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Ryman the stationer does stationery so well

I am grateful for the opportunity over the last few days to have seen several Ryman the stationer businesses in London. They do it well. Usually in a small format. They make excellent use of the space. The shops are easy to navigate, and appealing. Prices are keen, too.

The photos illustrate the value of a consistent group-wide approach in their retail story.

They do stationery well, better than anything else I see here in the UK.

Plenty of inspiration here.

Thinking about each of the Ryman stores I have been to the takeaways are:

  • Brands matter.
  • Efficient space use – not overcommitting to a category or brand.
  • Product adjacencies are key to drawing people in.
  • Pitching a value offer, even if they offer is not the best going around.
  • Employ staff who understand what you sell.
  • Always be selling, even at the sales counter when ringing up a sale.

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