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The cliche in all good newsagents is ignorant

It’s illustrated cover day… Hang on… IT’S NEW ISSUE DAY! Our lovely packed Autumn issue is out NOW available in all good newsagents

This pitch was put out by a publisher this week in the UK. I see the same phrase used in Australia from time to time.

in all good newsagents.

It’s a marketing phrase from decades ago that has no value, no place in business today.

Embedded in the phrase is that if the product is not in a newsagency you visit or contact, that’s a bad business.

Also, the phrase assumes that the newsagent controls what they sell. In some product categories, like magazines, in Australia we do not control what we sell.

I wish the phrase would no longer be used, by any supplier, not just those supplying newsagents.

I did a search through Google and Twitter. The phrase in all good newsagents is widely used. Ugh.

Burnouts Australia, Ozcorp cards, Mama Disrupt, Chillfactor, Fishing World, Natgeo Kids, Science Illustrated … these are some of the businesses using the lazy and ignorant phrase. Magazine publishers especially need to understand that they have far more control where their product goes than newsagents.

I get this is a small issue, probably bothering only few. But, it’s on my mind … and now I’ve written about it I can move on.


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