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Crikey invites Murdoch

Crikey, a respected independent news outlet in Australia, yesterday invited the Murdoch organisation to sue them, to put into action threats made against Crikey.

The Lachlan Murdoch letters
Nearly two months ago, Crikey mentioned the words Murdoch and Murdochs in an article about Fox News, Donald Trump and the Jan 6 insurrection in Washington. The next day Lachlan Murdoch threatened to sue us. Today, we are publishing his legal threats — and open letters in the US and Australia inviting him to follow through. We believe in freedom of the press. We thought he did too.

Crikey has run an ad in the New York Times and the Canberra Times:

Independent journalist Mark Sawyer writing at Michael West Media provides useful and excellent background to this story.

And, as we now know, a matter in on foot.


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