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Covid rapid test opportunity

Through the newsXpress retail marketing group business I own I have access to Covid rapid tests. The first shipment sold out. We have access to two more charter flights landing Feb 11 and Feb 16. The tests being imported are TGA approved: Clungene and Alltest. Each retail pack has 5 tests. Each box has 240 retail packs. The wholesale price of $43.90 per retail pack (plus GST) delivered. That is $10,536.00 for a carton of 240 retail test packs delivered. The current retail price ranges between $60.00 and $75.00 for these 5-test packs, putting the 240 units at a retail value of between $14,000 and $18,000.

We have to finalise our next order today, and pay in advance for it on Monday.

If this interests you, please email rapid@towersystems.com.au with your business name and address and the number of boxes (240 retail packs per box) you would require.

We will get back to all who register with advice as to whether we hit the required minimum for the order. If it proceeds, we’d need payment by Monday.

Sorry, there is no opportunity to break the boxes.

The challenges with importing Covid tests are causing logistics costs to surge overseas and locally as there is a scramble for stock. This is a key factor in the wholesale being what it is.

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