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Can we sell a $3,750.00 item in a newsagency?

Yes, we can, and we do, and we did within 3 hours of having the item.

Coins attract loyal, valuable, shoppers.

We sell mint coins from $15.00 through to this magnificent piece. But this post is not about coins, not really. It’s a bout what is possible in any local newsagency business.

What we used to do should not define us.

What we like, or don’t like, should not limit us.

Who we see in our shops or on the street outside should not limit who could shop with us.

What we sell today should not limit what we could sell tomorrow.

What you sell in your shop is up to you. All it takes is one unexpected success to brighten a path forward.

Too often, I see newsagents limiting their view of what they could achieve in their business, because of advice from an accountant (who is not a retailer) or advice from a bank manager (who, also, is not a retailer) or from their own view of what their business is.

Today’s in 2022, there are no boundaries, no rules, no limitations.

Your newsagency can sell anything. What it sells is up to you.

The challenge for our channel is that since forever we have had suppliers telling us what we can and should do, suppliers defining our borders and being paternalistic about decisions we make and about how were run our businesses. For too long too many in our channel have been happy to be agents rather than retailers, happy to be told what to do rather than to lean into free will and consider what we could do.

While many in our channel have found their way out of the agent world, too many are still in there, still chasing a few bucks they could win from a supplier for a good display of low margin product, rather than chasing many more bucks from, you know, actually selling higher priced and better margin from that same supplier requested display space.

My point is, if you are still reading this (thank you for that!), this $3,750.00 coin sale is no longer unusual for us. The first one did open my eyes. Like so many things we have tried in the past, we learnt from it, leaned into it and found more gold on the pathway. Any newsagent can do this. With the right relationships, capital is not a barrier.

And, my experience is not alone. I know of plenty of newsagents with sales outside of what has been traditionally, sales that caught their attention and propelled them to more change in their businesses.

newsagency of the future

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