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Online, what matters more? You, or what you sell?

Newspower recently sent our marketing that claimed 6,245,277 searches on Google. I knew this was wrong and shared with them data on actual Newspower searches.

The Newspower website itself gets around 16,800 visitors a month. The term Newspower accounts for 3.42% of its traffic. The Newspower website traffic appears to have dropped around 30% over the last 18 months. I shared this with Newspower and their CEO said the claim of 6,245,277 Newspower searches on Google has been mistakenly stated. It was not our intention to mislead any reader with this information, and we will now advise those readers with clarification of the information.

Here is comparative traffic data that I collected this morning using SEMRUSH for 4 newsagent brands / groups.

The thing is, though, this does not matter.

What matters is what people search for online.

newsXpress has a comprehensive, easy to access, multi-faceted online strategy across multiple web platforms. Since I own a newsagency software company too, I have made sure this is easy, and successful for our members.

But back to what people search for online. Here’s a 13 minute video I made this morning that offers real data examples.

If you want revenue from online shoppers, my advice is that you seek it from multiple channels: your own website, websites connected with your marketing group, social media and more.

We have moved from the one pathway to sales, through your shop front door, to today’s world of many pathways, which often connect.

How, when and where people shop has fundamentally changed. This was happening long before Covid. But, Covid, has sped things up.

A challenge when it comes to online is trust. Plenty of people and businesses make claims. Ask for evidence supporting any claim. Their response to you asking for evidence could indicate a simple mistake, deliberate misleading or ignorance … it could also provide evidence that their claim was accurate, which would be ideal.

Online is like to gold rush era of the 1800s in Australia. It’s a rush with people of varying skills and experience our there, in the rush. take care to make informed decisions.

And, yes, it is vital you join the rush. Too much business today is transacted online for you to not engage. Engage now and expect to sell to people you’ve not sold to before.

newsagency marketing

Join the discussion

  1. Amanda



  2. Allan

    I received an advertising email from newspower with the 6,245,277 number but nothing since. Are they going to publish a retraction?


  3. Peter



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