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The creative approach to seeking employees at Sainsbury’s

In London, like elsewhere, every second retail business has a sign up looking for staff. The Sainsbury’s approach is eye-catching, especially if you like a delicious looking slice of sponge. Interestingly, in the shop I saw the sign, they did not have a sponge like this for sale.

I have seen so many businesses pitching for employees. Most the signs were boring, nothing special. A few, though, were creative and enticing, like Sainsbury’s. Oh, and Leon, a chain coffee outlet. While their coffee is mediocre, like 80% or so of coffee outlets in the UK IMHO, their approach for recruiting is excellent.

Then, there was this one in the window of a pizza restaurant. In a bold and clear move, they advertise the wage rates:

If you are having trouble finding new staff, consider a different pitch on a sign in your window.

Newsagency management

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