information abut them:

The Lottery Office is operated by Global Players Network Pty Ltd. We are Australian owned and operated and licensed by the Northern Territory Government. We have offices in Darwin, NT and on the Gold Coast, QLD.

The Lottery Office is unlike other companies. Our unique business model allows you to enter our own Government approved lotteries. When you enter one of our lotteries, we will then purchase a matching ticket in a major overseas lottery and we will claim any prize that is won from the overseas ticket and pay you the exact same amount. This ensures we are able to pay out any prize and not have to rely on an insurance policy like other companies. It also allows our players to have the chance to win from matched tickets with major overseas lotteries having prizes reaching into the billions.

I mention this so as to avoid confusion.


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  1. Graeme Day

    There is no doubt their pull. the Lott plus Occupancy costs (Rent) are the two mast asked questions from propsective purchaers. If the Lott Commissions pay the rent and then some other overheads then the newsagency is wanted.
    Times have changed and not necessarily for the better but it is what it is.


  2. Mark Fletcher

    This post is not about The Lott, it’s about a different business.


  3. Graeme Day

    I am well aware of the post and its message. My answer was in the same vein about the improvement and want for soft gaming on line (you mention this often) and I referred to the presence it has for newsagents at store level.
    Buyers want and seek Retail the Lott and would also do so if it was Retail The Lottery Office.
    Can’t see a problem with the comment either way.


  4. Helen

    I have only just found out about this website. Is there nothing that can be done here?


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